Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 454 The Snake of the Twilight Forest

Chapter 454 The Snake of the Twilight Forest
"Are you going to hide like this forever?" Su Mo asked with squinted eyes. His action was very insulting, as if he was standing at someone's door looking at a dog.

A dog on a leash.

No matter how loud the dog is barking, you can look at him with this look.

McAvian felt very painful, but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to die. For a guy like him who had the power of light in his body, running outside was as dazzling as a lantern.

"You dare not go out, so I said to let Mel come here. Let's ambush Howard and make him come and go. He will definitely come." Su Mo said.

"He is indeed coming back. If Mel is here, as long as you let him know, he will definitely come back," McAvian said sadly, "But can we keep him? He is very powerful, like you... ..."

I didn't finish the rest of the sentence, after all, it was too hurtful.

"I will try my best so that he will be covered with scars when he reaches the Shadow Canyon." Su Mo was silent for a while, then said slowly.

"Let Mel come over. Back then, I hung around Keinstein's house and fell in love with her sister..."

"Uh, it's because of you that her sister regretted her marriage, right?" Su Mo was really shocked this time, and he had also seen McAvian's appearance hidden under the cloak, which was not as good as he showed Old, it seems that vampires have a handsome face.

"Me? How is it possible?" McAvian shook his head with a wry smile, "but who doesn't like Gina after meeting her?"

"What happened to her afterwards?" Su Mo was purely curious.

"She disappeared, and no one knew where she went. That's why the war broke out directly between Kainstein and Zmich. If possible, I believe that the Keinstein family would be willing to tie her up and send her to the Zmich family. , after all, that battle was too tragic, if she was still alive, there would be no need for that little girl Mel to suffer."

"Isn't it Mel's sister who sent it?" Su Mo opened his mouth wide.

"If I remember correctly, Mel doesn't have a younger sister, she is the youngest daughter of the Keinstein family." McAvian was not surprised that Su Mo was cheated.

This kind of deception doesn't have any profound purpose, maybe it's simply not wanting others to know.

"She said that her sister was burned to death by Howard Zmich." Su Mo's expression was complicated. If he said that, shouldn't he hate Howard Zmich less.

"It was her daughter who was burned to death, her daughter by Lance Zmich, Lance is Howard's younger brother." McAvian obviously knew everything, like a tragic bystander, only later The tragedy spread, and his family became ashes in the flames of war.

"Are there still many people in Zmixi?" Su Mo asked.

"There can't be too many. I actually thought that the Zmixi family was extinct, but I didn't expect Howard to be alive." McKavian said worriedly: "If there is a second pure blood in the Zmixi family, We might not have a chance at all."

"Pure blood?" Su Mo noticed the word.

"No matter which family it is, it is composed of pure blood and blood slaves. We enslaved dwarves at the beginning, and then humans came, and then we found that humans are more suitable for food and slaves."

As a human being, hearing this makes me really uncomfortable.

"So, we'd better pray that only Howard and his blood slaves are left in the Zmisch family?"

"Yes, but this is the most likely possibility. After all, all the pure bloods are almost dead. All the members of the Zmihi family I know, including Howard, are actually dead. I just don't know how he escaped."

At this time, Su Mo realized that the people Count Dracula contacted probably weren't pure blood either.

There was probably only Baron Santos around him who was pure-blooded, and the others were probably blood slaves, including Baron Barry, whom Su Mo first came into contact with.

One is a young adventurer with many tricks, and the other is an old vampire who has seen too many tricks. With his help, Su Mo's plan has been continuously improved, and finally it has become what he never imagined.

"Mel will come soon, but we can't wait forever. If he doesn't come one day, we'll wait one day. If he doesn't come a year, we'll wait one year. What about 100 years?" Su Mo asked.

"There are still three days until the night of the full moon. I think he will choose to appear at that time. The Zmixi family is the family most favored by the moon god." McAvian said.

"What if it rains?" Su Mo was worried.

"Whether it rains or not, the moon is always there." McAvian said again: "It won't rain in three days. The forest told me that I have lived here for hundreds of years."

Su Mo left all his supplies behind and walked slowly in the forest.

The forest at this time hardly poses any threat to him, not because of Qiuqiu, he didn't tell Qiuqiu about it at all, and he didn't intend to let Qiuqiu know, he planned to force Qiuqiu to dance in the bar on the day of the battle A day of pole dancing.

The beast control technique allows him to possess Laifu perfectly, and Laifu has a wild heart.

Unlike human beings, even monsters in the wild will not kill their own kind. Su Mo only needs to become a monster in the forest, and the road is basically smooth, just a waste of time.

After returning to Tallinn, Mel also knew their plan.

The focus is on the ambush in Shadow Canyon, the two remnants of Keinstein and the McAvian family, ambushing Howard Zmich.

If he could make it to Shadow Canyon.

Along the way, Su Mo was in charge of entertaining the guests. Neither Mel nor McAvian paid much attention to Su Mo's so-called entertainment, and Su Mo didn't explain too much.

In the afternoon, according to the schedule, Laifu would give lectures to monsters in several chat groups.

It happens that there are many things that can come together, so this matter is inevitable.

This time the class was held in Twilight Forest instead of Gaal Forest last time. As the largest forest in the Eastern Continent, the latitude and longitude of this place is different from Gaal Forest, and the herbs and ores produced are also quite different.

There are quite a few monster apostles here, but unfortunately there are no higher-level apostles that Laifu guessed in his mind.

It always feels that the chat group he is in now is not the highest level chat group, and there should be higher existences on it. If such an apostle can appear today, it will be more sure to ambush Howard.

It's a pity that the most powerful ones are still familiar faces.

Seeing so many apostles coming, apart from Su Mo, Qiuqiu was the next to be happy.

It grows in the Twilight Forest. If Nicole is the snake in the Gaar Forest, then Qiuqiu is the snake in the Twilight Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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