Chapter 476

After finishing the demolition work of Uncle Mikavian's hut, Su Mo had time to check the harvest this time. Good things need to be watched together to be enjoyable, so he also specially switched the perspective and took all the things that Nicole sent to Laifu.

The top ones are naturally the three legends.

The legend that Howard Zmich dropped was the five javelins on his back. This thing is not really five weapons, but a complete set of combined weapons.

In terms of attribution, the system classified this weapon as a long-range weapon of the warrior type.

Warriors can also be equipped with long-range weapons. Most fighters will be equipped with crossbows, and a small number will be equipped with short spears. Veterans of the Scarlet Battle Banner basically choose short spears.

It's hard to say how well they shoot. After all, the soldiers' long-range attack is not high, but the guns are very handsome.

And this set of legendary javelins breaks the tradition of poor ranged attacks of warriors in terms of damage alone, not to mention it also has three relatively good special effects.

One is piercing and piercing armor. With this attribute, a warrior can put a javelin on the opponent to lower the defense first, and then go up and chop.

One is knockback, the stabbed target has a certain probability of being knocked away by the javelin.

There is also a special effect that has no practical effect, but is also necessary for combat. It allows the player to throw the javelin to automatically reappear behind the back.

It's no wonder that Howard Zmich can keep throwing guns along the way.

Su Mo can't use this thing by himself, but he can ask the people in the guild, or give it to Gaara to deal with, and the money Su Mo will continue to invest in the development of the guild.

The legendary equipment Mel gave Su Mo was a robe.

What Howard Zmich dropped would not take care of Su Mo's career, so there was such an inconsiderate behavior as dropping warrior equipment.

Mel is different, what Mel gives to Su Mo is what Su Mo can use.

Glory of the Silver Moon (Legendary): Armor 317, Dexterity +18, Constitution +22, Dodge +20, Special Effect 1: After being hit in battle, there is a chance to reflect the damage with a certain probability, and restore the same amount of health, and reflect the damage The value depends on the attack power of the target, special effect 2: escape, teleport to the designated location within fifteen yards of sight, cooldown time is 2 minutes, does not share cooldown time with other similar skills, equipment requirement level 40, durability 100/100 .
A level [-] hunter leather suit is countless times better than Su Mo's.

Light Feather Hunting Suit (Silver): Armor 126, Dexterity +6, Constitution +13, Dodge +12, special effect: When attacked, there is a certain probability of being immune to 30.00% damage, equipment requirement level 30, durability 32/45.
Among other things, the armor value alone is more than twice as high. It can be said that this piece of Silver Moon Glory is worth the armor value added by all Su Mo's equipment.

I have long heard that level 35 equipment and level [-] equipment are not at the same level, but I didn't expect that the level span is too ruthless.

What Les McAvian gave Su Mo was a short gun.

Bloodline Glory (Legendary): Damage 120-214, Dexterity +48, ​​Accuracy +11, Special Effect 1: There is a certain probability of causing a piercing effect when hitting a vital point, Special Effect 2: Knockback, after use, all targets within a 180-degree fan-shaped range will be hit Flying, the effect of knocking into the air depends on the target level and resistance, the cooling time is 173 seconds, the equipment requirement level is 45, and the durability is 6/148.
Compared with what Aunt Mel gave, McAvian was obviously not so considerate. The thing he gave was a short gun, not to mention the attributes, and the durability was only 6. How long has this guy not maintained this legendary equipment.

Su Mo obviously already has a dark gold short spear, and its attributes are very powerful.

Western Law Enforcer (Dark Gold): Damage 70-133, Dexterity 22, Strength 15, Range 5, Special Effect 1: Damage increased by 10%, Special Effect 2: When attacking, there is a certain probability of interrupting the target’s spellcasting, equipment requirement level 35, durability 55 /55.
Law enforcement officers in the west may not have as high damage and attributes as Bloodline Glory, that is mainly because of rank and level.

After all, the Western Law Enforcer is only a level 35 weapon, which is ten levels behind the Glory of the Blood Race.

I had a good weapon, but I gave it another one. This is inconsiderate. Su Mo still has a lot of silver equipment on his body, especially the ring. He also carries a blue piece of garbage without any special effects. goods.

Of course, this is the trouble of the rich.

A good weapon at the legendary level, no one will feel inconsiderate.

This blood clan glory is the best thing Su Mo got today. It is better than clothes. The clothes and weapons in this game are similar in the New World. Weapons are inherently three points more expensive.

Unlike the law enforcers in the west, Blood Glory only adds agility, which will greatly increase Su Mo's agility after being equipped.

For hunters, agility can't add much damage, but it can increase shooting speed, movement speed, as well as critical strike probability and critical strike damage, which is the attribute with the highest priority.

Of course, the Glory of the Blood Race is not all-round suppression of western law enforcement, at least the accuracy is not as good as the range.

In terms of special effects, Blood Glory’s first is puncture, which is difficult to understand. It will show different effects depending on the puncture position and degree of puncture. Hovering between hits.

The second special effect is the knockback of the group attack version.

This special effect has sublimated this weapon. Except for traps, hunters have no group control skills so far.

In fact, most professions do not have group control skills. The most typical group control skills in the current version are Freeze for Mage and Trample for Warrior, and Group Fear for Wizard.

Puppet masters, bishops, priests, etc. There is no such thing as group control at all.

There are three legends, two of which can be used by oneself. There is no more comfortable thing in this world. It's a pity that the glory of the blood race needs to be level 45 to use it, and you have to lie in the warehouse for a while.

Then there are seven pieces of dark gold equipment.

The reason why there are seven pieces instead of three is that the other pieces come from the apostles who died outside in battle, and the iron knight who followed Howard Zmich and was killed.

These armored knights are also boss-level monsters outside, and it is normal to drop dark gold.

Su Mo didn't feel that there were a lot of these dark gold equipments at all. Instead, he felt that the system had deducted his equipment. Five hundred cavalry bosses and more than 100 high-level apostles dropped such a few things.

Among the seven pieces of dark gold, only one can be used by Su Mo.

It was the one he picked up from Howard Zmich. Howard Zmich dropped a piece of legend for warriors and a piece of dark gold for hunters, which is considered as merciful.

Howard's Fangs (Dark Gold): Agility +15, Special Effect 1: Vampire's Dance Step, instant, dodge +10% after use, lasts 3 seconds, cools down for 5 minutes, equipment requirement level 40, durability 75/75.
(End of this chapter)

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