Chapter 459

Besides, the two of them are going to participate in the Chaoyun Cup competition, so the cooperation between them really needs to be practiced.

Su Xiaojiu is a support-oriented profession, and Su Mo is a output-oriented profession. It is impossible to just bury your head and kill like others. If there is no cooperation, Su Xiaojiu's support will become a decoration, and Su Mo will need to fight two.

It is not a human thing to be able to win in singles, duos, or even four rows.

The place chosen was Harrington Plains.

Harrington Plains is very large, and most of the maps are not considered advanced maps, but there are also many places suitable for advanced player activities.

For example, the buttress mountains selected today belong to the area with the most complex terrain on the Harrington Plain.

A lot of pagans are refreshed here.

Many priests and bishops like this place, and the Holy See often releases missions to exterminate heretics, and their occupations that are partial to the Holy See can get more generous rewards.

Pagans are humanoid monsters.

They are not very intelligent, and they only have a few lines back and forth, but their fighting strength is very strong.

Moreover, the job composition of the heretics is very complicated, covering almost most of the jobs that players can choose. If one wants to practice PK but does not want to find someone to fight, this is the right place to choose.

Seeing that the game was coming soon, Su Mo took Su Xiaojiu here to practice coordination while brushing monsters.

After arriving here, Su Mo discovered that there are actually many combinations of a man and a woman in this place, and he knows what these people do without guessing.

When they arrived at the place, Su Xiaojiu set up a pot and started cooking.

The pot of the chef profession will not be attacked, otherwise the situation of this profession with little combat effectiveness will be even more difficult.

If someone kicks you when you set up the pot, then you really can't play.

Su Mo opened his bow and shot an arrow, attracting a pair of heretics. This is a combination of one method and one battle, and they can play a relatively basic coordination.

There are also more than two small teams, but the Su brothers and sisters don't have to be so unrestrained as soon as they come up.

After all, heretics are monsters spanning from 35 to 45. If you encounter an elite combination above level [-], it's hard to say who will kill who.

Laifu was fighting monsters in the front. After it got the enhanced elite template, its strength has improved to a certain extent.

It's a pity that it is a pet without wisdom after all. Without Su Mo's command, it would be difficult for them to have any outstanding performance relying on the automatic combat power endowed by the system.

Therefore, hunter players need to fight by themselves, and also need to control pets to fight.

This is also one of the reasons why there are relatively few hunter players. The difficulty factor of operation is too high, and there are still many professions that restrain them, such as all branches of the warrior department, most branches of the mage department, and bishops and priests can also bully them. Let's go hunter.

After Su Xiaojiu set up the pot, she took a spoonful of hot soup from the pot, and splashed it on the pagan warrior.

The warrior begins to lose blood continuously, and will reduce a certain movement speed.

The warrior pagan was attacked, but he still didn't turn his target. He still attacked Su Mo and charged with the mage. Neither of them cared about Laifu. They obviously knew the truth of killing hunters but not pets.

Hunters really should be like this, there is no need to care about pets at all.

Or control the pet, as long as the hunter is killed, the pet will disappear immediately.

Su Xiaojiu fished out a black mass from the pot and threw it directly on the mage's face, and then the mage's skills began to be thrown around.

"Give me some too, don't take your time." Su Mo shouted.

Then Su Xiaojiu stirred the pot a few times, made a ball and threw it on Su Mo's body. Su Mo immediately felt full of strength.

The swishing arrows almost all hit the maximum damage.

After Su Xiaojiu threw out some buffs and debuffs, she picked up the rice spoon and rushed up to knock on the mage.

Chefs generally have dual weapons.

One heavy and one light, you can switch after the cooling time is up.

Representatives of heavy weapons are pans and rolling pins, which have high damage, but unfortunately the attack speed is too slow, but there is a certain probability of causing a stun effect on the target.

Although the rice spoon has low damage, if it is flying, its attack speed is probably a little worse than that of an assassin.

The mage was killed first, and the weapon in Su Mo's hand was not an ordinary weapon. There were not many weapons of the dark gold level in the entire game, and Laifu's effect was several times stronger than that of ordinary pets.

After killing one, the other is not difficult.

The experience is very rich. These two monsters are both level [-]. It took the Su brothers and sisters a lot of time to kill them.

"Next time, give me some buffs first, and then deal with monsters. I won't be able to die for a while." After the battle, you can't just let it go, summing up the battle experience is a must.

Su Xiaojiu just listens, she is a rookie in combat.

"And you are too fierce. You are a chef. How can there be a chef who runs in front of the monster and doesn't even take his place? If both monsters attack you, how many times can you bear it?"

"They are all attacking you." Su Xiaojiu argued reluctantly.

"Are you stupid? You are weird now. They may not be that smart. When we fight other players, won't they be smart in the future?" Su Mo hit Su Xiaojiu with the hilt of his sword.

Then keep practicing.

In a short time, dozens of groups of heretics were killed. From the beginning of dealing with two, it was no problem to completely deal with four or five.

While the two of them were spawning monsters, someone suddenly ran over.

"Friends, hello!"

"Why?" Su Mo had already noticed these people who were watching him not far away. Although he didn't know what the other party's purpose was, he never gave up his guard.

"You are also planning to participate in the Chaoyun Cup, let's make friends." One of the berserkers said with a smile.

Su Mo already had a guess in his mind. This soldier and the priest girl next to him are probably also a pair of brothers and sisters who plan to participate in the Chaoyun Cup. As for the others, they seem to be teammates, or they may be subordinates.

"Sorry, we don't participate in the competition." Su Mo said nonsense with his eyes open.

"Uh~" Ma Dan, you don't play cards rationally. Even if the berserkers are killed, they don't believe that the Su brothers and sisters will not participate in the competition. The particularly bad kind.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, just talk to them directly." The girl next to him said impatiently.

Su Mo shook his head, how could such a good-looking girl have such a face, her face value was deducted by [-] points, and it directly became a negative number.

"If you give up participating in the competition, we can give you 1 yuan." The berserker had no choice but to throw sugar-coated bullets straight to the point.

"1 yuan is a bit small, why don't you just give me [-] gold coins." Su Mo raised his hand and took the sugar-coated cannonball.

(End of this chapter)

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