Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 451 Mel's Enemy

Chapter 451 Mel's Enemy

This is the most prosperous city in the Eastern Continent, but also a sinful city.

Su Mo walked through the streets in silence, and finally stopped in front of the tailor's shop. The door was closed, which meant that the tailor's shop was not open for business today.

At this time he saw a cat.

A chubby orange cat.

When he saw it for the first time, Su Mo was confused, that is, is this cat really that fat, or it looks fat because of its fluffy fur.

Now he has no doubts.

Because the orange cat walked in the rain, its whole body was wet, and its fur was clinging to its body. Su Mo could see the circles of fat on its body.

Even without hair, it is just as fat.

It may be for this reason that the orange cat hates rain. It shakes from time to time, making the rain splash everywhere.

After confirming that Su Mo had seen it, the orange cat turned its head and slowly walked forward along the protruding eaves of the shop. Sometimes the rain would be blocked by the shop, and sometimes it would rain on it again.

The fat butt twisted, twisted.

Su Mo followed from a distance, acting like a passerby who was shopping.

No one knew that he was Iron Horse Binghe, the leader of the Scarlet Battle Banner who was first in the guild ranking yesterday and second in the guild ranking today.

After walking for more than ten minutes, passing through two alleys, I finally stopped at a small house in a slum area. The dilapidated wooden door opened, making an annoying and piercing sound.

The orange cat shook the rainwater from its body several times in a row before finally walking into the house.

Su Mo also entered the house. Since the owner of the house might hate rain, Su Mo temporarily changed his clothes so that he was completely dry.

from head to foot.

The house had no windows, and it was raining in Tallinn today, so when Su Mo entered the house, his vision suddenly dimmed.

"You still know to come back?" In the dark corner, Mel glared at him, as if targeting a husband who abandoned his family.

Thinking that the other party's age could be thousands, Su Mo felt a chill down his spine.

Everything in this world can be sold, but his chastity is absolutely not.

"Do you know that I'm worried these days, lest I see my enemies sneer at me when I wake up, do you know!" Mel said sharply.

No one could calm down after being frightened for half a month.

"Isn't the enemy here yet?" Su Mo asked.

"Here, already here, he has come a long time ago, but he just didn't make a move, he is waiting, let me consume myself in the torment..." The woman was already a little crazy, the power of ice was in this small room It spread until the orange cat let out a very uncomfortable meow, which made her realize that she was out of control.

"Aunt Mel, I will find a way to protect you." Su Mo said softly.

He didn't have much experience in dealing with women, but at this moment, he seemed to be just right, as if he had learned without a teacher. Women need such comfort when they are anxious.

"Where is Dracula, didn't you go invite him?" Mel asked.

"I wanted to invite him, but he was very busy at that time. He was busy killing Otis and Smollett Brandon, and he himself was injured." Su Mo did not hesitate. Politely betrayed Count Dracula.

Of course, it is not considered a betrayal, because this information is meaningless to Mel. If it is to be sold, it will be more valuable only if it is sold to the Federal Law Enforcement Corps.

If it is sold to the Federal Law Enforcement Corps, the second expansion may be aborted.

But that is not in the interest of Su Mo, so he is the most staunch supporter of Count Dracula, even if he tortured him for three days and three nights, and used a beauty trick to kill him, he would not betray Dracula Count La.

"..." Mel didn't make a sound for a long time.

But Su Mo's hearing has always been very good, and she can hear her whispering to herself: "I should have thought of it long ago, I should have thought of it long ago."

"what about now?"

"A powerful vampire is coming, I don't know if Dracula will win over him or you." Su Mo said.

Mel was shocked when he heard the sound, and his whole body trembled a little.

Su Mo went on to say: "So I haven't told Count Dracula about this, that's why I didn't tell him."

Mel thinks Tallinn's winter is really cold.

She's a cunning vampire and should have been able to figure that out.

One is the remnant of the Keinstein family who has always been unwilling to serve, and the other is Howard Zmich, the leader of the more powerful vampire Zmich family who is likely to be wooed.

Even among vampires, the brutality of the Zmich family is notorious, and the people of the Zmich family have the ability to reshape flesh and blood. They can shape their amazing beauty by destroying the opponent's body, and can also help those who are hunted down. Vampire makeover.

The weight on the balance has long been tilted out of shape.

"Aunt Mel?"

Mel turned around abruptly, and saw Su Mo's smiling face. She didn't know why, she knew that Su Mo was weak, but she just felt at ease inexplicably.

"What do you think I should do?" Mel asked.

Her posture was finally no longer superior, she wanted to live, and was terrified of the coming Howard Zmich, thinking that Count Dracula would help her deal with this tyrant.

But now he was awakened by Su Mo's words.

Dracula would absolutely rip off her wings and place her whole on a plate in front of Howard Zmich.

"Let's analyze the strength of the enemy first. What enmity do you have with him?" Su Mo asked.

"It's not that I have any enmity with him, it's that we Keinstein have some entanglements with their Zmixi, the original cause is my sister Gina..."

Mel's older sister, Gina, is a famous beauty of the vampire family. At that time, the Eastern Continent was still the world of vampires.

A family with daughters begged, and Keinstein has since become the focus of many families when discussing marriage. In the end, Howard Zmich was favored by Gina, and they made a marriage contract.

And then there's the old fashioned love affair, with Gina falling in love with another family's prodigal son.

The Zmich family was mercilessly humiliated.

This family, known for its brutality and warlikeness, broke with Keinstein and started a war for hundreds of years. Hundreds of vampires died in the war.

Don't think that hundreds of deaths are very few, they are all pure-blooded vampires, if nothing else happens, there is no pressure to live for thousands of years.

With the difficult fertility of vampires, the death of a few hundred is equivalent to the Federation destroying the entire Northern Legion.

Although the two sides still hated each other, they both knew that going on like this was not an option. The consequence of weakening each other would be to benefit other families.

So Keinstein decided to betroth his youngest daughter to the humiliated Howard Zmich.

(End of this chapter)

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