Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 453 Moonlight Wine

Chapter 453 Moonlight Wine

Su Mo was speechless.

Who the hell brings wine and food as a guest at someone else's house, shouldn't the host bring out wine and food to entertain the guests?

Fortunately, he was not unprepared.

It was almost ten times the supplies that McVian asked for last time. He took them out one by one and placed them on the ground.

There are fat braised pork, exuding a cloying sweet aroma, and clear wine. After taking a sip and closing your eyes, it reminds people of the bright moonlight, so it has a well-known name in the mainland called Moonlight Wine.

But Shadow Canyon will never have moonlight.

A vampire has not seen the moonlight for hundreds of years. Only McAvian can understand the pain. Many times he thinks about going out and walking in front of the Pope to let him kill himself. I heard that the Holy City The moonlight is always beautiful.

It's a pity that the older a person is, the more afraid of death, and vampires are older than anyone.

"You are such a good boy, but why didn't you just hand it to me?" McAvian said with admiration from the bottom of his heart. Su Mo had been taking things outside, but he kept staring at the jug of wine.

"Because I want to ask you to help me kill a vampire." Su Mo said with a smile. He was also staring at the pot of wine. kind of.

"I don't want others to threaten me." McAvian thought he was a good boy just a second ago.

"I don't like blackmailing others either. After all, I plan to be your friend and help you capture the power of death. Isn't that very important to you?" Su Mo was very proud of himself. The old things in the game were getting smarter It's very easy to catch their weakness, but Master Su has a way.

Two catties of moonshine wine cost [-] gold coins, very expensive, but worth it.

"It's just you, and you still want to blackmail me? I can kill you with a wave of my hand." McAvian thought it was funny.

"I admit that you have this ability, but you must also admit that the sword in my hand only needs to be swiped lightly, and this altar of wine will be broken, and the wine will seep into the soil, unless you eat all the soil Otherwise, this wine will have nothing to do with you." Su Mo doesn't care about life and death, he is a player, and there is no such thing as life and death.

McAvian's hand froze as he tried to take out his wand.

In fact, he never thought of killing Su Mo. He just wanted to scare Su Mo and hoped that Su Mo would respect an old man like him. Mo was so frightened that he smashed the wine with a wave of his sword.

Su Mo did it well, this person looked like the kind of person who would kill and kill decisively.

This kind of person has no principles, but he has a bottom line. As long as you accidentally touch his bottom line, he will completely turn against you. If you can't kill him completely, he will probably stand in the pope's car the next day Lead the car in front of him all the way.

If not for the dark curtain of the Shadow Valley, he would have been discovered by the Pope long ago.

"Kill who, you only know so many vampires in total." McAvian hunched over and finally walked towards the house without looking at the supplies on the ground.

Su Mo put away everything with a wave of his hand, and then followed him into the door.

"Count Dracula wants to do something big and earth-shattering. I don't know if it is the mastermind or if it has become someone else's pawn again, but I have participated in it." Su Mo was at the table where McAvian entertained guests Sit down and act like a guest who is on an equal footing with the host.

Su Mo never felt that he was a running dog.

McAvian wanted to say something, but when he saw Su Mo take out two wine glasses to receive the moonlight wine, he immediately shut his mouth, as if there was nothing else that could attract him except the moonlight wine. his attention.

"If a vampire wants a little bit of his own status, it's impossible not to show up." Su Mo pushed the poured wine over.

McAvian nodded and grabbed it and poured it all into his mouth at once. He raised his head and savored the familiar taste carefully. Su Mo could see tears sliding down his pale face.

"Do you want me to kill Dracula, or to help him?" McCavian sighed.

"It has nothing to do with him. What I want to kill is a potential ally of his, Howard Zmich." Su Mo's tone was as simple as he was going to kill a chicken.

"Howard, he is still alive, he wants to form an alliance with Dracula, and you want to kill Howard?" Three were enough to express his surprise.

"Yes, Howard Zmich, you should know him." Su Mo nodded.

"Mel asked you to come?" McAvian was very sure.

"She didn't ask me to come, but I wanted to come by myself. She said that you are in good health, so she refused to let you take risks, but I don't think so, I think you should take action." Su Mo also drank the small Silvery liquid in a wine glass.

He imitated Mikavian's appearance, but he couldn't feel the moonlight shining on his heart.

Maybe his heart is too dark.

It is said that vampires believe in the moon god. After being promoted to the rank of prince, they can also summon the moon god to descend to the earth. Even the pope would be beaten to the ground with that kind of fighting power.

It's a pity that the moon god is not so easy to summon, and the moon god will take the summoner's soul away when he is about to leave.

"Hehe." McAvian sneered, apparently not believing that Mel was so kind. It seemed that it was difficult for vampires to trust each other.

"And I think, if Aunt Mel and you, the old man, want to cooperate with Count Dracula, then one more Howard Zmich, don't you think it's too crowded for so many people to sit together ?"

Sitting too crowded?
What the hell reason is this, used to persuade people not to feel too perfunctory?

However, McAvian actually calculated it seriously, and the final conclusion was that he agreed with Su Mo's idea very much. That would be too crowded.

And everyone will be uncomfortable.

In the war of that era, both Keinstein and McAvian stood on the opposite side of the Zmich family. The McAvian family was first severely damaged by the Zmich family, and then hunted down by the Holy See for a hundred years. In the end, only He is an old man alone.

Howard Zmich really deserved to die.

McAvian looked at Su Mo sharply, like a child waiting for everyone to tell a story. He knew that Su Mo must be a person with a plan.

"I decided to let Mel come here..."


Su Mo's first sentence was met with opposition from Mikavian. His eyes were full of fear, like a woman whose clothes had been stripped and thrown on the street.

This is his umbrella, and he has been hiding here for hundreds of years.

Su Mo wants to treat this place as a battlefield, so how can he hide?
(End of this chapter)

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