Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 461 The New World on the Tip of the Tongue

Chapter 461 The New World on the Tip of the Tongue

Even without the help of the apostles to mine and collect herbs, Su Mo still has other incomes. As long as he does something, he can make a lot of money immediately.

He just wasn't in a hurry to pay back Manager Li's money.

Sometimes, Su Mo also began to give back the money earned by Laifu to the apostles, such as buying delicious food for Nicole, increasing the gold ratio for the purchase of ore and herbal medicine, and raising migration certificates for the black bear leader Dabson.

Needless to say, Nicole is all fed by Laifu.

In the early days, Laifu paid more than [-]% for materials to other apostles, but now it has increased to [-]-[-]%, greatly increasing the income of the apostles.

Now the black bear's girlfriend, the crampon bear, has moved to the black bear's side.

It was close to the small town of Huggins, an area where the player density was not too high, and it was much better than the previous living environment of Crampon Bear.

All they have to deal with is a goblin trader who is trying to trouble Dabson with hidden quests.

The hidden mission is a hidden mission after all, and there are very few players who can trigger it. With these players who do the mission, the two bears can also obtain stable player resources to farm.

It is worth mentioning that they are currently planning a wedding.

It's not that the two bears are so romantic, the main thing is that Laifu once mentioned that you can receive gift money when holding a wedding, and you can make a lot of money under normal circumstances.

So the black bear spirit, who was heavily in debt, took heart.

You only need to prepare some drinks and food, and you can ask relatives and friends to send money, which is indeed a good deal.

This time Laifu gathered the apostles for class, Black Bear secretly prepared hundreds of invitations and sent them out, planning to hold a wedding in the small forest from Pulmo to Huggins half a month later. .

Moreover, it also told people insincerely that a gift money is required to attend a wedding, and it would be impolite and petty to not give it.

The apostles were full of curiosity about the wedding. When they heard that Mr. Laifu presided over the wedding, they all expressed that they would attend on time, and maybe they could gain some knowledge.

"Don't you have a lot of chef friends, and now you have a very profitable business," Su Mo said.

The fat and water don’t flow into the fields of outsiders. In the food competition at the Apostle Games, Su Mo handed over the task of collecting food to Su Xiaojiu. The ingredients provided by the apostles were left to Su Xiaojiu for cooking and upgrading by high-level bosses, while Su Xiaojiu handed over the corpses of ordinary high-level monsters. to her friends.

In addition to joining the Scarlet Battle Banner, Su Xiaojiu also brought in a few friends who studied food together, and set up a mercenary group consisting purely of chefs.

From the beginning, she wanted to be the president—she wanted to be the president of Scarlet Battle Banner, how could Su Mo let her mess around.

Later, Su Mo handed her more and more monster corpses, and even gave her some food orders every now and then. She and a few friends were too busy, so they could only find outside chefs.

These cooks are all happy to join her mercenary group.

The mercenary group will soon be full.

So she asked Tian Dazhuang to help fight the boss, finally got a guild order, established the [New World on the Bite of the Tongue] guild, and finally realized her dream of being the leader.

In the Scarlet Battle Banner, there are a few veterans of the cooking class who take cooks as assistants, and they also joined this guild.

Because Su Xiaojiu was able to take out a lot of monster corpses for everyone to practice, including many high-level monsters and boss corpses, and can also provide a large number of food orders, this guild currently has a scale of more than 100 people, all of whom are professional chefs who have passed the level.

Processing food for free and buying finished products at a low price, Su Xiaojiu's business has flourished.

Su Mo used these foods to feed Nicole and start a food contest. In fact, he didn't invest much money. At least outsiders would be willing to pay a higher price for the high-level boss corpses provided by Nicole and the others.

As long as the chef has high-level monster corpses, he can quickly upgrade through cooking.

Su Xiaojiu is more than 39 levels now, three levels higher than Su Mo. She is a little cook, and she can level up so smoothly. Where did so much time for leveling come from?

It's not all the monster corpses that Laifu received from the apostles are at work.

"Is there any high-level monster corpse?" Su Xiaojiu's eyes lit up.

"It is estimated that there will be a large number of corpses of high-level monsters. Bosses also have them. You'd better gather more chefs. The quality must be guaranteed." Su Mo emphasized.

Hei Xiong Jing wants to hold a wedding banquet, and the drinks can only be wholesaled from the market. If you want to save money, food is the key.

It asked many friends in the chat group to help spawn monsters and pick up corpses, and it was not for nothing. It would still pay some gold coins, and the collected corpses were handed over to Laifu, who asked Laifu to find someone to help process them.

Naturally, the processing fee is also indispensable.

Laifu doesn't intend to make money from this poor man, but Su Xiaojiu, a middleman, can make a small fortune.

Helping to process the corpses of high-level monsters is a shortcut for chefs to practice their skills and gain experience, and it is unlikely that they will ask Su Xiaojiu for money for something they wish for.

The corpse of a high-level monster that Su Mo mentioned was actually not a monster, but an apostle.

Three days later, Fu Jiang took two hundred high-level big bosses to fight the vampire Cuckold King. It would be abnormal if there were no corpses, and these corpses should not be wasted. He must arrange credible people to pick them up.

"Don't worry, the quality and quantity are guaranteed!" Su Xiaojiu readily agreed.

She can recruit people unscrupulously. This time, she must recruit 300 people, otherwise she will not be enough. She doesn't care where her brother got so many food orders, as long as there is money to make.

The previous generations of the Su family were prodigal, and Nuo Da's family business was finally wiped out and owed tens of millions.

In the generation of Su Mo and Su Xiaojiu, the business gene hidden deep in the blood was finally activated, and both brothers and sisters started to have their own businesses.

The next day, Su Mo still practiced with Su Xiaojiu and gained experience by the way.

However, he still took a lot of time to switch to the perspective of Laifu. Laifu is actually quite busy now, and the animal sports meeting will be held soon.

It needs to discuss with several other directors to set the competition items.

So far, it has been confirmed that one is skiing, one is arithmetic, one is foodie, and the other is Rubik's Cube.Those who have not been determined, that is, the alternatives include sprinting, long-distance running, long jump, high jump, swimming, boxing, flying, tree climbing, weightlifting, and tug-of-war.

Alternative means that they have passed the first round of elimination.

In fact, the competition events submitted by the apostles are far more than these ten, but the others are not of a competitive nature or do not conform to the spirit of sports.

For example, in a bite game, the two sides bite each other, and the one who is bitten to death is out.

Laifu emphasized that everyone is an apostle, and should be a group with ideals and morals, and should not define biting each other as sportsmanship.

There is also the hole drilling competition, which does not need to be established as an event. After all, there are not many people who can drill holes, and none of you can drill better than Jason, so the event proposed by Jason himself is the only one in the Apostolic Sports Committee. It passed by one vote.

Not all of the ten alternative projects will be selected.

There are too many competitions to control, and if you add [-] competitions together, how much prize money will be thrown out, and the freshman organizing committee can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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