Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 450 Main Quests and Active Points

Chapter 450 Main Quests and Active Points

Others couldn't guess the reason, but Su Mo could.

Isn't it the main mission.

Shifang Liangliang probably has already handed over the main task, and it would be unreasonable for him not to take the first place for the completion of a main task.

The active value is more than 4, 3 more than the 3 of the Scarlet Battle Banner, and twice as much as the 2 of No.4 Temple of Gods. As for No.[-], it is finally Ragnarok this time.

From the guild rankings of the past two days, we can also see a problem.

That is, the old guilds are basically gone.

Only the Temple of the Gods has a large group background in reality. When I feel that this game has a bright future, I immediately go crazy for Krypton Gold. There is also Twilight of the Gods. Millions of capital injections have become the benchmark in the game financial circle.

It is also a catalyst to stimulate the ambition of gamers.

Besides, at least [-]% of the top [-] are new guilds.

Among the top-ranked guilds, Su Mo has dealt with Snow Wind Kingdom, Dragon City, Crescent Tower, Galaxy Empire, Dragon Club, Black Whale Gang and so on.

The Black Whale Gang was once led by Laifu to gain experience with the apostles, and later they fired the original gang leader Wang Defa, which was considered a sensation.

The current gang leader is blue in the heart of the lake, capable and ambitious, but his methods are vicious, and his reputation is not very good.

I heard that their guild has recently applied to the authorities for a name change, intending to call it the Eternal Kingdom. By then, the scumbag guild names like the Black Whale Gang will become history.

Although the guild does not have the option to change its name, the official game is not a state-owned enterprise, so the rules are not so rigid.

Shi Fangming's guild won the first place, suppressing the Temple of the Gods and the Twilight of the Gods. He must be very happy, that person seems to have really found his place.

Su Mo didn't intend to wake him up, he just wanted to make 200 million in a logical way.

In fact, no matter who wakes him up, it doesn't make any difference, it's just a matter of time, as long as he has the resources and strength in his hands, and he is surrounded by a group of interest seekers, sooner or later he will be pushed to the forefront.

Shifang Mingliang was very happy at this time.

Sitting in his rented guild quarters—a house with a yard in a medium-sized town—he felt that the whole new world was different for him.

In the past, I thought that I would be able to make friends with everyone in the world. Everyone has friendship with him, and everyone should give him face.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.


Isn't it the respect of others, he already has it now, and it was never achieved before.

His brotherhood ranks first in the guild list. The Temple of the Gods, Ragnarok, Dragon City, and Scarlet Battle Banner are all under his pressure. Who else can disrespect him?

The masters invited before have decided to join now, and they don't even care about halving the promised benefits.

In many cases, power and interests can solve problems that face cannot solve.

Those who apply to join Brotherly Love can go from Los Angeles to Tallinn, but he has to choose carefully, not those with poor strength, not with bad character, and not with disobedient...

His eldest brother and father also recognized his ability.

It was agreed that as long as you enter the top ten, you only need to pay 2000% of the 20 million you get to the company. Now brotherhood has become the number one, which is much better than the agreement.

So when my father was happy, he gave another 2000 million.

The 2000 million, together with the previous 2000 million, only took away his 20% share.

The eldest brother also sent him several assistants to enter the game, some with a doctorate in management, some with a master's degree in law, and some with senior accountants.

Brotherhood is now on the road of rapid development, faster than any other guild.

Then, Shifang Mingliang thought of Tiema Binghe, that is, Su Mo.

His feelings towards Su Mo were very complicated. Su Mo told him how to be respected more. He was very grateful to Su Mo, but also a little unhappy. Why didn't he think of it.

Why do you need an outsider to remind yourself.

Moreover, a few months ago, this outsider was just a person who had to plan carefully for dozens of gold coins.

There is also Su Mo's dark fragrance and sparse shadow, which is really powerful and dreadful.

People who know Su Mo are envious of him being able to open his own bar - at least so far, any store opened by a player in the game is actually owned by the game company and can only be regarded as working for the game company.

Only Shifang Mingliang knows that the most precious thing is not the bar, but the dark fragrance and sparse shadows.

Shifang Mingliang spent at least several million in that place. Whatever you ask for, you will get what you want.

Shifang Mingliang sat on his chairman's throne, looked at the chirping birds in the yard, and seemed to see through them the countless intelligence spies behind the bloody battle flag, which was a force stronger than 500 people and 5000 people. the power of.

Brotherly love is deep, and it should develop faster than the Scarlet Battle Banner.

Shifang Mingliang stared at his clenched fists bewilderedly, but he was not so sure anymore.

Others may not understand why the activity value of Scarlet Battle Banner is so high, but as the brotherly brother, he raised the activity value to more than 4 today, so he naturally understands why.

So Shifang Mingliang was very afraid of Su Mo.

Su Mo is doing the main task.

Su Mo is indeed doing the main task. He brushed monsters all day yesterday, and his mind and body are exhausted. Although it is not unbearable to continue to brush, he doesn't want to do it anymore.

So quickly raised to level 36, already very remarkable.

For others, three days may not be as efficient as Su Mo's one day, so Su Mo intends to continue to promote the main task.

The main quest of the first expansion pack, Blood Moon, is estimated to have been completed. Today’s guild ranking suddenly rushed to the first place, which is proof of the deep brotherhood. Even if there are still some endings, the official will open the second one in the near future. information sheet.

At that time, he will be the main character in the game.

The masked monsters are still raging in the north, and for the bloody battle flag, they have received a steady stream of rewards from Santos, such as an experience ball that can add 100 million experience points, more void masks, and some prestige rewards, basically all of them are taken The guys who learned how to burn scrolls took it away.

Su Mo came to Tallinn.

It’s still raining in Tallinn. In fact, people in this city don’t hate rain. When they go out in the morning, they always take an umbrella whether it’s raining or not.

And when it rains, it can always make this city that is shrouded in thick smoke all day cleaner.

The rain washes the air and also the sins of the city.

Su Mo saw that the local law enforcement officers were driving away homeless people, checking their health, taking away those who could work, and probably selling them into factories.

Dead bodies can be carried out every day at the back door of the factories run by nobles and businessmen, and the labor force is extremely scarce.

(End of this chapter)

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