Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 477 System God, You Deceived Me

Chapter 477 System God, You Deceived Me

Su Mo pulled off the silver pendant around his neck and put on this necklace.

His rubbish silver pendant has no special effects, but it only adds three points of agility and two points of strength, completely humiliating the identity of silver equipment.

And this Howard's fangs are actually a bit of a shame to the identity of the dark gold equipment, after all, it only adds fifteen points of attributes.However, compared with the silver pendant, the dark gold equipment has such attributes and special effects, so Su Mo is content.

The other six pieces of dark gold are not from the hunter profession, and they are all equipment above level [-].

This discovery made Su Mo feel heartbroken. Level [-] equipment can only be used by players in a year of the monkey. Demand determines the market.

But I don't worry about not being able to sell it, after all, there are not many people in this world who are as low-key as myself.

Level [-] equipment is more suitable for comparison.

Just imagine, in a dark bar with noisy crowds, a group of beauties surround you, and you take out a piece of level [-] dark gold equipment, and start to recall the past with a vicissitudes of life.

In that adventure, we encountered a fifty-level baby dragon, and we did not retreat.

In that battle, my brothers were all dead, and I was the only one left. I finally used a sword, only a sword, and stabbed the baby dragon's chest. The dragon blood poured on my body. After victory I was not happy, I just took this piece of equipment back indifferently.

Wow, that's great~
This is the value of high-end equipment. In fact, it’s useless. It’s like wearing a 30 yuan watch. You don’t live even a second longer than those who wear a ten-dollar electronic watch.

Then there's gold gear.

Well, there are a lot of them, and there is no lack of top-quality equipment among them. Unfortunately, they are all about level [-], so there is not much demand at this stage.

More than 200 pieces of gold equipment.

Su Mo pointed his middle finger at the sky, the master of the system was targeting himself.

Fortunately, there are still a batch of rare materials and special props that can soothe his wounded heart. Not all monsters will lose their equipment when they die.

All that's left are monster corpses.

Most of the ones that could be picked up were picked up by Nicole. Even if they were blown up and turned into pieces of meat, Nicole felt that they could be brought back and roasted.

This time, there were too many corpses of high-ranking apostles, many of which Nicole had never eaten.

Nicole and Laifu - Laifu must admit that he is also looking forward to this batch of food - eagerly waiting for Su Xiaojiu to make the food.

However, Su Mo was going home.

Not back to Huggins, but back home from the base.

Although he really wanted to celebrate the New Year with his brothers who didn't go home at the base, how could Su's father and Su's mother allow it, after all, they hadn't celebrated the New Year with Su Mo for several years.

The situation at home has improved slightly, and relatives who were shy about walking around before should also do so.

The relatives of the Su family did not have such a thing that everyone would stay away when the Su family went bankrupt. When the Su family went bankrupt and needed money urgently, everyone basically took out the money they could, more or less.

Several even disposed of some assets.

It's a pity that the bankruptcy of a medium-sized enterprise is also the bankruptcy after the dying, and it is not uncommon to borrow usury.

It is Su's father and Su's mother who alienate them. They try not to bother everyone if they can. Everyone has their own life. When the Su family was rich, other relatives did not live in a villa and drive a luxury car to enjoy a luxurious life together. When there is no obligation to suffer along with it.

Now the usury has been repaid a lot, and the repayment is not according to the ten-year and 20-year plan as before.

Therefore, relatives who should move should also move. After the accident, the money owed and the favor owed must be repaid. The New Year's Eve is the best opportunity.

As for relying on their son to support the family, although Su's father and Su's mother felt guilty, this was actually justified.

At least before Su Mo went to the army, he enjoyed the life of a rich second generation for more than ten years, and Su Xiaojiu did the same.

Most of the Scarlet Battle Banner members who work in the base don't go home during the Chinese New Year. They will take advantage of the double experience during the Spring Festival to upgrade crazily.

In the past few days during the Spring Festival, there have been many activities in the game.

There are double experience, mission red envelopes, Spring Festival BOSS, etc.

But as a game, New World is undoubtedly a success.

He let more than half of the people in the world know that there is this game, and at least one tenth of the people have registered for this game, and the number of people online at the same time often exceeds [-] million.

This is not a portable mobile game. Before the new world, the highest record of virtual games was more than 700 million.

The era of virtual games has come!
Countless people have seen this fact clearly. Su Mo could see various surroundings of [New World] in the goods market last year.

Of course, they are all without authorization. After all, other game companies will not authorize the image of the female priest's cool and refreshing outfit to the sugar orange sellers to print on the packaging bags.

During the Chinese New Year last year, it was the most difficult time for the Su family. They ran out to borrow money in various ways, but they didn't buy new year's goods at all.

This year is different, Su's father and Su's mother have also found a job, and the brothers and sisters of the Su family have also made a fortune. Naturally, they buy and buy all kinds of things, but they will no longer only buy expensive things and not the right ones when they want to be rich.

Su Ma, who has an elegant temperament, can also negotiate prices with hawkers in a very gentle tone, and the people who talk about it almost cry.

Su Mo thinks it's fine now.

People always have to go through a lot of things to grow and life to be meaningful.

After shopping for new year's goods and returning home, the Su brothers and sisters began to grab the game pod. There was only one game pod in the house, and they both wanted to log in to the game.

"I have a million-dollar deal to discuss." Su Mo didn't lie, he wanted to hand everything over to Gaara and negotiate the price.

Of course, this batch of high-level equipment cannot be sold at the market price.

Gaara must come up with a plan to hype the equipment, so that Su Mo can give him the equipment, otherwise he would rather leave everything in the warehouse and wait for the player to reach level [-] before selling it.

"No, I have something else to do." Su Xiaojiu stopped in front of the game cabin, not giving an inch.

"Jiujiu, let your brother do the business, and you can play after he's done." Su's father and Su's mother were packing up and cooking. When they heard the quarrel between the two brothers and sisters, Su's mother persuaded her daughter.

After the accident at home, Su Mo withstood almost all the pressure.

In some matters, Su's father and Su's mother are more patriarchal, but when it comes to Su Mo's business, they will be more open-minded.

"No, I have to go online now, it will be too late soon." Su Xiaojiu was very stubborn.

"What are you doing online?" Su Mo asked.

"I can't tell you, anyway, I have an appointment with a friend, so I have to go online now, so go away." Su Xiaojiu stared, assuming a posture of not giving an inch.

Su Mo originally wanted to follow the usual practice of throwing her aside with her collar, but suddenly remembered that Su Xiaojiu really hadn't lied.

She does have a date yet.

(End of this chapter)

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