Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 456 Election

Chapter 456 Election
Not all the apostles' pursuit of money is endless, and Laifu has to consider that if one day the system master suddenly finds himself displeased, he will directly use the monster store to collect the goods of the apostles and turn them into cash coins.

Therefore, it not only imparts knowledge and builds a sales network, but also sets up special awards and trophies, intending to make its courses a word of mouth.

It works surprisingly well.

In front of so many apostles, when he made his declaration of success, the eyes of the apostles below who had no chance to be on stage turned red with jealousy.

The current Caesar, Jason, and Victor are simply the stars among the apostles.

They are more famous than any apostle, including the big cat Bigworth, the Langley parrot Jamie, and the noble apostles like the golden python Nicole and the panda ball.

Nearly a thousand apostles at the scene knew them all at once.

It didn't cost Laifu any money to get rewards for the top three. Anyway, the wool came from the sheep, and it would be repaid if it was deducted casually.

"Who is my trophy, give it back to me." Salted Fish King Victor shouted.

The received trophy was passed around by the friends, and it was not known where it was passed on for a long time. Victor, the salted fish king, took a lot of effort to get it back.

"Quiet, quiet, let's move on to the next topic." Laifu worked hard several times before completely calming down the scene. After all, none of these bumpkins had ever experienced an award ceremony.

What is the next topic?
With the previous awards ceremony, everyone is full of expectations for Mr. Laifu's various tricks.

"I organized a competition before, and it was held with Mr. Bigworth. It was divided into three parts, one part was a skiing competition, the other part was a quiz competition, and the third part was an eating competition..."

Everyone doesn't know what Teacher Laifu means by this.

However, since Mr. Laifu has never disappointed everyone, everyone is still sitting upright and listening.

This is probably the reason why TV stations dare to add advertisements when broadcasting TV dramas unscrupulously. Anyway, as long as you want to know the next plot, you have to listen honestly.

"Later I discovered that competitions are really beneficial, such as quiz competitions, which can exercise everyone's thinking and make everyone smarter. Do you want to be smarter?"

Is not this nonsensical?

Everyone refused to answer such a mentally retarded question, and only a few apostles answered Laifu stupidly with their voices raised.

"If we had played the Rubik's Cube competition before, there wouldn't be so many people who failed in the latest Tongtian Tower." Solve the Rubik's Cube,

Laifu's words made the apostles all serious.

If vital interests were involved, the Apostles Games would no longer be a fun thing to do.

"Boss Laifu is right, I have played the Rubik's Cube before, so this time, it took me a few minutes to pass the level of the Tongtian Demon Tower, which is shorter than the time it took for Boss Laifu..." Qiuqiu jumped out and cheered .

The front is perfectly coordinated, but the back actually steps on it. Does this guy want to die?

In fact, Laifu did not expect that the Tongtian Demon Tower would cooperate so well this time, and there was also the special existence of Qiuqiu as a model.

"We will try our best to introduce new tricks in the Apostle Games to increase everyone's thinking ability and problem-solving ability, so I hope everyone will sign up enthusiastically. The registration fee is [-] gold coins. These [-] gold coins are not for anyone. , but to arrange competitions for everyone, take care of everyone’s food and drink, and make trophies to reward the winners.”

When they heard that a registration fee of [-] gold coins was required, many apostles showed embarrassment on their faces.

Some of them don't even have a single gold coin on them now, and they borrowed money to buy the pass to come here, so what do they use to pay the registration fee.

As if they knew what they were thinking, Laifu immediately came to help everyone solve the problem: "Don't worry about money, starting today, you will become rich people, and I will teach you to become rich later secret."

Why is it later?
Because today's topic of the Apostolic Games doesn't end with just one mention.

"Currently there are not many competitions, so everyone needs to brainstorm. Don't be afraid that your proposal will be laughed at. You can even eat in the competition. What else can you not mention? And as long as the proposed competition is adopted, we will give it to him. Bonuses, [-] gold for each competition event, if you can come up with a project and pass it, the registration fee will be saved."

The apostles were all invigorated when they heard it. This one said that they wanted to compete with boulders in their chests. Whoever said that they could fart louder...

"Okay, let's discuss later. Since we want to determine the project, we must have an apostolic sports committee, that is, the sports committee. In the early stage, I plan to elect a president and four directors. Anyone can Nominate, and then we all vote together."

The apostles didn't have any objections, and all of them were still thinking about the competition.

"I nominate Teacher Laifu to be the president!" An apostle whom Laifu didn't know jumped out first, and the entrustment it arranged didn't have time to be used.

Basically, it was unanimously approved. There are many bigwigs here, but any bigwig can't compete with Laifu in popularity.

Ordinary bosses stand up, and the people who know it are estimated to be less than one-third of the number of apostles on the scene. What does it use to run for president with Laifu.

Next, more than a dozen apostles were nominated, and then they were aggregated to come here.

After the blessings were collected, they were taken out one by one, and everyone was asked to vote. All the apostles on site had the right to vote. They could vote for, vote against, or abstain.

Only more than half of the votes are valid, whether it is a yes vote or a negative vote.

The first one who was sure to be selected was Caesar.

This king of the ape clan had just won the collection award, and it was at the peak of its popularity. His brother Kuba nominated him for a director, and then many apostles voted for it.

The number of votes was not as many as Teacher Laifu, but it still exceeded two-thirds.

And the candidates before it couldn't even get a quarter of the votes in favor, let alone more than half according to Laifu's requirements.

The second one with more than half of the votes was Jason.

It is almost the same as Caesar, and they all showed their faces in front of the apostles. At this time, the apostles have not learned all kinds of intrigue in the election, so if you think you are okay, you agree, and if you don’t know it, you simply abstain.

The third to be elected was Mr. Bigworth.

A cat can be elected, naturally because of its super strength.

It was almost the most powerful apostle on the scene. Back then, it had slapped the two of Laifu's chat groups together.

Not only the Laifu chat group, at least three to four apostles in the chat group knew about Mr. Bigworth, and were beaten by him in various ways. The apostles respected the strong, so it was not surprising to choose him.

(End of this chapter)

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