Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 462 Free Food and Drink

Chapter 462 Free Food and Drink
According to Laifu's plan, the Apostle Games is an important part of its future territory.

Together with the material transaction, it will become a sharp weapon for it to influence the apostles. Although it does not have the title of king of the apostles, it can guide the apostles to do things according to its ideas.

According to the usual practice, all competitions that have been held before will continue by default unless there are special circumstances.

This is also the reason why such weird competitions as the Foodie Contest can continue. Of course, Laifu set this rule to take care of Nicole.

None of you would object, after all, once your proposal was approved, they would receive fifty gold coins for every sports meeting.

Not only can Nicole have a big meal, but she can also receive fifty gold coins, so she is naturally very happy.

Jason, Victor, and Laifu are in a chat group, which is fine. The problem is that neither Caesar nor Bigworth is in a chat group with them. Everyone has friends with each other, but they can't chat online together.

After all, the official has not yet provided the function of establishing a private chat group.

The five of them could only choose one place for a small meeting. Since Laifu was the boss, they chose the map where Huggins was.

The place where the town of Huggins is located has a long history. It was actually called the Huggins Plain in the earliest days. Later, the crust here subsided, and together with several surrounding areas, it became the largest inland sea in the Eastern Continent—the Central Sea.

The current Huggins is not even a percent of what he was at the beginning.

It belongs to the border of the Free Federation, but it has never been troubled by war, because the west is the Central Sea, and it is meaningless to occupy it, and the east is the Dusk Forest and the Coles Mountains.

Of these two places, the former belongs to No Man's Land, and no one can rule the Twilight Forest, not even the most powerful place of the Satyr Empire, let alone the current three-point world.

And the latter now has its own master.

Alfred, the king of the wood elves, led a family of wood elves to occupy this place. They vowed not to participate in the war between the Koro Kingdom and the Free Federation, provided that the flames of war could not reach the Coles Mountains.

The apostles found a place to meet on Huggins Plain.

Lyft lived in the small town of Hudgens, but it was impossible for him to lead these monsters to the town, so there was no more suitable meeting place than the small forest where the black bear leader Dobson lived.

There are mountains, waters, and woods there, and the environment is not monotonous even in winter. It is no problem to have a picnic or something.

"Mr. Bigworth came quite early." When Laifu arrived, only the big cat Bigworth was there.

This monstrous monster apostle was currently fishing by the river with its tail. The reason why Laifu came to the conclusion that it was fishing was that it had observed secretly for a few minutes. At the very beginning, it was standing on the bank with its tail Swaying in the river water.

Laifu didn't know what it was doing.

The animals in the game don't seem to need to poop.

Until a fish bites Mr. Bigworth's flirtatious tail and is dragged out.

At this time, Lai Fu walked over to say hello.

The big cat, Bigglesworth, apparently didn't feel that it would be embarrassing for others to see his childish side. He fiddled with the fish jumping on the ground twice with his paws, and said in a very nostalgic tone: "My master is still alive. I often catch fish like this for him, and then he will be in charge of grilling it, and the two of us will be half of each other, and his skills are really terrible."

"I hope you can find a way to revive your master. Necromancers are mysterious and powerful, and they will definitely not die easily." That's all Lai Fu could say.

And it's also great to see big cat Bigworth working to resurrect his master.

Such a free thug is afraid that it has no desires and needs. Once there is an appeal, it will have a weakness that can be exploited.

Laifu privately chatted with the leader of the black bear, Dabson, who came out to pick up the guests, and sent the coordinates to the other three directors at this time. On the withered yellow grass by the small river, Laifu began to take things out.

First of all, there must be a picnic cloth, and Laifu took out an extra-large one.

After all, the apostles that appeared today are all huge in size—except for the big cat Bigworth, whose tablecloth is too small to be used as a napkin.

Dobson, the black bear leader, appears with his fiancée, Misha the crampon bear.

One of them was always rewarded by the goblin businessman Claude for parts, and even JJ was cut off. The other was born on the edge of a large novice village and was brushed to death by players, almost reduced to an ordinary monster.

Now it's finally all over.

The two furbolgs are now level 35, dozens of players are not enough to kill them, and the goblin merchants are all hidden missions, so there are not so many players to disturb their two-person world.

"There is nothing to entertain everyone, only some stored fruits." Misha the crampon bear said politely.

But the black bear leader, Dabson, was a little reluctant. He collected fruit everywhere in late autumn and early winter, and hid it in the cellar of the cave. He originally planned to keep the two bears snuggling together for the winter to enjoy slowly, but now they are all taken away. Take it out.

"Oh, it's pretty good, not only wine, but also fruit." Laifu accepted it with a blunt smile.

Soon three other monsters also came here, one president and four directors were all present. As the host, the two bears had the right to eat, drink, and listen in, but they had no right to speak or make decisions.

"I brought food from the human world, everyone can try it." Laifu saw that everyone was there, and took out all the things.

Food, drinks, and fruits contributed by the two bears are already a high-standard picnic.

Jason is not very particular about what he eats. Its eating style is that it can swallow mud and sand together, no matter how delicious it is, it doesn't make a difference.

Victor, the salted fish king, is a little bit clueless.

It's not that there's any problem with the food, any fish, no matter what kind of fish it is, seeing a cat eat plate after plate of fish with relish, probably wouldn't feel too at ease.

The fish caught by the big cat Bigworth was finally released.

Because Su Mo specially brought a lot of fish delicacies today, and some of them were even cooked by Su Xiaojiu himself.

Another one who was more excited about eating was Caesar. This poor guy, who had never eaten such a delicious food, was almost moved to tears.

"Can I take some back to my brother and wife, I can eat less."

The king of the ape clan is very leader-like, and he will not forget the people around him while eating, no wonder it has such a high prestige in the clan.

"Eat it at ease, the one everyone brought back is ready." Lai Fu said generously.

The few of them now are basically the leaders of the Apostolic Movement Committee. When the leaders eat, they eat and drink while eating, and they must eat and drink with public funds. Laifu made up his mind to deduct the money from the activity funds up.

 I came back after ten o'clock today, very tired, so there is only one update, and I will make up tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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