Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 460 People are stupid and have more money

Chapter 460 People are stupid and have more money
The faces of these people on the opposite side changed immediately.

Did he encounter the legendary mental retardation?
If you are not satisfied with the real currency of 1 yuan, you must ask for 8000 gold coins-according to the current gold price ratio, [-] gold coins are not worth even [-] yuan.

Is it necessary for this kind of person to give him a thousand gold coins?

But according to their observations, this combination of hunter and chef seems to be very powerful, especially for this hunter, who doesn't know what kind of shit luck, the damage is ridiculously high, and it is indeed a potential threat during the game.

The berserkers thought about many possibilities, and in fact they also met many pairs of brothers and sisters.

I have never met a sand sculpture who can't tell which is more even eight thousand or ten thousand. It's a pity that he is so handsome and his sister is cute.

Su Xiaojiu didn't open her mouth because she knew her brother was planning to cheat again.

"If you are sincere, hurry up, or get out of the way, don't hinder us from killing monsters, I only want gold coins, not cash, or if you can't afford the money, don't learn from other people's secret operations..." Su Mo can show such a style mainly because he knows Fu Jiafeng.

If the people on the opposite side think about it carefully, they will be alert to this potential liar.

It's a pity that Su Mo deliberately left the illusion that he has a problem with IQ, so the gold coin transaction seems to be pretty good, which also lost the opportunity to confirm Su Mo's real identity in reality.

"You need to sign this letter of guarantee. Look after it. The liquidated damages are 10 yuan." Berserker took out an agreement.

He thought happily in his heart, killing another potential opponent, one step closer to the Chaoyun Cup champion, one thousand gold coins is just the cost of a meal for people like them.

In the past two days, he has been observing the brothers and sisters here to practice their PK skills, and then signed an agreement not to participate in the competition.

Although this kind of behavior is silly, the organizers of the competition do recognize the legal effect of this agreement.

"My name is Fu Jiafeng. This is my sister. Where is the signature?" Su Mo said a certain person's name naturally, lying without thinking, and he deliberately revealed a person named Wangu Zhizun during the transaction. fake ID,

ID can be set freely in the game, especially when forming a team, and it can also be done when trading.

It's like in reality you can call yourself Zhang San or Li Si, but in fact your real identity is Wang Ermazi. The difference between New World and many previous games is that it doesn't take anyone's identity at all. ID seriously.

But everyone has an ID number, which is similar to an ID number. If it is mailed, it will be sent to the ID number mailbox where the real name is located.

In this world, names can be repeated, but ID numbers are not allowed to be repeated.

"Oh, you're the idiot... what... the president of the Fashen Temple, right?" Fu Jiafeng's popularity is actually quite high, after all, he has a very eclectic style, and he uploaded videos to the forum several times by himself, and was also called People in the forum [-] several times.

At present, the number of people in the Fashen Temple has increased to more than 100 people. After following Su Mo for a few times, at least they are not short of money.

After the transaction was completed, there was an extra thousand gold coins in Su Mo's backpack.

"Third brother, you arrange some people to go to the mercenary hall to hire some female players, and go to Zhidun Mountain to kill heretics. The combat effectiveness is stronger, and there are evil pens throwing money over there." Su Mo sent a message to Yunfei .

This kind of money is not earned for nothing, and it is a fine tradition to rob the rich and help the poor.

Scarlet Battle Banner is good at everything, but lacks female players.

"Is there really such a brain-twitching person in this world?" Yun Fei felt a little shattered when he heard Su Mo's description.

"The rich people's way of thinking is different from ours. Maybe 1 yuan to lose a group of opponents is worth it to them. It's like you take a dollar to get rid of a group of opponents. Would you like to do it?" Su Mo after all Used to be rich too.

"My bottom line is San Mao." Yun Fei said.

"Poor man, go ahead. They are the ones who watch people order food. You have to behave well before they are willing to pay." Su Mo thinks that if there are few mosquitoes, it is meat. If a brother can earn 1 yuan, five hundred brothers That is 500 million.

Of course, this is his own crooked.

"Brother, you will get half of the thousand gold coins from me!" She packed her things in a tacit understanding, changed to another place and continued to brush, Su Xiaojiu began to ask for her share of the money.

"Why are you divided? You didn't do anything from the beginning to the end." Master Su objected.

"Just because I didn't expose you, and if you don't give it to me, I'll tell Old Fu that you used his name to bluff outside." Su Xiaojiu threatened.

"I'll give you three hundred." Su Mo bargained.

"I'll go back and tell Mom that you lied to me and taught me badly." Su Xiaojiu was dissatisfied.

"All right, all right, I'll give you half." Su Mo was very helpless, it's really inappropriate to use deceitful tricks in front of his younger sister, but it's not in line with his personality to send such evil pen to the door without bullying him.

"I'm responsible for the living expenses of the family, but recently my parents are also looking for a job. Dad promised to help people identify antiques, and my mother wants to be a nanny to take care of their babies."

Su Mo seldom goes home, and he really doesn't know much about the family affairs.

"Didn't I just say that, don't let them go out and cause trouble to other people's houses. With my father's level, he can also appraise treasures for others. He is not afraid of smashing other people's signs. As for our mother, she will play other people's babies to death." .” Su Mo felt a headache.

"Our mother said, you find a wife and give her a grandson, so she won't think about other people's children." Su Xiaojiu shrugged.

As for Su's father, neither of them said anything. According to their estimates, Su's father would be kicked out of the house after a few days of work. Otherwise, when the Su family went bankrupt, more than 90.00% of the antiques in the house would be fake. It's ready.

"A man should naturally put his career first. You should pretend to be cute in front of her, and just satisfy her. No one in his 40s wants to have grandchildren."

Su Mo firmly opposes finding a mother for his future child in order to become a baby daddy.

"I've always been cute." Su Xiaojiu corrected her brother angrily. Even though her parents were not helpful and put them under huge financial pressure, the Su family was still very harmonious.

In other words, their parents are now putting them under enormous financial pressure.

Didn't the brothers and sisters of the Su family grow up in a better environment than ordinary people in the past few years? It's a very fair thing to take responsibility after enjoying it.

The Su family still owes several million in debt. With Su Mo's current income level, the pressure is actually not that great.

Nearly a thousand apostles worked for him, at least tens of thousands of gold coins a day, even if the [-]-[-]% of the remuneration for the apostles was removed, the income would be tens of thousands of dollars a day.

Tens of thousands of yuan a day, two to three million a month.

It didn't take three months to pay off all the money owed.

(End of this chapter)

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