Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 478 Su Xiaojiu's Date

Chapter 478 Su Xiaojiu's Date
If this is the case, then Su Mo really can't continue arguing with Su Xiaojiu, but he won't just ignore it, after all, he is a good brother who loves his sister.

"Who are you going to see, man or woman?"

"Ah? Is it male or female?" Su Xiaojiu was stunned. She didn't think of this question for a while. Looking at the name on the message, Nicole, it should be female, but are pythons divided into male and female?
"You don't even know who the other party is, say, are you going to meet netizens, and you won't be allowed to enter the game today unless you explain it clearly." Su Mo pretended to be fierce.

This is in line with his character design. If Su Xiaojiu said that he was going to meet friends in the game, and he obediently stepped aside, then there would be a problem.

"Brother, you're making a big deal out of a molehill. That's a game, not a reality where netizens meet. Get out of the way, or I'll cry." Su Xiaojiu resolutely refused to disclose who she met, because Nicole wrote her a letter saying that she couldn't tell Anyone, this is a secret that only belongs to two "people".

"Oh, I can't stand you, I'll let you." Su Mo snorted coldly and walked away.

Of course it was impossible for him to prevent his sister from meeting her "friend", he just tested whether Su Xiaojiu could really keep her mouth shut. In fact, Nicole didn't ask Laifu to write similar words, they were all added by Laifu himself.

Su Xiaojiu watched her brother walk away proudly, and entered the game room by herself.

After going online, she began to stuff delicious food into her backpack, and she also brought a lot of cooking utensils and condiments, all for her new friends.

Su Xiaojiu actually doesn't have many friends.

Or it should be said that there are almost no friends. The friends in the early period were all from aristocratic schools. Later, the family went bankrupt. Although she did not transfer to another school, she also alienated those friends who talked about various luxuries.

There are no friends in the game. Everyone protects her very well. She doesn't even have the chance to team up with strangers. How can she have new friends.

Then she made her way to Gaal Forest.

Standing on the edge of the huge forest, Su Xiaojiu's heart pounded. She came alone, and she didn't even bring her teammates to keep it secret.

As an atypical combat class, if a chef enters Gaar Forest, he may be killed within a few steps.

Holding the frying pan in his hand, Su Xiaojiu gritted his teeth and took a solid first step.

However, to her surprise, she did not encounter a monster.After walking for a long time, I didn't meet them, and even the lowest-level rabbits seemed to have disappeared.

This discovery made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Su Xiaojiu had never been to Gaal Forest before, so she instinctively thought that there were no monsters in the periphery of Gaal Forest. This kind of knowledge made her adventure trip feel like an outing.

Until the shadows covered her head, the dappled sunlight disappeared.

Unlike the Twilight Forest, the vegetation in Gaal Forest is not so lush, and you can often see sunlight even if you walk in the forest.

At first, Su Xiaojiu thought it was the trees blocking the sunlight, until she heard the sound of heavy breathing, which was the sound only made by giant beasts.

Turning her head anxiously, Su Xiaojiu saw a huge fur monster.

The bear monster looked at Su Xiaojiu curiously, and finally recognized her as edible food, and it let out a threatening growl.

Brother seems to have said what to do when encountering a bear in the wild, but unfortunately he didn't listen carefully at that time. Did he mean to pretend to be dead, or to keep quiet and slowly retreat...

Brother, are you there? Your sister needs help. Wait online. It's urgent.

The bear really couldn't wait any longer, it roared, and slapped Su Xiaojiu with a slap, the bear paw the size of a cattail fan probably could have crushed Su Xiaojiu with one slap.

At this moment, a golden figure flashed past.

The huge grizzly bear flew up directly, smashed several big trees, wailed after landing, got up and ran away without looking back.

Could there be a more ruthless one?

Su Xiaojiu opened one eye and glanced through the gap, and found a little golden python sitting cross-legged in front of her, looking at her excitedly.

Don't ask her why she can see the excitement of a boa constrictor, she just can.

"Nicole?" Su Xiaojiu opened her eyes wide, looking at this somewhat familiar date, but completely different from her memory.


Nicole nodded sharply. She could understand Su Xiaojiu's words, but unfortunately she couldn't understand Su Xiaojiu, so she could only express it with body language.

I don't know what's going on, she started to drive away the monsters outside the forest early this morning, but she missed a bear monster. Fortunately, she was nearby, and she ran over here when she sensed something was wrong. Otherwise, if Su Xiaojiu was caught The furbolg was killed, and even if it could be resurrected, their friendship would cast an unnecessary shadow.

"Oh my God, why are you so thin?"

Su Xiaojiu was taken aback. The last time I saw this python, it was really a giant python, lying on the ground and raising its neck. Su Xiaojiu had to look up to meet her eyes.

But now, Su Xiaojiu can touch her head as soon as she feels deeply.

Thinking of this in his heart, he touched Nicole's head with his hands first, and it seemed to feel good. The scales of the little boa constrictor were soft, and there seemed to be two bulging little bumps on the forehead.

Nicole was stunned for a moment, and then found that she did not reject such touching.

Of course, as long as it is delicious.

Su Xiaojiu was distressed that she was hungry and thin, and had already started to take food out.

"Eat some food first, and I'll start cooking for you." Su Xiaojiu took out her stove, pots, pans and spoons from her backpack, and everything was ready-made, including water.

Nicole wagged her tail and circled around the busy Su Xiaojiu, picking up a piece of barbecue and eating it from time to time.

It's really delicious, even better than what Brother Laifu gave.

"Oh, yes, it would be great if the bear didn't run away just now, what fresh ingredients." Su Xiaojiu took out the prepared meat, and suddenly thought of this.

The little golden python, which was eating, paused for a moment, then disappeared with a whoosh.

Not long after, she came back again, and took out the bear's body from the backpack just now, and she was powerless to fight back.

The bear was also unlucky.

Originally, I met a delicious meal, but I didn't eat it, and I also met the forest king.

A tail pulled off several of its ribs, and it almost died. It ran for its life, and hurried out several hundred meters.

Without further ado, they fought directly.

It can't be called a big fight, because the furbolg is not an opponent at all, and it will be dealt with after three strikes, five divisions and two.

In fact, it should be glad that it has been cooked.

In this way, it doesn't know how miserable its end will be, skin cramping, bloodletting and flesh cutting, and even the internal organs are cleaned and marinated for further processing.

(End of this chapter)

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