Chapter 480
This new combination is very pleasant.

One is carrying the pot, and the other is looking for various ingredients, and then make delicious food to share.

The only disharmony is that Su Xiaojiu's stomach bulges quickly, and she can't eat anything anymore. She can only watch Nicole keep eating. The key is that she is not fat at all.

From being a little cautious at the beginning, Su Xiaojiu has completely let go later.

Such a friend is really good, you don't have to be careful to please her, as long as you give her something to eat, you won't get angry if you touch her casually, but it's a pity that Nicole can't speak.

Nicole also discovered Su Xiaojiu's hobbies. In addition to high-end ingredients, she also likes equipment and gold coins dropped by monsters.

So, Nicole started to take Su Xiaojiu to kill monsters and explode equipment in the forest.

Nicole crippled the monster, and then Su Xiaojiu went up and knocked it with a pan, and if it didn't work, she knocked it twice, so that equipment that matched her level would fall out.

With Nicole as a local snake, Su Xiaojiu can almost run rampant in the Gar Forest.

"Nicole, Nicole, I'm here to play with you, are you at home!"

Nicole received the new information, and when she saw that it was Jamie the Langley parrot, she immediately felt a little worried.

Langley Parrot is a free boss who can go anywhere, and was once the pet of the pirate king. He has seen a lot, unlike those stupid apostles who can't even speak, so Nicole has a good relationship with it.

The reason why Nicole is worried is whether Xiaojiu sauce will like Langley parrot more when she sees it.

This is probably the trouble between girlfriends.

"Nicole, Nicole, I brought your favorite golden pine nuts." Langley's parrot circled and flew over the Gael forest, and the monsters below fled in panic. Come on boss.

"Golden pine cones?" Nicole immediately regained her spirits.

In fact, she herself was not that keen on golden pine nuts, at least after eating all kinds of delicacies in the human world, she felt that she was really young at that time.

But golden pine nuts are indeed a rare thing.

She can give it to Xiao Jiujiang.

So Nicole reported their location and asked Jamie the Langley parrot to come over, and they met each other like this.

"Oh my God, what did I see? Nicole, where did you catch the human child? It looks delicious. Do you want to raise her up and eat it?" Langley parrot Jamie asked.

It has been busy with the duel with the black crow, and has never paid much attention to the chat group.

"No, this is my friend. Her name is Xiao Jiujiang. She can cook a lot of delicious food. See if she looks good." Nicole knows that Jamie is a good-looking dog, the kind with depth.

"It's really beautiful. I like her eyes, what a pair of bright and clean eyes." Jamie flew around Su Xiaojiu, and Su Xiaojiu didn't know the origin of Jamie the Langley parrot, but the bird exuded She noticed the powerful breath immediately.

"Don't scare her, or I'll eat you." Nicole flicked her tail, forcing the parrot back.

"Jamie, Jamie, I'm Jamie." The parrot flew in the sky, and made a strange sound from its mouth. Nicole could understand it. It was human language, and she couldn't speak it at least at this stage. of.

"Wow, you can talk, I'm Xiaojiu sauce, hello Jamie." Su Xiaojiu was surprised.

But thinking about it, it’s a parrot and I’m relieved. Parrots in reality can learn tongues, so it’s so strange that parrots in games can talk.

Nicole was instantly depressed, she couldn't speak, and it didn't help that she felt jealous of the way her new friend looked at her old friend in surprise.

Fortunately, Su Xiaojiu soon discovered her depression, and quickly stretched out her hand to comfort her: "Our Nicole is also very good, she doesn't get fat just by eating, and many girls in the human race will be jealous of your talent."

"Long live the King of Pirates!"

"Root, hand over all the valuables!"

"The men stand on the left, the women stand on the right, and those who are neither male nor female stand in the middle. None of them are allowed to move."

"Gold coins, I like shiny gold coins."

"Rudolph, you old bastard, just wait for me."

"Good morning, Birdman."

"Jamie, Jamie, I'm Jamie."

Being praised by Su Xiaojiu made the Langley parrot very happy, so it said everything it could say, only seven sentences in total.

The plan to use Jamie as a translator immediately went bankrupt.

"Give me your golden pine cone, Jamie, I want to give it to my new friend." Nicole, the golden python, had already adjusted her mood, and Xiao Jiujiang really loved herself the most.

"My God, you want to give this human a golden pine nut?" Jamie the Langley parrot couldn't understand: "Don't forget, this golden pine nut can only ripen once a month. It was your favorite food before."

"I'm going to give it to her just because it's a good thing. She made me a lot of delicious food today, so she must be very tired." Nicole is very considerate.

"This thing is very helpful for your evolution, but she, an ordinary human, has no effect even if she eats it." Jamie the Langley parrot was reluctant, and it asked contemptuously: "Why don't you give it to me because of her?" You cook, and the food you cook is delicious, so please please her."

"It's not for flattery, nor for food, just because she is my friend, I want to treat this as a gift." Nicole was sober.

"Okay, here you are." Jamie the Langley parrot had no choice but to give the golden pine cones to Nicole.

No way, I once owed Nicole's family an adult request. In return, it needs to help pick golden pine cones every month. It is a dangerous place full of thunder and lightning. Only a bird as powerful and petite as it is Have the opportunity to come in and out.

A golden fruit was taken out, and finally handed to Su Xiaojiu.

"This looks delicious. We can use it to make a fruit pizza. I'm good at making this." Su Xiaojiu didn't know that it was given to her by Nicole, after all, Nicole has been giving her the ingredients today Let her cook.

What is fruit pizza, it sounds delicious.

It turns out that there are so many delicacies in the world, it was really a waste of time before, but this golden pine nut was given to Xiaojiu sauce, how can I eat it myself, I am really entangled.

Or just wait until it is made and eat a small piece for yourself?
When she was struggling there, Su Xiaojiu had already started to prepare the ingredients for the fruit pie. Along the way, not only did she harvest all kinds of meat, but also a lot of fruits.

Poor people will go deep into dangerous forests to pick rare fruits and sell them to black-hearted merchants.

The rare fruits that Su Xiaojiu can buy outside are more expensive, and this time she followed Nicole into the forest, which is considered a bumper harvest.

A human girl is busy cooking in the depths of the forest, while a boa constrictor and a parrot are watching from the sidelines. Occasionally, a passing monster senses the huge aura emanating from these two apostles, and immediately carefully detours up.

(End of this chapter)

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