Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 469 Fury's Hulk

Chapter 469 Fury's Hulk
Vampires are a race with cleanliness and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the most important thing is manners. Howard Zmich is now covered in tatters and has no manners at all.

Not to mention her shiny green skin, she was also blind in one eye.

Too bad he's not big enough, otherwise he's a Nick Fury version of the Hulk.

"Where is the other one? Where is the other one?" The hatred and murderous intent towards Mel still persisted, but Howard Zmich was also very resentful towards the beast master who made him so embarrassed.

"Are you crazy, where..." Mel sneered.

"When it's time to come out, it will come out naturally. How about we tell you where he is?" Les McAvian interrupted Mel's unfinished sentence, but made a haha ​​in an unfathomable way.

Howard Zmich didn't make himself like this, and it's not performance art.

Then it was the kid named Iron Horse Binghe who played a role. Before that, Les didn't expect Su Mo to do anything. He didn't expect that he could really hurt Howard, and he was hurt so badly.

Look at Howard's virtue, it's really ruthless.

What Su Mo did not only hurt the enemy, but also shocked the allies.

"Huh, the grievances among the vampires, you actually turned to human ability users for help, it's a shame to throw it at grandma's house." Howard Zmixi glanced vigilantly at the depths of the misty valley, lest a group of wild beasts would suddenly jump out .

Those beasts are awesome.

If he didn't intercept him outside, but cooperated with these two pure bloods to deal with him, he would have absolutely no chance of winning.

"We have no reason to argue with you, and can't you be our blood slave?" Mel looked at his "ex-husband" with hatred, wishing he could swallow him alive.

"Only by you?" Howard Zmich really didn't take these two blood races seriously.

It's useless to blindly compare, no one here likes to talk, so after explaining the scene, the three vampires started a big battle.

Howard Zmich miscalculated one thing, no, two.

The first thing is that Mel has become stronger. I don't know where she stole the vampire inheritance. Although the integration is not good, the combat power has been improved by several levels.

The most annoying thing is that this new inheritance is of the ice and snow system, and it is always made of ice and snow, which makes the bat spirit who hates the cold very uncomfortable.

Not only Howard Zmich was uncomfortable, but Rice was also uncomfortable.

So he temporarily withdrew from the battle circle, but hid aside and threw the Molotov cocktail.

Unlike Mel, Rice's strength has not increased over the years, and he has to suppress the power of light in his body, so half of his strength cannot be exerted.

If Mel hadn't become stronger, the two purebloods might have stopped eating in a few minutes.

Having been unable to continue his self-cultivation for many years, Les McAvian naturally would not sleep all day long. In addition to studying the innate illusion, he also studied hard for a second major and obtained an advanced degree.

Of course, learning this is not to cure diseases and save lives. For example, the Molotov cocktail that fell on Howard Zmich's body basically couldn't cause any damage to him through Howard Zmich's shield, but the real lethality was no longer there. burn on.

"Cough, cough, cough~" Howard Zmich started typing, and suddenly bent down and coughed violently.

"Try this again, Mel, get out of the way!" The alchemy old bat threw it over again, directly hitting the ground in front of Howard Zmich.

Howard Zmich was frightened and angry, and quickly held his breath.

Clearly wanting to have a good cough, but having to hold your breath, this feeling is absolutely unpleasant, if you don't believe it, just suck some chili powder and try it.

In fact, the bottle contained no poisonous smoke.

A bright light suddenly appeared on the stage before his eyes, and Howard Zmich, who had only one eye left, immediately burst into tears.

Fortunately, he is strong, with an iron spear that shines brightly in Kyushu, and his dance is so airtight. Mel tried to use his tricks several times, but he failed to get what he wanted.

"You two bloody beasts!"

Howard Zmich turned around and ran. He felt a burning pain in his stomach now, and he had to catch his breath before returning to fight.

"Hmph, want to run in front of me?"

Les McAvian sneered, he took out a bell and shook it, and the fog began to roll in the valley.

Then Howard Zmich saw his two opponents appearing directly in front of him, he quickly turned his head and ran away...

In the eyes of outsiders, he ran in the opposite direction first, and then turned back.

In the end, he stopped not far from Mel and Rice, and he didn't leave. His powerful perception told him that there would be great danger if he took a step forward.

Howard Zmich closed his eyes.

His only remaining eye not only has no way to describe the truth of things for him, but also confuses his cognition. He simply closes his eyes and doesn't use his eyes to see where his opponent is.

Vampires are sentient beings who can see without eyes like real bats.


Howard Zmich waved his hand violently, and one after another javelin appeared in his hand, and then he quickly threw out more than 30 javelins in a few seconds.

Mel and Les turned pale with fright, and hurriedly avoided.

Mel was not bad, he stretched out his hand more nimbly, and pulled out an ice shield in time to block the sure-to-kill attack.

When Les was dodging, the power of light suddenly surged in his body, and he hurried to suppress it, so a javelin was pierced into his lower abdomen, and his whole body was also blown away.

"Damn it!" Mel opened her arms in a hug, and the temperature immediately dropped around her, the water vapor condensed, and icicles quickly gathered one by one, and shot towards Howard Zmich.

Howard Zmich originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and completely solve the remnants of the amazing McAvian family, but the crisis that had already reached him made him unable to ignore it.

The iron spear danced, and all the icicles were smashed and sent flying.


Howard Zmich suddenly let out a scream, and on his only remaining eye, a few small icicles as thin as hair were stuck on it.

"Hey, I didn't expect it, there are small icicles in the ice, anyway, you don't need your eyes, just go blind." Mel felt very happy, she had been waiting for this moment for many years.

"Bitch!" Howard Zmich rushed towards Mel, and the iron gun slammed down quickly.

Mel condensed an ice shield to resist, but was smashed by a face-to-face smash, and her whole body was also thrown into the air. After falling, she began to spurt blood wildly.

A blow in rage was simply not something she could bear.

(End of this chapter)

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