Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 474 God Loves the World

Chapter 474 God Loves the World (Please recommend a ticket)
Les McAvian was an alchemist, a great alchemist.

With just an inch of land in the Shadow Canyon, he can definitely be regarded as the greatest alchemist in the game to achieve his current achievements.

Once he came out of the valley and returned to the wider world, his achievements would be even more astonishing.

This was also one of the reasons why Su Mo didn't kill him.

On this day, Su Mo showed his mind, his muscles, and his trust.

A dead vampire may bring him great short-term benefits, but it is not as good as a firm and powerful ally.

And Mel, even if all the vampires are not good, ungrateful, heartless, and morally corrupt, but Su Mo at least believes that Mel will stand firm on his side as long as he does not endanger his own life. side.

Switching the perspective let the apostles disband first, and then Su Mo walked into McAvian's hut and started the treasure hunt.

He's not picking up junk, his vision is now very high, so he doesn't even look at the rough food, and the broken empty bottles and jars that have been used for an unknown number of years.

When he was fleeing back then, McAvian might have robbed an alchemist, otherwise there wouldn't be these things.

He found some useful things in the rags. Some alchemy materials hadn't been used yet, so they might be more valuable. Some of them were relatively rare at the current stage, probably worth hundreds of gold coins.

It is estimated that the really valuable materials have been kept in McAvian's backpack. It is not bad to have such a harvest.

The biggest harvest is the finished medicine.

McAvian is not an alchemist dedicated to the research of healing potions. The things he makes seem to be offensive, such as [burning potions that cannot be extinguished], No. 1~4 highly poisonous potions, and sincerity potions that corrode the will ...

There were about twenty or thirty bottles in total, all of which were accepted by Su Mo with a smile.

There should be nothing.

Su Mo looked around the small hut, and confirmed that there was nothing with attributes.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly noticed the bacon hanging on the wall.

There is nothing special about bacon. The Shadow Valley is short of supplies. Les McAvian must cherish every bit of food. Animals that accidentally run into the valley will be put on the table, and if there is a little more, they will be made into bacon and saved.

What Su Mo's attention was really focused on was the wooden stick on which the bacon was hanging.

The wooden stick was stuck on the wall, acting as a "heavy task" for hanging things. The reason why Su Mo suddenly focused on the wooden stick was because he saw the carved patterns on the wooden stick from this angle.

He had seen this kind of pattern on Yunfei's wand.

Could this be a magic wand?
He stepped forward, took off the bacon first, and looked at it. It was indeed the most common bacon. Su Mo threw it on the ground, and then he pulled out the wooden stick forcefully.

Half of the stick was covered with oil, and the other half was covered with dust.

But Su Mo easily read the name of this thing - Touch of Illusion.

A level 45 dark gold magic wand comes with two special effects, one of which can increase the effect of witchcraft by [-]%. The so-called witchcraft effect not only includes damage, but also includes buffs and debuffs. It is absolutely rare Great property at first sight.

The second special effect is the touch of illusion, the wearer can gain the ability to cast illusion once a day.

It is probably the weapon used by McAvian when he was young.

Su Mo obtained a piece of dark gold equipment out of nowhere. Even though he got too many benefits today, he would not feel that this item is insignificant.

But he soon regretted it.

The old bat should really be killed, the things that are plugged into the wall to hang bacon are so strong, and I don't know how good the equipment he is holding in his hand should be.

With the unexpected harvest of the magic wand, Su Mo began to manually dismantle the house of McAvian.

No brick or tile was spared.

When he was busy, a group of cavalry rushed into the valley and finally stopped in front of the hut. The valley was empty, only one person was demolishing the house.

"Son, do you live here?" asked the leader in a red robe.

Su Mo straightened up and gasped heavily, and said, "Obviously not, I'm just an adventurer."

Hongpao is about five or sixty years old. He has short gray hair and a neatly cut beard. He looks very kind-hearted, making people feel good about him at a glance, and want to trust him 60%.

"You are fine, can you tell me what happened here?" the red-robed old man asked with a smile.

"I came to this valley and saw a seriously injured person, so I gave him a bottle of medicine, and he died." Su Mo shrugged, and said with some fear: "The death was terrible, The whole person shines, and then it's gone."

"There used to be a scent of remnants of the blood clan here, and there were more than one. Are you sure you only saw one?" The voice of the red-robed old man was always gentle, but he obviously didn't believe Su Mo's words.

"Yes, I ventured into the Twilight Forest today to catch a better pet. I bought information from an adventurer, saying that there is a kind of jungle leopard in this generation that is very good. Do you know the jungle leopard? The one with white spots..." Su Mo simply dropped the hoe, wiped off his sweat, and took a sip of the healing potion.

"Son, get to the point." The red-robed old man frowned, his gaze paused on Su Mo's hand.

"The point is, I searched and searched, but I couldn't find the spotted leopard they mentioned. I bought the news for forty gold coins. These grandchildren are really too much. Later..." Su Mo didn't agree. Dare to play too much, before the patience of the old man in red was exhausted, he finally turned to the main topic.

"Later I heard the sound of violent fighting, and it lasted for a long time. I didn't dare to approach at first, and then I dared to run over when there was no movement. Then I saw a person lying there, who seemed to have suffered a lot. hurt..."

"What does that person look like?" the red-robed old man asked.

"I can't say, but it's pretty good-looking anyway, about the same as me." Su Mo had to admit this.

"Okay, you continue." The red-robed old man clenched his fist, then let it go.

"I looked at it and felt that this opportunity has come. It might be a big deal. I have to save him, don't you think so?" Su Mo seriously asked the old man in red for his opinion.

The old man in red made a serious sign of the cross on his chest, and said solemnly: "God loves the world, and when he sees a seriously injured person, as long as he is not the embodiment of evil, of course he must be saved."

"What kind of evil incarnation, I can't tell the difference, so I took out a bottle of potion and fed him like this..." Su Moguang said that it was not enough, and took out a bottle of healing potion from his backpack in a timely manner. Feed it to the old man in red robe, but the eyes of the twelve knights around him were too fierce, he could only direct and act it out and feed it to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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