Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 464 The Green Hat King Is Here

Chapter 464 The Green Hat King Is Here (Thanks for Tickets and Rewards)
There are many scavengers in the forest. They will eat the food they hunt, and bury the unfinished food until they are hungry. A large prey can even eat for half a month. Given the humid and hot environment of the forest, it has long been Moldy.

But these animals don't mind at all.

Su Mo is so handsome, if they are dug out, they will not dislike him.

After burying Su Mo, Laifu began to run wildly in the forest. Two hundred monster apostles were arranged along the road from Twilight Forest to Shadow Canyon. Ordinary monsters, regardless of their level, had already fled in embarrassment.

Even if it was the boss, Laifu asked the apostles to kill it in advance, so as not to mess up the already arranged formation.

Going from the periphery to the Shadow Canyon does not count as going deep into the Twilight Forest, otherwise everyone would not dare to clean up the bosses here. There are blue dragons in the depths of the Twilight Forest.

In fact, once the situation gets out of control, neither the monster apostle nor the two vampires can deal with the Cuckold King, Laifu plans to let Qiuqiu go. Anyway, it has wisdom now and can help its master to ask Qinglong or giant panda for help .

The Twilight Forest has never been truly ruled by humans, which shows that the strong humans can't do anything to the overlord in the forest.

Compared with the top powerhouses of human beings, Howard Zmich is nothing.

Of course, that belongs to the second hand. Su Mo doesn't want to deal with Qinglong unless it is a last resort, and he can't guarantee that Qinglong will help. After all, humans will not squat down to observe the battle between ants on the side of the road. Choose a side.

"It seems to be here!" Brad Pidan croaked and sent a voice message to Laifu.

"How many?" Laifu's spirit was shaken, and he quickly sent a group message to the apostles who were still waiting. Waiting is more tormenting than facing a strong enemy.

"Probably thousands of them, all of them are cavalry." The black crow followed the target and reported the situation.

"Cavalry?" Laifu was a little confused. It was unexpected that the enemies were all cavalry, but this was not the worst outcome. The worst outcome would be a group of bats flying through the forest with their wings flapping, so that there would be no interception possible.

"You guys in the first wave, you can do it now. After the front team passes by, attack their rear. Well, if there are mounts such as war horses, attack their mounts first."

"Got it!" Usopp, the giant wild boar, responded with an urn.

It is the wild boar apostle who once competed with Nicole who was more foodie. Don't look at it's bloated body and clumsy movements, but its defense is actually very scary.

It led the first wave of four apostles, and they all followed the route directed by Brad Pidan to ambush.

"Don't be afraid, I'll bump into it first, how many of you can stay, understand?" Usopp lay on the ground, already able to hear the rumble of iron hooves on the ground.

Pillard Pidan’s judgment was somewhat wrong. It was not a thousand cavalry, but more than 1000 mounts. There were only 500 real cavalry, basically one man and two horses.

The mounts are basically all black armored horses.

This kind of war horse should be a specialty of the northern grasslands. It is very tall and strong. Whether it is stamina or explosive power, it is the best among mounts, and it is most suitable for heavy cavalry.

In the New World, ordinary horse mounts are not very valuable, but there are also some special horses that are very expensive. The tall black horses in front of us are obviously among them, and any one of them is more valuable than Su Mo's snow mountain wolf.

If Laifu was here, he would definitely find a way to snatch a few horses.

Of course, even if you snatch something like a mount, it doesn't mean you can tame it. It should be said that it is more difficult to tame than unowned wild mount monsters.

At present, the main way for players to obtain mounts is still the lottery pool and hidden tasks, and taming mounts in the wild is still a difficult problem.

Sitting on these black armored black horses are cavalrymen in black armor, holding long iron spears in their hands, waiting for the enemy to have no way to fight back under their high-speed sprint and iron spear attack.

After they entered the forest, they slowed down a little, but they still didn't intend to stop.

The messy branches could not hinder the armored cavalry, they just lowered their bodies a little to avoid being pulled off their horses.

"Humph!" The giant wild boar Usopp scratched the soil with his hooves, humming and humming.

Then, it rushed out of the bush where it was hiding, and ruthlessly collided with the passing cavalry. Its huge body directly knocked three cavalry into the air.

Don't underestimate fat people, especially strong fat people.

But that's all it can do. More than a dozen iron spears pierced its body, causing a lot of damage to it, and one of them directly penetrated its body.

It was the javelin thrown by the lead vampire, and he set off without looking back after throwing the javelin.

The other three apostles also rushed out. They were all huge monsters. They rushed into the cavalry, causing some confusion to the cavalry, but they were quickly killed.

The bodies of the four apostles lay on the ground, and besides them were the bodies of seven cavalrymen, and thirteen horses.

It's not that the four of them only injured seven cavalrymen and thirteen horses. In fact, more than a dozen cavalrymen were beaten down, and only seven died, and the others were only injured in varying degrees.

A golden figure flashed past in the forest.

The original corpses of the apostles and the corpses of the war horses on the messy ground were all gone.

"They are advancing according to the first route, with a slight deviation. They chose a route with better terrain. I suggest that the second ambush point be moved back to the coordinates of ***%***." The black crow is in the sky Circling, continue to provide information.

"Move the second ambush point back to the coordinates of ***%***." Laifu sent the message.

The second ambush point was led by the Pale Wolf King Pease, all of them were sharp attacking apostles, this time there were forty apostles, obviously there was going to be a wave of ruthlessness.

"Hmph!" Seeing the monsters appearing in front, the leader snorted coldly, and shot several javelins with a whizzing swish, aiming at some monsters that looked very difficult to mess with. He hoped to kill the subconscious mind first. Li felt a monster that could threaten him.

The gray-headed wolf king Pease leaned down and roared.

A few apostles jumped into the air at a very high speed, and they were the first to meet the javelins.

The javelin instantly killed these apostles, but under the cover of their companions who died once, they rushed into the target team.

Not only the apostles killed the cavalry, the cavalry were also harvesting the lives of the apostles.

Between NPCs and monsters, there is not as much trouble as between players and monsters. Everyone can cause fatal damage to each other, instead of wasting blood a little bit like players fighting BOSS.

(End of this chapter)

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