Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 465 The Boss Got Into His Clothes

Chapter 465 The Boss Got Into His Clothes
Why do monsters in the forest block his way?

Howard Zmich regretted that he hadn't killed Mel, a woman who deserved to die earlier, but she had been hiding in Tallinn before going out, and Howard Zmich couldn't find a suitable opportunity at all.

Tallinn is the heart of the Free Federation, and there are so many masters. No matter whether he can kill Mel or not, it is not easy to escape from Tallinn. These masters will never sit back and watch two vampires fight in Tallinn.

So he kept frightening Mel, just to force her to leave Tallinn for her life.

Facts have proved that his strategy is very effective. Mel finally couldn't help but left Tallinn and went out to escape, just why the place where he escaped was the Twilight Forest.

Could there be something in Duskwood that would shelter her?
Howard Zmich once backed down because he was careful to let him escape the vampire's genocide. He cherished his hard-won life extremely.

However, now he is completely relieved.

If the road is smooth, then he may turn back halfway, or just send a team of cavalry to test it out, but now the road ahead is full of obstacles, which makes him feel relieved.

No matter who Mel finds as a backer, this person's strength will not be too strong.

Only when you have a guilty conscience will you show your minions.

If it was really strong to a certain extent, there would be no need to harass the wild beasts in the forest like this. Howard Zmich snorted coldly, abandoned some of the blood slaves caught in the melee, and continued to move forward.

He suspected that Mel's bitch and her helpers were trying to escape.

That's why these beasts were ordered to delay the time.

They cannot escape, not even into the depths of the forest.

After the forty apostles were killed, there were only eight left, and the price paid by the vampire legion was the loss of one-third of the troops, and the remaining geckos "ran away" like their tails were broken.

Pease quickly cleaned up the battlefield, collected the corpses of his companions, and the things dropped by the cavalry, and then started to chase after the remaining eight apostles who wanted to continue fighting.

According to Laifu's original plan, if the apostle responsible for intercepting at any stage did not die in battle, there was no need to continue chasing him.

They have already completed the task.

Pease didn't want to go home like this. He felt that he could fight another [-] rounds. He asked the other surviving apostles, and all of them were eager to continue chasing.

So they continued to chase.

Although the cavalry was riding a horse, their speed in the forest was ridiculous, and they were quickly stopped by Pease, but this time Pease was not impulsive.

Monsters' injuries are different from NPCs' injuries. Monsters have amazing resilience, but NPCs can only recover slowly after being bandaged.

So while they followed, they waited for their blood volume to be full again, and now there are only eight apostles left, rushing up is basically equivalent to delivering food, Pease is waiting for these outsiders from the forest to enter the third wave of small partners to ambush lock up.

The third wave of friends is led by Sandwalker Jason and Salted Fish King Victor.

There were only twenty of them, fewer than Pease's group.

It's not that Laifu can't arrange more apostles to stop the vampire cavalry, the key is that it is worried that it will give Howard Zmich an illusion.

That is, more and more monsters will be intercepted.

If tens of thousands of such apostles really appeared, even if he was strong, he would run out of energy and bleed dry, maybe he would turn his head and run away when he saw something was wrong.

Laifu spent more than 30 real coins to create such a big scene, how could it be allowed to give up halfway.

Howard Zmich only felt the horse under his crotch tremble suddenly, and then both the man and the horse were pushed up. He used his hands on the saddle for a little bit of strength, and then jumped up.

The war horse that received his tremendous strength wailed and fell quickly.

"The sea is boundless!"

The Salted Fish King held up his harpoon and cast a spell on Howard Zmich in mid-air. This time, according to Laifu's plan, everyone's attack target was no longer Howard Zmich's followers, but changed to himself.

Howard Zmich raised a hood.

It was dark red at the beginning, and gradually faded after being attacked. This process was very slow. Even if it was not only the salted fish king Victor who was attacking, he felt that he could not break through the shield in a short time.

Howard Zmich's occupation is difficult to understand. Before that, he would throw the javelin occasionally, and basically rarely shot. But this time, he was beaten by the apostles, and he put up the magic hood and started to use magic.

His magic form is mainly embodied by javelins. After a javelin hits the target, it will produce magic effects immediately.

One apostle was hit, his body froze, and then he was shattered by the second shot that followed.

Lai Fu, who was lying on a distant branch watching the battle, was a little startled.

Next to it is a little golden python, which is responsible for protecting Laifu so that Laifu can safely go to any battlefield in the forest.

"Peace is here!" Little Golden Python said happily.

"Yes, I hope they can break this shield. If so many apostles can't break this shield, then there is no need to deal with Howard Zmich himself." Laifu said.

There are five lines of defense in total, and now it is the third line.

"Huh!" The little golden python exclaimed in surprise.

Laifu also shook his spirits, looked closely, and found that the two sides in the fierce battle had changed.

It wasn't that the red cover was broken, the color of the cover had faded from dark red to bright red to pink behind, but it was never broken by the attacks of the apostles.

It was Howard Zmich's real shot that caused the apostles to suffer a huge loss.

Pease, who just joined the battlefield not long ago, has already been brutally murdered. Victor, the salted fish king, is remote and standing far away. At this time, he has a javelin stuck in his chest, and he is not far from death.

If Laifu went up like this, he would probably be shot in seconds.

Howard Zmich, who surprised Laifu and Nicole, suddenly stopped attacking at this moment. He was teetering in the air, and he actually used his hands to dig something into his clothes.

He was wearing a suit of armor, which looked very difficult to dig out.

"Something got into his clothes." Laifu quickly came to his own judgment. It looked at the little golden python beside him with complicated eyes, and added, "It seems to be a snake."

From the golden python to the little golden python, Nicole's size has shrunk countless times, but letting her get into someone's clothes is still a fantasy.

If Laifu's guess is correct, the one who got into Howard Zmich's armor should be a bamboo-leafed green snake apostle who was summoned.

The apostle of the Green Bamboo Leaf Snake is called Sophie, Sophie the Green Bamboo Leaf Snake.

(End of this chapter)

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