Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 452 The Green Hat King Must Die

Chapter 452 The Green Hat King Must Die
The young lady of the Keinstein family finally did not break the engagement, and the two families became in-laws. Everything is moving towards a bright future, and time will slowly heal the pain left by the war.

Vampires are a race that is extremely loyal to marriage. No matter how messy their private life is before marriage, they will be loyal to marriage at all costs after marriage.

However, what people never expected was that the young lady from the Keinstein family cheated.

Howard Zmich became a cuckold.

Thus, a new war began, first between the two families, and then other families were quickly involved. A war that lasted for thousands of years was launched in that era.

Even if the vampire family faced the challenge of the human race, the two families never stopped.

Therefore, after Earl Dracula heard that Mel was a member of the Keinstein family, he gave the position as "the remnant of the Keinstein family", which shows that the entire vampire world does not have a good impression of the Keinstein family.

Some people even believe that it was the woman of the Keinstein family who brought the vampires to their demise.

"It was forced by Howard. He took pleasure in torturing his wife. My sister suffered a lot of humiliation at the Zmihi family. They vented all the anger brought about by the war on her. She is still so young, but she has to bear the burden." The hatred between the two families!"

The ice and snow began to wreak havoc again, and Tailor Mel expressed his incomparable resentment for the incident.

From Howard Zmich's point of view, the woman let him wear a cuckold, which is unforgivable, but from the point of view of Cairnstanga's people, it was their relatives who were burned alive.

A slap can't be made, and there will be no derailment for no reason.

"What happened to the lady from the Keinstein family?" Su Mo asked curiously. For humans, it may be punished by dipping a pig cage or a wooden donkey. What about vampires?
"Howard burned her," Mel said bitterly.

It seems that there is no end to the situation. Now that he has decided to stand on the side of Mel Tailor, the Cuckold King has become Su Mo's sworn enemy.

Su Mo himself is very close to Mel. If Mel can join Earl Dracula's camp, it will also be a kind of enhancement for him. Once Howard Zmich kills Mel and becomes Dracula Count Kura's ally, Su Mo will never see his future.

Therefore, the green hat king must die.

"So, what is his strength?" Su Mo asked.

"He is very powerful. Although I have improved a lot over the years, it is still difficult to be his opponent. What's more, I only have one person, while he has many subordinates." Mel shook his head in despair.

"What if we add the one from McAvian's family?" Su Mo asked.

"Him? If he is dying, maybe he will help me. After all, McAvian was an ally with us Keinstein, and my father saved him again, but from the information you gave back last time, he He's obviously alive and well, boy, he won't do his best for me." Mel shook his head.

"You don't need to go all out, you just need to help you kill Howard Zmich, and I'll try to win his support," Su Mo said.

"It must be very soon, I..." It seemed that Howard Zmich was really difficult to deal with if he could frighten a strong man so much.

But Su Mo really couldn't turn to Dracula and Santos for help. Once Howard Zmihi surfaced, Count Dracula's choice would undoubtedly favor the strong.

As for McAvian, he should know how to choose what is best for him.

Count Dracula has only one pair of arms, Santos is one of them, the other can be McAvian, or Howard Zmich, there will never be a third arm.

Better to keep Mel Keinstein than Howard Zmich.

With this in mind, Su Mo came to the Shadow Valley again. This time, Mikavian did not use illusions to confuse Su Mo, because he was also looking forward to Su Mo's arrival.

For the NPCs in these main quests, Su Mo is really not a good pawn.

Because this chess piece is too inactive.

If it were someone else doing the main mission, it would probably be around the NPC's ass all day long, trying to please the NPC in every possible way, trying to increase "friendliness".

Su Mo has never been that kind of person.

Instead of groveling and fawning, it is better to make NPCs unable to do without you.

Tailor Mel has Huolingxi Wu as a disciple-like existence, but it is impossible for her to rely on her stupid apprentice in times of crisis.

Count Dracula also has access to other adventurers.

But it is impossible for any other adventurer to bring him so many surprises, a reliable liaison, a middleman who can provide him with warships and supplies, and a team of adventurers who have messed up the north.

McAvian has been waiting for Su Mo.

Su Mo brought him a lot of supplies last time, and he lived alone in the depths of the forest for a while. Unfortunately, he ate and drank all the things soon, and the poor days began again. .

From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult!
Humans are like this, and vampires are no exception.

He used to be able to bear eating grass, but now that he can't eat good food or drink good wine, he feels that the power of light in his body is ready to move.

"You're here?" McAvian stared at Su Mo expectantly.

"Yes, this is your soul stone." Su Mo took out the soul stone in pain and returned it to the original owner.

Soul Stone (Special): Intellect 6, Constitution 12, special effects: killing feast, harvesting life can make it stronger, equipment requirement level 30, durability 45/72.
This thing does not occupy the equipment position, but it can bring Su Mo [-] attributes.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the right to possess this piece of equipment. Whether he likes it or not, he will have to return it to others sooner or later.

Su Mo came here today to return the equipment. By the way, he will test the other party's attitude and see if the other party is willing to help Mel tailor. I believe that with Mel tailor and this old vampire, the Cuckold King will definitely be killed.

"Yes, this is the smell of the soul. I hope you can continue to help me collect the power of death." McAvian put the soul stone into a device, took it out after a while, and returned it to Su Mo.

Soul stone (special): intelligence 3, constitution 6, special effect: killing feast, harvesting life can make it stronger, equipment requirement level 30, durability 45/72.
The attributes that have shrunk by half, if not for the fact that this thing can be improved again, Su Mo really wants to slap him.

Of course, apart from a word of thanks, Su Mo also gained a lot of prestige and experience.

To him, that's a lot. After all, taking an experience pill can add 100 million experience points, which is equivalent to going up to a level.

So the 40.00% experience that McAvian gave him is really nothing, after all, he has cultivated this soul stone for a long time before it has the attributes it has today.

After this was over, McAvian still looked at Su Mo expectantly.

Su Mo didn't know why.

The old man finally couldn't help asking: "You come to my place as a guest, don't you bring some wine and food?"

(End of this chapter)

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