Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 473 3 Reputation

Chapter 473 30 Reputation

When Su Mo appeared in front of the two vampires again, the two vampires were much better.

"Clap clap clap!"

Su Mo clapped his hands and praised: "It was a beautiful battle. Congratulations to the two of you. Aunt Mel's revenge was avenged, and Mr. McAvian was also free. You can do great things.”

"Thanks to you, I can command so many strange beasts." Mel tailor said gently.

McAvian said that the kid Su Mo had murderous intentions towards them, and Mel felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill, and even if he had murderous intentions, he didn't do that.

"They suffered heavy losses, more than 170 died." Su Mo said sadly.

Such a number made the two vampires gasp. They saw Howard Zmich standing in front of them with injuries all over his body. They didn't know that the friendly army responsible for intercepting paid such a high price.

This high price makes them feel suffocated.

"We won't treat you badly." McCavian sighed, this fight was really difficult, but fortunately they survived to the end, so no matter how big the price was, it was worth it.

System: Complete the mission - Revenge of the Vampire.

System: Complete the task - the freedom of vampires.

System: Complete the task - the destruction of the Zmich family.

...The system directly sent a series of reminders, all about what tasks he had completed.

Su Mo even received a reminder that he had completed the reward offered by the Holy See on Howard Zmich. Unfortunately, he was unable to receive the reward for many tasks, because he really couldn't explain how he killed Howard · Zmixi.

What's more, Howard Zmich didn't even leave his body.

The new world is not like those games in the past. If the system master says you are done, no one will question you.

It is true that killing a vampire is meritorious, but once it is known that Su Mo is cooperating with other vampires, no credit can offset his fault.

He betrayed all mankind and is a personal traitor.

"You should have already obtained Howard's inheritance gem. You probably won't use that thing. Mel and I will help you absorb it when my injury recovers. In addition, we will each give you a treasure as a reward. "

The word Treasure is very heavy, it means emphasis, and it also has heartache in it.

Su Mo didn't hear clearly.

He was now dazzled by the experience and reputation that had suddenly hit him on the head.

The experience is also okay, as expected.

The experience given by the missions in the new world is not bad, but it is very difficult to think too much. Killing a big demon like Howard Zmisch is just to raise Su Mo from level 36 to level 41.

No.19 on the level list, and one of only more than 100 players with level 41.

30 prestige!
After completing this series of missions, he had no way to receive the reward, but the experience and reputation that should be given were unequivocally smashed on his head.

More than 30 prestige points, if Yunfei has so many prestige, it is estimated that he can wake up with a smile in his dreams.

With so much reputation, he could burn scrolls non-stop all day long, and then use the scrolls to smash his opponents to death.

Su Mo is not a recorder, so the need for reputation is not that great, but it is not useless.

On the one hand, prestige can be exchanged for mounts.

In any of the main cities of the Three Kingdoms, you can exchange for a flying mount with the characteristics of the kingdom, such as the Arcane Condor of the Magic Kingdom, the Thunder Griffin of the Free Federation, and the Bright Unicorn of the Holy See.

So far, no player in the new world has a flying mount.

On the other hand is titles.

Logically speaking, 30 reputation is enough for Su Mo to obtain at least a nominal title.

Of course, there are no practical nobles in the Holy See, so if you want to be a noble, you can't go to Keluo, but if your reputation reaches a certain level, you will be respected by people there and get corresponding privileges.

On the other hand, the Freedom Federation and the Magic Kingdom can completely make Su Mo a real nobleman.

Theoretically speaking, if you have a reputation of 50, you can invite him to be a lord, and if you have a reputation of [-], you can try to clear up the relationship and see if you can become a baron.

Of course, having a title does not necessarily mean having a fief.

But without a title, you can't get a fief, even if your brother-in-law is a member of the Federal Council.

Su Mo couldn't figure it out. Isn't he just a bad vampire? Is it necessary to spend more than 30 reputation points?

He could almost kill three vampires. If he really did that, wouldn't he have a million reputation directly, and he would be able to run rampant in the Eastern Continent by then, killing people without PK value.

In fact, he really underestimated Howard Zmich.

Howard Zmich, the only son of the last Patriarch of the Zmich family, this family is known for its warlike and cruelty, and there are countless souls in its hands. It is a bit exaggerated to say that their warlikeness contributed to the demise of the blood-sucking clan, but it is definitely not necessary to speed up the progress. question.

Howard Zmich has been lurking for hundreds of years and has countless enemies. After he emerged recently, he still has the style of doing nothing but bad things.The number of tasks related to him, Mel and Rice tied together can't compare to him.

Su Mo was able to kill Howard Tsmich by using a huge amount of power, and by various chances and coincidences, there must be no more than a hundred people in the Eastern Continent who can do this quietly.

With 30 reputation, he can take it with confidence.

"Binghe, Iron Horse Binghe, child, what's wrong with you?" McAvian's voice seemed to come from an extremely distant place, a little unreal, and Su Mo came back to his senses at this time.

"It's nothing, I'm a little distracted, I'm thinking about one thing." Su Mo coughed twice to hide, and asked seriously: "The power of light has dissipated, will the Pope notice it, will he personally Come and check, I think we should hurry up and run."

"Ah!" Les McAvian stood up abruptly.

Su Mo reminded him, or the name of the Pope frightened him. He had no time to think about the possibility of the Pope leaving Koro and crossing the entire Twilight Forest to reach this small valley.

Mel's face was already pale, but when he heard the word Pope, he immediately became even paler.

They handed over the things to Su Mo, and regardless of the serious injuries on their bodies, they scrambled away, and Les McCarvian didn't even have time to clean his thatched house.

Su Mo looked at the two things in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Vampires are afraid of the Pope. As long as he puts vampire badges and other things in the guild warehouse, there is no need to be afraid, and at most he will die. Su Mo, who is level 41, has already taken life and death lightly.

Before counting the spoils, Su Mo decided to sweep Rice's thatched cottage first.

There won't be anything too valuable in it. The old bat spirit Mikavian doesn't even dare to come out of the Shadow Valley, so how could there be anything valuable.

However, things that are worthless to an NPC of that level are enough to satisfy the greed of a level 41 little hunter.

(End of this chapter)

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