Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 458 I Have a Human Friend

Chapter 458 I Have a Human Friend

After Laifu finished class, he took out all the food in the backpack and gave it to Nicole.

When feeding has become a habit, it can't be said that it is specially prepared.

What surprised him was that the panda Qiuqiu actually took things out of his backpack, smelling the smell, he knew it was made by Xiao Jiujiang. Fortunately, Nicole ate a lot and thought less, otherwise she must be surprised Why are the delicacies brought out by the two guys so similar in taste.

Laifu made some indirect remarks, only to realize that these were earned by Qiuqiu, and more than half of them were bamboo rats.

Girls go to the One Piece bar to watch football, so you can't take nothing with you.

So the fresh bamboo shoots sold by the bar and the exquisite food produced by Su Xiaojiu came in handy. Girls like to watch football and eat, and they don't care that these things sold in the bar are [-]% more expensive than outside.

I used to ignore these girls when I was full.

Now it knows that its apostles like to eat, and there are still some who can't get enough to eat—poor people with such a noble blood, but they can't even afford food and clothing, so it starts to refuse all comers.

It has learned to pretend to eat, and stuff things into its backpack.

The backpacks of the apostles were of different sizes. Laifu got a large backpack from the weaver bird to barely make enough. Later, the guild was established, and with the backing of the guild warehouse, it didn't have to worry about running out of backpack space.

People's balls are different, they don't need any operation, they are born with a big backpack.

Nobility of blood is different. There is absolutely no such thing as standing on the same starting line in life.

However, the food stolen in this way is limited after all.

Qiuqiu greatly underestimated the food intake of the little golden python, and even when its backpack was emptied, it didn't stop Nicole's eating speed.

Xiao Jinmang felt that brother Laifu was more powerful.

Laifu kept taking food out, looking at Qiuqiu dumbfounded, it began to doubt the blood of the boss of Laifu, could it be the legendary Xiaoyue Sirius?How big is this backpack?

Yet these things were not enough for Nicole.

So she hoped that the sports would come soon, and Laifu had promised many times to bring her enough food by then.

"What letter did that human friend of yours write to you? Let me read it to you." In fact, Nicole wanted to read the letter to her from Laifu from the very beginning, and Laifu arranged it until now.

There is a clear distinction between public and private, and we have to settle everyone's affairs before we have time to deal with these small things.

Laifu took the letter and found that there was nothing wrong with it, so he honestly read the letter to Nicole, and got a positive answer from Su Xiaojiu, Nicole was naturally very happy.

"I have a human friend, the little cook is mine."

Probably similar cheers, perhaps in her view, Su Xiaojiu is a perpetual motion machine that can continuously produce delicious food.

With such friends, it means a steady stream of delicious food.

Then there was a reply, Nicole hoped that Su Xiaojiu could come to watch her match on the day of the sports meeting.

Laifu was very speechless in his heart, and he knew that it was not a good thing for them to get to know each other.

There is a monster in the game who wants to be friends with her, which is already unacceptable to Su Xiaojiu, and if she is asked to come to the scene to watch the monster in the game compete, then this matter really cannot be covered up.

So, taking advantage of Nicole and Qiuqiu's presence, Laifu continued to emphasize to them that humans cannot be trusted.

Even friends are no exception.

At least Nicole should not bring Su Xiaojiu to know other apostles, doing so would pose a threat to the existence of the apostles.

After a lot of hard work, coaxing and deceiving, they finally let the two guys understand that they should contact Su Xiaojiu with reservations, otherwise it may cause irreparable consequences, such as the system master had to delete some apostles discovered by the players and so on.

Under Laifu's persuasion, Xiao Jinmang gave up his plan to take the little cook to watch the game, but made a request to meet the little cook.

It's normal for a good friend to meet up, no matter how reluctant Laifu is, there's no way to stop him, so he can only write to ask Su Xiaojiu to meet at a certain coordinate point in Gaal Forest tomorrow.

At that time, Nicole needs to drive away all the nearby monsters. After all, Su Xiaojiu's combat power is limited, and the level of monsters in the forest is often higher than her.

Then Laifu will teach them how to live with humans.

That's my sister, what should I do if I get frightened.

"Brother, why did you go and why did you ignore me?" Seeing Su Mo walking out of the bedroom with a sleepy face, Su Xiaojiu decided to have a good talk with her brother.

"Don't make trouble, I'm just taking a break." Su Mo had just switched perspectives, and he was still a little uncomfortable.

To be honest, the gap between the monster’s perspective and the human’s perspective is too great, not only the gap between the physical perspective, the world seen by monsters is obviously different from that seen by humans, the various apostles seen by Laifu, today Even more ruthless, I saw nearly a thousand of them at once.

What humans see is the player, as well as medieval European-style buildings.

One is the coexistence of barbarism and wisdom, and the other is both civilization and stupidity. It is difficult to say which is more high-end.

The more important thing is that the gap between his two identities is too great, and they are both the focus of attention, so he has to be careful in everything. Many times he can't tell what role he is playing.

But in Su Xiaojiu's view, it was her brother who started to enjoy himself after he became rich.

Over the past year or so, Su Mo has changed the most, but Su Xiaojiu. From a wayward little princess of a rich family to a little money fan who races against time to make money, her inner experience is definitely not as sweet as she looks.

"Brother, you are not yet level 37. You are so slow. Many people on the leaderboard have already reached level 41. It is estimated that some of them are about to reach level [-]." Su Xiaojiu said.

"It's not long since I was 36. How can I be 37 so fast? I'll go to leveling right away, right?" Su Mo is indeed planning to go out to level up. Skills must be used at once to level up. This is the new world and others. The game is different, if it is another game, this place will definitely make your liver hurt.

Generally speaking, New World is a game that you can play very well with money, but if you don't work hard, don't think too much no matter how much you spend.

"Then I'll go with you." Su Xiaojiu followed Su Mo closely, with the unceremonious posture that she wanted to monitor the whole process.

Su Mo has a psychological shadow about going out with Su Xiaojiu. He just came back from the army, exposed to the wind, the sun, the rain, the forest and the gunfire. He was obviously in his twenties, but he had the vicissitudes of a 40-year-old.

When Su Xiaojiu and her brother go out, if there are beautiful women who are attracted by this vicissitudes of life and come over to strike up a conversation.

She called her father, and all the beauties fled in panic.

Fortunately, this kind of thing doesn't happen in the game, so Su Mo doesn't have any psychological burden for Su Xiaojiu to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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