Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 467 Mr. Bigworth Fucked

Chapter 467 Mr. Bigworth Fucked

Feeling a sudden burning pain on his face, Howard Zmich immediately realized that his face had been scratched.He has fought all his life, and he has never encountered such a scoundrel who scratched his face as soon as he came up.

In the duel between masters, who doesn't want to show face!

He didn't have anything to say, after all, the one he was fighting with was not a master, but the opponent was a cat. If the cat was not allowed to stretch its claws, could it be magic?

Howard Zmich's weapon is a bit like a cold weapon, a long spear, a halberd, which can be used for weapon attack, and can also start to deal magic damage. As for the short gun on his back, it is a long-range attack method.

Dozens of black cats pounced on him, and Howard Zmich was not afraid at all.

He was right, if it was the black cat's owner, the great wizard Kiergaard, he would really be unable to beat him.

Although Kiergaard has been dead for many years, he is still famous in the eyes of Howard Zmich. He is a person who has stirred up the situation in the entire continent. If he is still alive, he must be the top existence.

Although Howard Zmich lived dozens or hundreds of times longer than Kiergaard, he just couldn't do it.

Now, all he faces is the pet of this powerful necromancer.

Howard Zmich felt the feeling of the spear hitting the black cats, and watched the black cats being knocked into the air one by one. He laughed frantically and mocked: "So what if you are strong, isn't your incompetent master called the black cat?" Have you crossed the boundary between life and death? Isn't it turned into dung now..."


The angry black cat let out a roar, and he didn't know what the name of the roar was. Howard Zmich felt his eyes go dark, and his mind seemed to explode. Years of combat experience made him put his hands in the air without hesitation. The weapon was retracted and shifted to the neck.

Vampires have strong vitality, even a severed limb will not necessarily die, and it will grow back again in a few days.

But the neck is still a vital part, and he will not feel better if he is seriously injured.

This long-accumulated combat experience saved him. He could feel the angry black cat leaving deep marks on the spear with its sharp claws, and the strength made him even take a step back.

However, he didn't wait for him to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ah!" A violent scream rose into the sky, resounding through the forest.

"Ah, my eyes, my eyes."

Howard Zmich felt a sharp pain in his left eye, as if something had scratched it.

In the rest of the field of vision, a black cat is holding a round object in its paw, and it is quickly backing away. The other black cats are still attacking Howard Zmich, but they are all captured by the mad vampire Cuckold King Fly and kill.


The black cat that snatched Howard Zmich's eye didn't go far away. It quickly took out some things, including teeth, hair, and a liquid with a strong fishy smell, and connected these things to the eyeball , all in one head.

Then Mr. Bigworth began to chant a spell quickly at the head.

Bullying a necromancer's pet won't necromancer magic?I really thought it was Hello Kitty.

Howard Zmich didn't know what kind of spell it was, but he was sure that this spell must be very unfriendly to him, so he frantically killed black cats one by one, and rushed to the one that was casting the spell .

"Go to hell!" The iron gun smashed heavily on Mr. Bigworth's head. This super apostle, who was able to single-handedly beat their entire chat group, didn't even utter a scream before his brains burst from the blow. .

Die on the spot!

However, Howard Zmich, who killed the black cat itself, did not mean to be happy at all.

His heart began to panic.

Something bad must have happened, what the hell did this black cat do to his eyeball?
At this moment, the hole in the skull began to spray green smoke outwards, and then Howard Zmich felt something rotten like a rotten tomato at the position of his eyes.

Howard Zmich dropped the iron gun, knelt on the ground, and touched his left eye with trembling hands.

If there were no accidents, the strong vitality of the vampire would return him to a good eye in about half an hour. If you touched it with your hands, you could feel the granulation at the wound site wriggling.

And now, that creepy feeling is gone.

The black cat cast a curse on him!
Damn black cat!
Howard Zmich carefully wiped some potion into his eye sockets that smelled like fish, then he picked up his weapon through gritted teeth.

This revenge must be avenged!
Logically speaking, he should retreat now. His cautious personality played a key role in his survival.

It's a pity that he first came to the conclusion that an enemy is not strong and needs to be consumed by wild beasts. This conclusion has not changed because of Assam's green bamboo snake and Kiergaard's pets.

Now he has lost another eye.

Not a temporary loss, but possibly a permanent loss of an eye.

In the era when vampires became bereaved dogs, he never lost any parts of his body, but today he lost an eye without even seeing the master, and his heart was filled with anger.

Even more angry than when he found out that he had been cuckolded.

He killed his younger brother with his own hands. After many years, he still didn't forget to hunt down Mel, the bitch who put a hat on him. His vengeance has reached max.

That damned woman Mel, what kind of helper did she find.

Could it be a beast master ability user?
Howard Zmich, who was blind in one eye, urgently needed to pour his anger on the blood of the enemy. He ran wildly in the forest, and anything in front of him was smashed by him with an iron gun.

A few minutes ago, where the battlefield was, a golden figure appeared.

The little golden python accurately hooked Mr. Bigworth's body with its tail and the objects that fell out of the place, and then disappeared again. She regretted that she didn't have claws, otherwise she would not have to use the corpse and the objects in one hand. Bending down to pick it up twice.

Rather than looking forward to the harvest of corpses in this event, she is actually more looking forward to the Apostles Games.

Brother Laifu has already said that she can eat whatever she likes this time, and she might shed her skin after she is full. She can't wait to see if she can grow two claws.

It is also impossible for Nicole, the golden python, to be responsible for picking up corpses all the time.

She soon arrived at the battlefield where she was about to participate. This time, all the remaining apostles were together. Under the guidance of the black crow Brad Pidan, a new pocket was waiting for Howard Zmich to enter.

This is the fifth wave of Laifu's arrangement, and it is also the last wave of resistance.

On one side are more than 100 apostles, most of them are big bosses of forty or fifty levels, and on the other side is a vampire who has lived for countless years. Although he has been injured, he is undoubtedly still a powerful horse.

(End of this chapter)

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