Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 466 The face is green

Chapter 466 The face is green
Sophie the bamboo-leaf green snake comes from Assam in the Harrington Plain. Assam is actually a small place with mountains but not high mountains. There are waters and not big rivers, but small forests and small streams.

However, in such a small broken place, there is the most terrifying bamboo-leaf green snake in the whole continent.

Unlike other Green Bamboo Snakes, Assam's Green Bamboo-leaf Snake is smaller in size, faster in speed, and more intense and persistent in toxicity.

Howard Zmich finally caught the little snake that got into his armor.

He pulled out Sophie, the green bamboo-leaf snake. After seeing the snake's appearance, Howard Zmich's face under the mask changed, turning pale and then green.

Of course he recognized the origin of this snake, but he didn't understand why Assam's bamboo-leaf green snake king appeared in the Twilight Forest, and how he broke through his magic shield and got in.

In fact, the bamboo-leaf green snake fell on him when he didn't hold up the magic hood. When he got up from the horse, Howard Zmich didn't notice it at all. He thought it was a branch in the forest. What about him?

And the reason why his face turned pale was because the snake had bitten him just now.

The snake bit him hard, and then he was able to catch the snake and pull it out.

As for the green color on his face, it was obviously because the snake venom had spread throughout his body.

Assam's bamboo-leaf green snake has a very fast onset of toxicity, is very strong, and is very long-lasting. There is no need for ordinary people to treat it, let alone five steps, three steps are not enough to escape.

No one wants to provoke Assam's Green Bamboo Leaf Snake King, who can poison even the archbishop to death.

That is to say, Howard Zmich's physique is very strong, so that he can withstand the poison of Sophie, the green snake with bamboo leaves.

Even so, his vitality is also rushing away. From the data point of view, it is the kind of red damage numbers constantly floating on his head, all of which are critical strikes.

Howard Zmich even felt a little dizzy.

He looked at the little snake struggling in his hand angrily, and wanted to ask why it was, what kind of hatred and cruelty it was, and it made you come all the way from Assam to Twilight Forest, just for the sake of it. Bite yourself.

Sophie, the green snake with bamboo leaves, stuck out his tongue hissingly, as if mocking the other party.

Howard Zmich squeezed the poisonous snake that had bitten him to death with a strong hand, yes, he crushed it to death with a light pinch.

It's not just because of Howard Zmich's strength. The reason why Sophie, the bamboo-leaf green snake, is so poisonous is because of sacrificing its vitality. Its blood volume is very low. After seeing Sophie, it came to Fucai knew that there were people in the chat group with less health than it.

And it's a level [-] boss.

Although Howard Zmich crushed Sophie the green bamboo-leaf snake to death, the venom given to him by the other party could not be removed for a while.

Howard Zmich glanced at the blood slaves caught in the melee and those monsters who sacrificed their lives, turned into a bat, and rushed towards the direction that exuded Mel's breath in his perception.

Five hundred cavalry!
The brave Blood Slave Knight who had been following him for many years was just destroyed in the Twilight Forest. His anger made Howard Zmich decide to solve this matter quickly.

"Nicole, go and help Lao Tuo and keep these cavalry here completely, Mr. Bigworth, the enemy has turned into a bat and is heading towards you." Laifu was very satisfied with the result.

Get rid of the little miscellaneous fish in the third wave, and now you only need to deal with Howard Zmich.

As for the difficulty of intercepting a bat, there is no need to worry about that. From Mel and McAvian, Lai Fu already knew a lot of vampire secrets.

This trick of turning into a bat is indeed the most convenient way to escape and sneak in.

It's just that its duration is limited, and it needs to constantly consume one's own vitality. Howard Zmich, who has been poisoned and loses blood, must not be able to fly like this all the time.

In fact, it didn't take long for Howard Zmich to land.

He stuck his weapon on the ground, took out some potions from his backpack, and poured them all into his mouth. He was not a master alchemist, but that didn't prevent him from possessing various antidotes.

It's a pity that these medicines can't completely detoxify the Green Bamboo-leaf Snake, they just slow down the loss of his vitality a lot. For a vampire with strong vitality, it is impossible for this level of poison to pose a fatal threat to him.

Howard Zmich snorted coldly, drew his weapon and continued to move forward.

Without his mount, without his younger brother, and even being poisoned, Howard Zmich is still very confident. His green face is full of ferocity and cruelty. He will never let Mel and her guarding these beasts The helper is safe and sound to meet death.


Howard Zmich turned his head suddenly, and saw the black cat lying on the tree, yawning lazily.

It's almost frightening, but it's just a cat.

And he has been constantly adjusting his route, even he himself does not know whether his next step is to go left or right.

The continuous stream of monsters made Howard Zimish unknowingly start to be timid. He was very worried that there would be monsters like Sophie the Green Snake with Bamboo Leaf and Green Snake. In fact, there are many such monsters, and many monsters can cause him harm. The damage was only blocked by his powerful blood slaves with their lives.

It was as if the javelin he shot at Pease was blocked by the monster apostle with his body.

Now he is alone, and there will be no more blood slaves to die for him.


Howard Zmich frowned because he saw another black cat, the exact same black cat.



More and more black cats appeared, and the scene was once very scary.

"Separation technique!"

Howard Zmich is a vampire who has lived for a long time and has seen too many things. There are very few routines that he has not seen or even experienced.

The cat who has always been able to clone.

In the fourth level, there is only one apostle.

It is the big cat Bigworth. Mr. Bigworth is not suitable for fighting with other apostles, because its most powerful is the avatar technique.

The 81 Mr. Bigworth have already occupied all the attack routes, and any other assistance will be a kind of trouble for it.

Howard Zmich's route of travel was indeed weird, but he was facing a net of 81 black cats.

"A lifeless thing, if your master is still alive, don't tell me to turn around and leave, it is possible to kneel down and beg for mercy, but you, an ownerless thing, actually want my life?" Howard Ci Mixi paused heavily for the weapon in her hand, her tone full of disdain.

Bigglesworth, the big cat, blew up in no time!


81 black shadows rushed towards Howard Zmich together, leaving a series of scratches on his body.

 Thanks to Elliot Chen, Zhuyeqing snake, Tuantuan Huyouski, Dema Fatzhi for their rewards, thank you for your rewards and tickets

(End of this chapter)

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