Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 449 Guild Ranking

Chapter 449 Guild Ranking

What mission is more impactful than the main mission.

What enemy is more influential than the Federal Law Enforcement Corps, the Army of the North, and local law enforcement officers.

Therefore, the Scarlet Battle Banner is the most influential guild.

At least that's how it is today.

Then Su Mo also received today's guild ranking reward, the guild leader's damage increased by 20% that day, plus [-] gold coins, and a gold heavy armor.

The damage increase of 20.00% is already very powerful.

Ten thousand gold coins is 8 yuan.

If the money is divided equally among the guild, each person can still get one hundred.

You can eat food for several days with 100 yuan, and no one will think it is too little.

But most of the guild members chose to refuse, because they felt that they had already received enough money these days, and any amount of money would not mean much to them.

Smart people will pay more attention to the vision.

Since we won the first place this time, everyone hopes that this first place can be maintained forever.

The ten thousand gold coins were finally used to develop the guild.

After getting along for such a long time, Su Mo found that Sheng Shi An Ning is a hero among girls, because most girls want their balance to be as large as possible, and it is best to be able to buy things without going to work for the rest of their lives.

Shengshi Anning is different, what she seems to dislike the most is seeing money in the guild account.

Su Mo was still immersed in the dream of being the president of the first guild, so she had already brought some materials over.

"These are the people who applied to join the guild recently. I think you can take a look. These are recommended by the brothers in the guild. Life is more difficult in reality. I hope we can lend a helping hand."

"If the latter can be verified, then all of them will be recruited. Who are the former?"

"Some are the same as the people behind, but they took the initiative to enter the game, thinking that it would be better if everyone hugged together to keep warm, and some are not the same as us, but they are masters in the game."

Very clear dialogue, which contains some information that is not literally.

Shengshi Anning hoped that the guild would recruit people other than veterans, otherwise she would not have sent the information.

This matter is different from creating a mercenary group and upgrading a guild. This is already related to the fundamental issue of the guild, so she chose to ask.

Su Mo was silent for a while, obviously he was also thinking.

He didn't immediately refuse, which means that he is not too pedantic. He doesn't think that as long as he has been a soldier, he must be a good person, and his quality and morality must be better than others. partner.

Su Mo has a bottom line, but he has no principles.

His principle has always been to break it down for fun.

He once got pissed at serving dishes at the Golden Arches and swore he would never go to that damn place again tomorrow, but he ran away the next day and stole a big bag of bombs that were supposed to be destroyed when he got off work. Chicken legs and wings.

Su Mo didn't think about it for too long. If he agrees, he agrees, and if he disagrees, he disagrees. People who think about an issue for too long will never achieve great things.

"Then let them come, but make it clear to them in advance that we are a guild composed of veterans, and the purpose of our establishment is to give those disabled veterans a means of self-reliance to earn a living, and when they first came in It can only be a peripheral member, as for the future, it depends on their performance."

Su Mo quickly made a decision.

No matter what decision you make, there are advantages and disadvantages. If this is the case, then naturally choose the advantage that outweighs the disadvantage.

"Do you think there will be people willing to come like this?" Sheng Shi An Ning sighed, but she had expected such a result, and it was much better than she expected.

Even if Su Mo rejected her outright, it wouldn't be surprising. Su Mo couldn't do anything.

However, letting experts come to the Scarlet Battle Banner as a peripheral, obviously also arranged a trial period for them, thanks to him being able to figure it out.

Once a person is shameless, he is truly invincible.

"Don't worry, there will definitely be some. Some of them may admire the so-called soldiers. These people either really admire them, or they are Ye Gong who loves dragons. They can always be screened out. Some of them may want to start a career and feel that our guild Their quality is relatively high, so it’s not bad to keep such people, and some people may just be curious about why our Scarlet Battle Banner won the first place, some are just purely curious, and some are sent by others.”

"So that's the case. Fortunately, you didn't say that it was because you were handsome that they wanted to go through fire and water for you." Sheng Shi An Ning heaved a sigh of relief.

"I actually wanted to say it, but it's too basic," Su Mo sighed, and asked again, "Is there still no pretty girl willing to come to our guild?"

"If you are willing to treat Qiuqiu as a membership benefit, it is estimated that its female fans will desperately want to join." Shengshi Anning said with a smile.

"Your thoughts are really dangerous. Am I inferior to Qiuqiu?" Su Mo stared at her unwillingly.

"I'll go first." Sheng Shi Anning tidied up, turned and left.

"Hello!" Su Mo raised his voice.

"I'm busy, bye." And then she really left, refusing to answer the question, not even trying to put it off.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and decided to go kill the monsters to calm down.

As the leader of the guild list, he got a one-day damage bonus. If he didn't race against time to level up, he would be really sorry for this benefit.

The selected leveling object is a pirate.

By the way, you can use some cards to exchange for arrows, and the ore needed by the little blacksmith is almost ready.

The basics can be gathered easily, and the cowhide of several thousand gold coins ores a day is not just arbitrarily boasting, even those ores whose names have not been heard before, it has also obtained a lot.

Unfortunately, there are still several that cannot be found.

That's why Su Mo wanted to teach everyone another lesson as Lai Fu, so that it would be easier to obtain rare ores.

Today, Su Mo is not the only one who hunts pirates.

The warship began to enter the player's field of vision, and they began to trouble the pirates, even if they couldn't find clues about the warship from the pirates for a while.

But searching in the sea is always more reliable than searching on the shore.

The guild influence list for the next day was updated in the morning, and the ranking for this day is based on the data from the previous day.

The ranking has changed a lot, and many dark horses have appeared.

The biggest dark horse is undoubtedly the newly promoted No.1.

That's right, the No.1 of the Scarlet Battle Banner was lost. They only lasted for a day yesterday, and they fell from the first place to the second place.

The new No.1 is brotherhood.

That is to say, Shifang Mingliang's guild was just established two days ago, and the number of people is not particularly large, less than 2000. The standard of income is set very high, and the treatment is also very high.

Unexpectedly, if they didn't sing, they would become a blockbuster, and today they will be the first.

(End of this chapter)

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