Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 468 Three Vampires and One Drama

Chapter 468 Three Vampires in One Drama
Howard Zmich knew that there must be monsters waiting for him, but he never expected that there were so many. When he was surrounded by monsters, his first reaction was to run away.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

I am a vampire, a powerful vampire, why should I run away, which of these monsters is worth my running away.

Moreover, many monsters were flying in the sky, completely blocking the sky's retreat.

Howard Zmich didn't dare to turn into a bat rashly—although turning into a bat can fly and escape blood, this ability is accomplished at the cost of defense and combat power.

The dark red shield seemed to have cooled down, and appeared on Howard Zmich's body again.

After encountering the Bamboo Leaf Green Snake King and Kiergaard's pet, Howard Zmich has put away all his contempt. In fact, he has only one eye now, and he thinks whoever has a lot of background.

As a result, it is necessary to play up the spirit of [-] points and explode the strength of [-] points to deal with every monster.

one, two...

The apostles fell one by one, and they more or less left scars on Howard Zmich's body, or consumed a lot of Howard Zmich's physical strength.

"Remember to pick up the corpse for me!" Nicole reminded her companions, and headed straight for Howard Zmisch. She was a little excited, and finally she could die.

I don't even know what my meat tastes like.

Is it delicious fried, or grilled, or boiled a pot of snake soup?

At this moment, Howard Zmich slammed his weapon to the ground vigorously, and a ripple visible to the naked eye spread out from him.

Trees, earth and rocks, even the apostles who were fighting with him, were all blown away by the ripples.

It's not as simple as simply blowing away, if that's the case, this trick is not one of Howard Zmich's unique tricks.

The trees, soil and rocks that flew into the air immediately turned into dust, and some of the apostles with relatively poor defenses were also torn apart by this force, and the dead could not die anymore.

And the little golden python, who wanted to make a heroic sacrifice, rolled on the ground and got up again.

After the smoke and dust cleared, there was no trace of Howard Zmich. He seemed to use a big move to repel all the enemies, and then escaped in the chaos.

"What should we do now?" Sandwalker Jason looked a bit miserable. At least half of his legs and feet were broken, and some of them were even gone. difficult.

A considerable part of the big move just now was applied to it, and it blocked most of the damage for the friends.

"Where is Teacher Laifu?" an apostle asked.

"Not very clear, let's clean up the battlefield and wait for news." Jason contacted Laifu, but found that he couldn't.

And this time I couldn't get in touch, it wasn't the usual [I'm busy right now, so I can't contact you, please leave a message], it was actually [The person you contacted has died, please contact me later].

Boss Laifu is dead?

How did you die?

In fact, Laifu is also very confused. It lurks near the fifth wave of sniping points to observe the battle situation, and directs the apostles to fight in time.

Unexpectedly, Howard Zmich directly released a big move to swipe the screen.

Our poor Mr. Laifu, together with those plants, trees, earth and rocks that turned into dust, became the fertilizer of the twilight forest, blowing in all directions with the moist wind in the forest.

Weak chicken!

Switching the angle of view, Su Mo woke up from the grave. He waved the shovel he took out from his backpack, digging the soil layer familiarly and quickly, and soon dug himself out.

Revive pets!

Switch perspectives!

After figuring out what happened from the perspective of Raifu, it asked a few flying apostles who were not affected to pay close attention to the Shadow Valley, and the other surviving apostles gathered to stand by at any time.

Once Howard Zmich comes out of the Shadow Valley alive, waiting for him will be the apostles who don't take their lives seriously.

Su Mo didn't go to Shadow Valley to join the battle.

A person like him is not qualified to participate in the war at all, and it is almost as good as sending him to death. Su Mo didn't bury himself anymore, but ran all the way - the kind of letting Laifu send him to death at all costs.

It took him a lot of time to come to the vicinity of the Panda Paradise.

Then he summoned Laifu to bury himself again. There were no monsters in this area, only pandas and some of their food. They were not interested in corpses buried in the soil, so this time the burial was relatively shallow. Su Mo used Sit up from the dirt with a little effort.

He wants to wait for the news here, and if the situation is wrong, he will ask the panda for help.

He was absolutely unwilling to fail after all the tricks were exhausted and there was such a big commotion, that is to say, the green hat king Howard Zmich must die.

Howard Zmich drove back all the monsters with one move, and turned into a bat to escape.

He stopped at the gate of the Shadow Valley, and saw a figure heading towards the depths of the valley, and he chased it in without hesitation.

It's her, it's her!

It was this damned woman who made herself suffer the ridicule of the entire blood-sucking clan.

Mel is a bait. She has been lingering at the gate of the Shadow Valley, because she is worried that the "signal" will be blocked after entering the Shadow Valley, so that Howard Zmich can always perceive that she is in this place.

Seeing Howard Zmich approaching now, she took advantage of the opportunity to attract him into the Shadow Valley.

Howard Zmich noticed something was wrong after entering the valley, because he found that there seemed to be an energy in this valley that could suppress the breath of vampires.

Then he turned around without hesitation and rushed out of the valley.

After rushing for a long time, he felt something was wrong again. He just ran towards the valley for tens of seconds. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't go far. I ran for several minutes without seeing Taniguchi.


Howard Zmich regretted rushing into this valley. How could he not be vigilant against such an obvious trap.

He continued to run helplessly, and finally saw buildings and people.

"Les!" Howard Zmich immediately recognized who was standing side by side with Mel. His heart sank slightly. Although he realized that he had already guessed that he was in an illusion, he still had a little fantasy.

Even though he is very powerful, he still doesn't want to face two pure-bloods of the same kind at the same time.

Everyone has lived for too long, even if there are differences in talent, no one is still a chicken, otherwise it is really living like a dog.

Howard Zmich is sure of beating Mel easily, and he's sure of beating Les McAvian, but he's not so sure if he takes care of both at once.

What's more, he is now seriously injured.

Howard Zmich could spot Mel Keinstein and Les McAvian right off the bat, but the other two couldn't spot him because the dude looked so miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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