Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 475 The Bright Unicorn

Chapter 475 The Bright Unicorn

Seeing Su Mo's movements and the potion in Su Mo's hand, the red-robed old man had a strange expression and couldn't help interrupting Su Mo, asking, "You feed him this, is he willing?"

Fuck your uncle, feed vampires with healing potions, thank you for thinking of it.

There are many types of healing potions in [New World], but there are only two types that are most common in the hands of adventurers, and the other differences are only good or bad.

And these two categories, one is the product of pure alchemy, the other is the holy water of the Holy See added to the original basis, the effect of the two is similar, but the effect of adding the holy water of light to the dark damage is higher Even more immediate.

Bright holy water is not a rare thing.

There are personnel from the Holy See everywhere in the Koro Kingdom for free to the people and adventurers.

Therefore, most alchemists would add holy water to their healing potions, and only darker professions like wizards would buy healing potions without holy water.

As a hunter, Su Mo naturally used healing potions with holy water.

He still didn't seem to be aware of his stupidity, so he recalled it seriously, and said: "At that time, he seemed really reluctant to drink, maybe he was too embarrassed to accept my gift, but I can't just ignore death, so Just take care of him, just pour it down."

"He's a vampire, of course he can't take it if you feed him this," the red-robed old man reminded, "Vampires are creatures of darkness."

He felt quite sympathetic to this unknown vampire.

The background must be not small, otherwise, he would not have been hurt by the Pope - the injury has not yet died, which is enough to show how strong he is. If the vampire is not dead, the red-robed old man does not think that he is likely to receive the current investigation Task.

"Oh my god, how did this happen? I obviously wanted to save him. I killed someone. What should I do?"

At this moment, Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro were together, and Su Mo perfectly expressed the grief and regret of a kind little white who accidentally killed an innocent poor man.

Oscar owes him a statuette.

Even the old man in red couldn't stand it anymore. He bent down and gently stroked Su Mo's head. Light rose from nothingness, and everything from his hands to Su Mo's head was enveloped in endless warmth.

"Son, he is a vampire, an evil existence, we are here to end him, and if you kill him, you are a hero."

"Vampire? Hero?" Su Mo's sadness finally stopped. He raised his head and asked with tears in his eyes, "Then I helped you kill an evil vampire. Is there any reward?"

"Uh..." The red-robed old man felt that he swallowed a mouthful of Xiang, which was warm.

"I seem to have heard the master of the system remind me that I have completed the reward offered by His Majesty the Pope." Su Mo looked at the red-robed old man seriously and expectantly.

The old man in red robe was so angry that his liver hurt, and he really wanted to slap Su Mo to death.

But behind him stood twelve apologist paladins, who were extremely loyal to the Holy See and trusted their shepherds extremely.

He is a red-clothed archbishop, and he really can't do such a thing as murder and silence.

And I said everything myself, vampires are evil and should be killed, killing him is helping the Holy See.

Under such preconditions, if there is no reward at all, how can it reflect the iron law of God’s love for the world, and if it is spread out, it will shake the beliefs of believers.

"Of course there are rewards." The archbishop in red said kindly.

"What kind of reward, thank you, praise God, praise all of this." Su Mo was relieved, he was actually just trying his luck.

The worst result is being killed. That possibility is relatively low. After all, people in the Holy See always like to find reasons for doing things. Generally, the bad result is to be ignored. Don't worry about it now, the old man has already promised rewards.

We can accept more or less.

"I have several rewards for you to choose from. Remember, you can only choose one of them." The archbishop in red waved his hand, and several items appeared in front of Su Mo.

Su Mo is a hunter, so of course he will give priority to the hunter's things.

It was a dark gold hat.

Seeing that it was a hat, and it was made of dark gold, Su Mo was overjoyed.

However, after seeing the expression of the red-robed old man, he began to worry about the attributes of the equipment—the two special effects, both of which looked good, why this old guy couldn't hide his schadenfreude under his sanctimonious expression.


Su Mo suddenly realized that he had overlooked a problem. The hat was actually green. Green was not an attribute.

This bad old man is really bad.

Just killed a green hat king, and used the green hat to disgust people.

Su Mo is not a person who cares too much about other people's strange eyes, but he is absolutely unwilling to ask him to wear a cuckold.

So he could only look at other equipment.

Disgusting, really disgusting people.

The other pieces of equipment turned out to be only gold, and there was only one gold with a special effect, and the special effect was not good. The old man was forcing him to choose a green hat.

"I choose this." Su Mo hesitated again and again, and finally chose the green hat, but he didn't intend to equip it. We can't afford to lose this person for a long time.

However, he can take it and sell it to others.

There are always people in this world who are mentally strong to a certain extent.

There are even some perverts who like this tune.

"Good, good, work hard, child, God is watching you." The red-robed old man got on his horse and left without looking back. Twelve paladins escorted him.

Their war horses are all bright unicorns, running and running, a pair of light wings spread out on both sides of the mounts, and then Su Mo watched them fly into the sky, and thirteen figures flew across the sky like shooting stars and disappeared in skyrim.

No wonder they came so fast.

The bright unicorn is so pretty. Su Mo looked at his 30 reputation, and unconsciously drooled.

Of course, he didn't immediately plan to exchange for the Bright Unicorn. He also had to take a look at the reward mounts from the other two, maybe they were even more attractive than the Bright Unicorn.

And the Bright Unicorn is a bit too sissy after all.

Dark gold hat, this harvest is actually not bad.

Even if the apostles and the cavalry were not counted, Su Mo had already obtained three pieces of dark gold and three pieces of legend today, which seemed to be flooded with high-level equipment.

In fact this is a complete illusion.

Legendary equipment is unheard of, and there is no piece of dark gold equipment in such a popular channel as the trading house. Only Gaara's big businessmen occasionally appear as a finale in high-end auctions in order to make their names famous.

(End of this chapter)

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