Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 463 8 items

Chapter 463 Eight Items
Once you've eaten and drank enough, it's time to get down to business.

Ten candidate projects were discussed one by one before a final decision was made.

According to Laifu's plan, plus the four competitions already determined, only four of them need to be selected this time. Eight competitions are enough for apostles like them.

The No.1 of each project needs to make medals and bonuses. The overall cost is no less than one thousand gold coins. The comparison of the eight projects costs at least ten thousand to twenty thousand gold coins.

If one wanted to make ends meet, half of the apostles had to sign up for the competition, which was almost impossible.

Laifu must put money in it.

"The first one is the sprint, can that be kept?" asked Mr. Bigworth.

Its main field of competition obviously still chooses skiing, and there are very few apostles who can pose a threat to it in the competition, so it can treat these alternative events relatively peacefully.

"Sprinting and long-distance running, I think it's okay to put one piece together, just have one." Victor, the salted fish king, said.

Anyway, it’s not good at running. It’s an aquatic animal, and it can’t compete with anyone else on land, and what it said is not unreasonable. It’s really not easy to get two running, so it’s long-distance running and sprinting. Choose one of them.

"Sprinting is meaningless. No one can outrun a leopard for a few hundred meters." Caesar also expressed his opinion.

They are all animals in essence, and they have a very good understanding of the various habits of animals.

In this competition, the committee unanimously decided to prohibit the use of skills, superpowers and the like, and everyone relied on the physique and endurance of animals to compete.

There is indeed a leopard among the apostles, that is, a clouded leopard boss in Gaal Forest, Jungle Leopard King Dickens, who is the apostle of the high-level chat group, and this sprint was also proposed by him. .

"Then let's go for a long-distance run." Lai Fu thought for a while and said.

The Jungle Leopard King Dickens is not his younger brother, so there is no need to think too much about him. We have only cooperated once. As for the big cat Bigworth, he is not very impressed with the Jungle Leopard King Dickens. Nor will he refute Laifu for it.

What's more, if the outcome of the competition is already doomed, there will be fewer apostles who sign up, and the registration fee will naturally be lower.

"Can birds run?" Jason asked.

"Impossible." Everyone looked at each other, and finally shook their heads together. The scene of the birds running was a bit eye-catching.

"Since birds can't participate in this, we have to find a project that birds are good at. In several chat groups, birds account for a considerable proportion." Laifu said.

"Flying?" asked Biggerworth the Big Cat.

"Fly!" Everyone nodded together.

There is nothing more suitable for them than flying. As for who can fly faster, there is no fixed result. There are many birds in the apostles, and there are many who are good at flying.

Long-distance running and flying, two of them are removed at once.

"Since birds have exclusive events, why can't we aquatics have exclusive events? I think swimming can also be regarded as a competition event." Victor, the salted fish king, also became serious.

The other apostles thought about it.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of appeal. Since the land animals are taken care of, and the birds are also taken care of, the water in the water must not make people unable to find the competition items.

So the third one is logically set as swimming.

As for the swimming distance, that will be determined later, and Laifu also intends to seek everyone's opinions.

The last one left is to choose from the six of long jump, high jump, boxing, tree climbing, weightlifting, and tug-of-war, and boxing is the first to be ruled out.

It is estimated that the nominated Shuke Kangaroo David is good at this thing.

Shook Island is a huge island in the Banner Sea. It is said by pirates. The most famous one is the kangaroo besides the savages. This kind of animal that jumps around and attacks others with its fists once shocked the eyes of everyone in the Eastern Continent.

Shuke Kangaroo David, this naming method is similar to Langley's parrot Jamie.

David is neither in the Laifu chat group nor in the big cat Bigworth chat group. No one here will speak for him. It saves a little face.

After all, it is still counting on it to help collect the ore and herbal specialties on Shuke Island.

"Climbing trees and lifting weights are pretty good." Caesar, the ape king, scratched his ass and said, "Most of the apostles can do this, and the competition will be very strong."

Both of these were proposed by their monkeys.

The monkey is good at climbing trees and jumping. It hopes to choose one of them. Even if they don't care about the reward money of the competition, the temptation of medals cannot be ignored.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, after gaining profits, they will naturally become famous.

The gold medal winner of the tree climbing competition in the first Chinese Ambassador's Games, sounds like a very impressive song.

"Caesar, are you sure you can win the prize if you participate in the competition?" The big cat Bigworth is not very optimistic about the apes, it shook its head and said: "Monkeys are really good at climbing trees, but you are apes, orangutans, and your body size is limited. As far as I know, clouded leopards can climb better and faster than you."

"What about the long jump?" Caesar was unconvinced.

"Hehe, you stay in the Cass forest all day, and you don't pay attention to the outside world, or even the animals in the forest. You are too indifferent." The big cat Bigworth still doesn't think the orangutans have What an advantage.

"Caesar, it may be really difficult for you to win. I know a poisonous toad called Oreo. Its long jump ability is terrifying. It is said that it can fly over the Marseille River." Laifu added Mr. Bigworth's persuasion force.

"Is there any hope for us in weightlifting?" Caesar began to doubt life.

"You can't lift weights like Tyrion the Giant Elephant, but its trunk can roll up a tree." Laifu was sitting on the back of Tyrion the Giant Elephant at the beginning, watching it roll up a huge monster with its nose like lightly Throw it out.

Caesar could only lower his head in frustration.

"Let's choose the tug-of-war for the last event. With the chat group as the registration unit, no more than [-] apostles can be dispatched to participate in the competition. This will increase everyone's participation." In the end, Laifu couldn't take it anymore, so he made a decision.

The other four directors must give it face, not to mention what Lai Fu said was absolutely right.

The most important thing is to participate. If you just watch other people’s competitions, you will soon forget them when you look back, but once you really participate, the feeling of passionate competition will be etched into your bones, and everyone will have a different view of the Games. Feel, and will always look forward to the arrival of the next Chinese Ambassador.

Skiing, gourmet food, arithmetic, Rubik's Cube, long-distance running, flying, swimming, tug-of-war, these are the eight events in the first Chinese Ambassador's Games.

 Thanks to Moyan 030, Tuantuan Huyouski, and Kongji in the later period of the past for their rewards, thank you everyone, this is from yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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