Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 457 Apostle Elite Group

Chapter 457 Apostle Elite Group

The birth of the last director was quite controversial, and the number of votes was close to two-thirds. Many apostles voted for it, but many apostles voted against it.

That's right, it's the Salted Fish King Victor.

Most of the people who voted for it were from outside chat groups. The first day I met Laotuo, I felt that his language was humorous, sarcastic and spicy, and had a very unique personality charm.

And there are many friends of Salted Fish King who voted against it.

Everyone is usually poisoned by him to death, and he doesn't want him to be an official, so that he has more power and confidence to pour chicken soup on everyone.

There is one president and four directors. After they are elected, they will deliver an inaugural speech.

Laifu: "Thank you very much for your trust in me. I will try my best to make all the apostles gain something in the sports meeting. We are a new force and a new race. All apostles should unite. Long live the apostles! "

The cry of long live the apostles resounded in the corner of the forest.

Laifu also took advantage of the situation to separate the apostles and monsters independently, and instilled a sense of community in the apostles.

Caesar: "Before today, I was unknown, but now I am known by many brothers. I thank everyone for electing me as a director, and thank Teacher Laifu for changing my life. I will work harder in the future. If anyone is bullied in the future, I will Please tell me, I will bring my army of apes..."

This guy is basically a warmonger, but Laifu takes it very seriously.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have won the top prize in the collection competition. To know how much valuable ore and herbs are collected by anyone, this is all up to Laifu himself. Even if it is fooled casually, no one has the ability to detect it.

Jason: "I don't know what to do after I become this, I will study hard."

Honestly, after experiencing the baptism of Caesar's war sales advertisements, everyone finally felt that they had chosen a normal one.

Bigworth: "Thank you for choosing me as an apostle. I know why I became the director. I hope that next time you will choose me not because I am good at fighting."

Big cats don't always take the cruel and cruel route. Not only are they cute occasionally, but they can also be very gentle and amiable.

So cats are changeable animals.

The last thing left was the salted fish king Victor. Under the eyes of many doubts and expectations, he took his own big harpoon to the front of the stage.

Victor: "I want to ask you a question first, do you think that money can buy happiness? (Everyone hesitated, and occasionally someone answered that it couldn't be bought), no, you are wrong, you can't imagine the happiness of rich people Yes! So I want to say, don’t move yourself. The seemingly hard work of most people is just caused by stupidity. What you should really do is not how hard you work, but to find the right direction and go I worked hard to find out that I was really stupid..."

Still Victor: "Ahem, I'll go down right away, don't throw stones at me. As long as you learn more from Mr. Laifu, you can be as smart, knowledgeable, rich and happy as me."

Obviously, Victor's true face has been revealed to a certain extent.

After selecting the members of the first sports committee, Laifu began to give lessons to everyone. This is the highlight of the day. The previous ones were all private goods.

The basic routine is the same as the last class, mainly adding some rare ores.

The apostles are not very smart, and it is difficult to remember everything after listening to Laifu's lecture once, so the apostles who listen to the lecture for the second time will not be disappointed, and they each have different degrees of harvest.

After the talk is almost done, I will take everyone to practice.

It is impossible for Laifu to set off with nearly a thousand apostles alone, so he was divided into several groups, and the newly elected directors happened to lead a group each.

There are also other apostles who performed well in mining herbs and mining, and they were all treated as class representatives by Laifu to demonstrate to everyone.

These are relatively powerful monsters led by Laifu. Its purpose is to personally teach, so as to win over these apostles, so that they will come in handy when the moon is full in a few days.

These more than 100 monsters are basically all powerful bosses around level [-].

There are a few ordinary monsters that come out of the forest, and they can't stand being beaten up a few times, and these monsters are also happy to show themselves in front of Teacher Laifu.

Students like to behave in front of the teacher, which seems to need no reason.

Laifu also asked these apostles to do practical exercises one by one, and taught them hand in hand, and added friends with these apostles logically and with a little reservedness.

After rough statistics, these more than 100 apostles came from eleven chat groups.

So Laifu made a bold guess, whether there are eleven middle-level chat groups, and if the designer or the system has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, then the number of chat groups should be twelve.

I just don't know why there is still a chat group that hasn't had contact with everyone.

While teaching everyone to make money, he also unintentionally revealed that he needs everyone's help.

"Teacher Laifu, look at me. I'm not very smart casually, but I still have some strength in fighting."

"I know almost nothing except fighting. Teacher Laifu, if you say a word, I will fight wherever you point!"

"Teacher Laifu, call me when the time comes. No matter what kind of enemy it is, we will have nothing to say. If you can't beat it, you will die. It's no big deal. We apostles are all immortal, and the last thing we fear is death."

You speak to me, lest Laifu needs not many people.

Two apostles even fought on the spot. Laifu was dazzled by it, and Nicole was also drooling watching it—it's a pity that it was just a point-and-shoot discussion.

Laifu responded one by one, saying that everyone will be called when the time comes.

Of course, more than 100 were selected by it, but not all of them. According to its estimation, at least [-] apostles must be gathered to ambush all the way, and the green hat king vampire must be physically and mentally exhausted.

Laifu didn't use everyone in vain this time.

It promises to reimburse everyone's pass, as long as they go to battle, they will give an extra fifty gold coins, and if they die in battle, they will get an extra fifty gold coins.

An apostle costs 150 gold coins, and two hundred is [-] gold coins.

Its cost on the main quest is no lower than that of Shifang Mingliang, but no matter how much Shifang Mingliang pays, it probably can't afford a huge lineup of two hundred bosses.

If so many high-level bosses are used, Laifu is enough to flatten a large town.

It was only used to deal with a high-level pure-blooded vampire, but it was not enough. Laifu used Count Dracula to position Howard's strength.

Maybe Howard is not as good as Count Dracula, but he is at least many times better than Tailor Mel.

Su Mo was amazed at the strength that Mel Tailor occasionally lost control of and exposed. At least so far, he has not felt that kind of pressure from the senior boss.

(End of this chapter)

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