Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 479 Braised Bear Meat

Chapter 479 Braised Bear Meat
"Okay, these are the ingredients. I'll make a braised bear meat first. It just so happens that my brother gave me a lot of ingredients recently..." Su Xiaojiu chatted with Nicole while making it—she was talking, and Nicole was eating snacks While listening to her.

This pair of new friends seems to be quite harmonious, at least for now.

Su Xiaojiu is grateful for Nicole's protection of her in the Babel Tower last time, and for saving her from the Grizzly Monster just recently.

Not only that, but also killed the grizzly monster and turned it into food to avenge her.

As a chef, others love her food very much, which is the greatest compliment in itself. Su Xiaojiu is very happy to see her new friends like her food.

It's just that, if you keep eating like this, when the bear meat is ready, will Nicole have no stomach to pretend?

"Braised bear meat is the most delicious method of bear meat. The ingredients are not only bear meat, but also pork. This is authentic wild boar. There are also chicken and shrimp. My brother said that chicken is also an ingredient dropped by BOSS. Shrimp I bought the meat from the market, it's not cheap at all..."

Bears, chickens, pigs, and shrimps, Nicole silently wrote down these animals.

The next time you meet, you will never let it go. When you are ready, you can continue to invite Xiaojiu sauce out to play, and let her make it for yourself.

After all, it is a game, and it cannot be as cumbersome and slow as in reality. In just ten minutes, a large pot of braised bear meat is ready.

Su Xiaojiu first took out a picnic cloth and arranged the dishes.

Nicole looked at her busy, and although she could hardly hold back her drooling, she still waited until Su Xiaojiu finished tossing and saying that she was ready to eat before eating.

There was a big pot of braised bear meat in soy sauce, Su Xiaojiu stopped eating after one bowl, and the rest went into Nicole's stomach.

Su Xiaojiu watched Nicole eat the last piece of meat with a look of surprise. She originally planned to take the rest back to her brother to eat if Nicole couldn't finish it.

Moreover, Nicole ate a large pot of braised bear meat. Logically speaking, her stomach should be thicker than a bucket now, but no matter how others looked at it, they couldn't see any changes in the lines of the little golden python.

Where did all the food go?
Su Xiaojiu couldn't help but ran over and rubbed Nicole's stomach, since a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, she is probably the only one who dared to do this.

Nicole, the golden python being fed, didn't have the power and prestige of the big devil at all, and she narrowed her eyes enjoying herself.

Then Su Xiaojiu took out some desserts.

Where did Nicole enjoy this kind of thing? Her previous eating attitude was to fill her stomach. This is like a poor child who is working hard for food and clothing, and suddenly enjoys the poisonous life of capitalism.

After eating, the little golden python still looked at Su Xiaojiu expectantly.

Suddenly there is a feeling of raising a child.

At this moment, Nicole suddenly turned her head vigilantly and looked in one direction, and then they saw two players approaching.

"Little sister, have you seen our mission monster, a huge black bear." One of them asked.

They were both men, a mage and a hunter, the hunter was talking, and the mage didn't speak, but he had already seen the bear skin that Su Xiaojiu spread beside him to dry.

No wonder Nicole cleaned the nearby forest, but missed a huge furbolg, which turned out to be summoned by someone else to do the task.

"I didn't see it." Su Xiaojiu shook her head violently.

Nicole was a little puzzled, they clearly saw it, and even killed it and ate it, why did they say they didn't see it? Fortunately, she didn't care much about things other than eating, so she shook her head along with it.

"Little sister, your pet is very interesting, and you can even shake your head." The hunter player asked, "Where did you catch it?"

"No... I won't tell you." Su Xiaojiu originally wanted to say that it wasn't a pet, but after thinking about it, she couldn't explain why a monster that wasn't a pet was with her, so she just pretended to be her pet.

"I think it's better for you to tell us, after all..." The mage came over and picked up the bear skin that was drying on the ground: "This is what we summoned, and you killed it, shouldn't you compensate us a little bit?" loss?"

"That leather is mine." Su Xiaojiu stared at them, feeling a little guilty.

A hunter, a mage, it seems that they can't beat it.

She seldom fights with others. Recently, in order to prepare for the Chaoyun Cup, she has begun to get in touch with PK, but at most it is only a supporting role.

I don't know if I can kill one first with a pan.

"This skin can be regarded as compensation for our loss. How about you tell my friend where you caught this python, so that we can even out?" the mage said in a reasonable tone.

"Or we'll kill you." The hunter added cooperatively.

This kind of people is already considered relatively good, and they will snatch them if they don't come up, but they are almost rare. Perhaps the main purpose is to find out where the little golden python is caught.

Just when the mage rolled up the bear skin and was about to put it into the backpack, a golden light flashed, and then the mage turned into a corpse.

The hunter looked at this scene stupidly, and couldn't believe that his friend would be killed in a flash. Even if he was a crisp mage, he hadn't had time to open the shield, but he couldn't be so fragile.

At this moment, he suddenly felt as if someone had slapped his head violently.

Either it looks like it's being photographed.

The cute and cute little girl was jumping up and hitting his head with a frying pan at this moment.

Then there is no more then.

Nicole killed a mage, so naturally she wouldn't leave another hunter here to spoil the scenery.

After killing the two annoying guys, Nicole continued to look at Su Xiaojiu expectantly, waiting for her to continue making delicious food. The big grizzly bear just ate a pot of braised pork and only ate ten minutes. one of them.

"Nicole, you are amazing. I wish I had a pet like you." Su Xiaojiu sighed.

Putting on the grill, Su Xiaojiu started to cook bear meat skewers. In the game, marinating ingredients does not need to be done all day and night like in reality. A few 10 minutes is enough for the taste.

"I want to too." Nicole said in her heart, but unfortunately it was impossible.

She has already inquired, only hunters can catch pets, but Xiao Jiujiang is not a hunter, and the boss of her level, the system master will never let her become a pet.

In order not to make her human friends too boring, Nicole didn't keep pestering Su Xiaojiu to make delicious food.

Brother Laifu told her about the concept of long-term development, so after eating the grizzly bear, she wandered in the forest with Xiaojiu sauce.

There are many fruits in the forest, and Nicole will eat them occasionally, but she doesn't like them very much.

However, Su Xiaojiu seems to have seen a treasure, and also collected some very expensive seasoning ingredients on the market. The game has made cooking into a big knowledge.

When Su Xiaojiu said that he wanted to get some ingredients, the monsters in the forest were miserable.

Those monsters who were driven away by Nicole from the outskirts of the forest didn't count if they lost their homes, and now they even lost their lives, and they didn't feel safe when they died.

(End of this chapter)

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