Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 455 Award Speech

Chapter 455 Award Speech
In fact, Qiuqiu, the local cat in the Twilight Forest, is not familiar with this place.

When it was abducted, it was still a kitten, but when it was growing up, Su Mo was guilty and afraid of death, and would not come to the Twilight Forest if he could not come to the Twilight Forest.

The location of the class is at the edge of the forest. The terrain here is relatively complicated, with mountains and rivers, and the most famous Hanke Great Rift Valley in the Eastern Continent.

The geographical environment has created the richest mineral deposits and the richest herbs in the whole continent.

Monsters kept appearing, and when they came here, they had to find a place to squat down in a proper manner. It is said that this is the rule of Teacher Laifu, and every apostle must abide by it.

This has nothing to do with strength.

Laifu weighs a few catties and a few taels, even if it doesn't do anything, other monsters can still see it.

More than 30 levels, strengthen the elite template, the weak one.

But no one does not respect it. Any apostle, even a powerful existence like the big cat Bigworth, must maintain enough respect for Mr. Laifu.

Compared with monsters, apostles have more wisdom.

This also makes them pay more attention to wisdom. Teacher Laifu is a very wise apostle. As long as he is an apostle who knows him and spends half a day with him, he will be impressed by his wisdom.

Therefore, the name of Laifu has long been circulated in the major chat groups.

But now Laifu has become a teacher. In fact, many apostles didn't know what a teacher is at first, and then slowly realized what a great profession this is.

The continuation and development of a civilization depends on preaching and receiving karma to solve doubts.

Teacher Laifu does not charge anyone's tuition, and also helps everyone realize their gains. Where can I find such a teacher.

This time there were more apostles, at least several hundred of them, all kinds of animals, some as low as ten or so, and some as high as fifty or sixty.The weak ones may not be as good as Qiuqiu, and the powerful ones are comparable to the big cat Bigworth.

Teacher Laifu stood on a big rock, surrounded by monsters on the inner and outer floors.

It was the first time for many apostles to leave their territories, and it was the first time they saw that there were so many of their kind in this world. When the prototype of society began to be revealed, the gap between rich and poor was inevitable.

Some monster apostles are very rich, and they can see things bought in monster shops on their bodies.

But some monsters are ashamed, and even the travel expenses are borrowed from other apostles, so it is inevitable that there will be a huge gap.

So when Laifu’s opening speech started with wealth, it got the approval of many monsters, not worrying about the few but the uneven, you are embarrassed to make friends if you don’t have money.

The monster store has undergone several revisions, and in addition to hard currencies such as passports, migration certificates, and summoning orders, it has begun to introduce various good things.

These things are not too expensive, but if you only rely on killing other monsters to accumulate gold coins, it is still a long way to go, especially after the buy buy buy attribute is activated, you will not be satisfied with just buying one thing.

"Many friends here have participated in the previous training, and the results seem to be quite good. I have recently received a lot of herbs and ores from everyone, and the most common one is Caesar, the king of the apes. Is Caesar here today?" Laifu asked.

"I'm here, Teacher Laifu." With a loud shout, everyone followed the voice and saw several chimpanzees.

"Oh, I also brought my companions this time, let us introduce them." Laifu obviously intends to set a benchmark that can be seen at a glance. If you hang out with the big brother, you have gold chains, and you don't take them with you when you take a bath. The kind that floats.

"Hi everyone, my name is Caesar, this is Leah, this is Maurice, this is Bowser, we live in Sikas Forest." Caesar stood up, beat his chest a few times, and said loudly Self introduction.

"Congratulations to them for being awarded the title of Little Gathering Expert, as well as five passes, a reward of [-] gold coins, and this small trophy as a commemoration." Laifu said.

And a reward?

And trophies?

Even Caesar was surprised. Relying on the advantages of numbers and land, they got a lot of ore, and it was not surprising that they got the first place.

After all, others are working one or two, but they are thousands.

Although the Cass Forest is not as good as the Twilight Forest and the Garr Forest, its terrain is complex, and it is actually the forest with the most ore on the surface.

"I...I...thank you, Teacher Laifu." Caesar took a few of its little friends to the podium, showing some restraint and excitement: "It's the first time to come to Teacher Laifu's class, our money I couldn’t get enough of the second pass, so I was the only one who came over. After taking the class of Mr. Laifu, we can not only take out four passes at will, but also travel to other places frequently. We will be able to do so soon Collect enough money to buy a summoning order, then you can go around to fight for others to make money, everyone can add me as a friend, and contact me when necessary..."

Su Mo was quite satisfied with the front. The monkey knew how to cooperate with him, but what the hell was behind it.

"Next, Sandwalker Jason, who won No.2, not only won No.2 in total, but also performed well in terms of rare ores. Speaking of rare ores, you must not underestimate these little things, they If you dig a piece, it is worth 100 yuan or even 1000 yuan dug by others. We will talk about rare ores later, and now I would like to invite Jason to speak on stage, Caesar, you go down first and sit in your original seat."

Sandwalker Jason was lying on the podium - too big to stand up.

"I am very happy to receive this award today. First of all, I would like to thank the God of the System, who created me. Then I would like to thank Teacher Laifu. It was a bit of a mouthful when I said Teacher Laifu. In fact, we are very good friends, but it is actually He is a teacher worthy of everyone's respect. I am willing to die for it. Finally, I would like to thank my friends in the chat group. Finally, look at the color of my trophy. Does it look like you borrowed gold coins that I haven't returned yet? .”

Laifu was speechless and hurriedly drove it away.

"No.3 is our Tucao master Salted Fish King Victor. Its success comes from the rare ores I just mentioned, especially the ores under the water. The value is very high, Lao Tuo, come up."

Victor, the salted fish king, walked onto the stage braggingly holding a huge harpoon.

"Some people say that you can't have both fish and bear's paws, but I say that you can be single or poor!" Get caught.

"I have to thank Laifu for making me such a person who likes to complain about other people's poverty. With the capital to complain, I am very poor now. My short-term goal is to save enough [-] gold coins to buy an underwater Crystal Palace."

"Then thank the Great God of the system. After all, He created me and gave me such good eloquence."

"As for the others, I won't thank you. It should be you who thank me. After all, my pots of cold water have inspired your lives."

(End of this chapter)

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