Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 481 Fruit Pizza

Chapter 481 Fruit Pizza
The fruit pizza was ready soon, and the aroma was pervasive, beyond imagination. Su Xiaojiu knew that all of this had something to do with the fruit that the parrot took out just now.

Only then did she realize that she had encountered something rare and good.

Taking out the tablecloth again, and pouring three cups of freshly squeezed juice, Su Xiaojiu put a small piece of golden pine nuts, which made the drink also very fragrant, and the color of the juice was also dyed golden yellow.

The reason why the tablecloth is taken out is because in the opinion of a chef, the enjoyment of food at any time and any place must have a sense of ritual.

The Langley parrot no longer complained about giving the golden pine nuts to Su Xiaojiu.

Looking at the posture of the tableware, it is obvious that it is also included in the scope of being entertained. No wonder this Xiaojiu sauce is so loved by Nicole. It looks like a good boy.

Nicole originally planned to eat only a piece of pizza, but she had already given the golden pine nuts to Su Xiaojiu.

However, this fruit pizza is really delicious, even though there is not a single diced meat in it, it is better than any meat she has eaten before.

So she ate the second piece, the third piece...

After eating the third piece, with tears in her eyes, she finally resisted the desire to continue eating, and began to watch Su Xiaojiu eat.

Su Xiaojiu only ate one piece.

She cooked a lot and ate a lot that day, and she didn't have Nicole's physique of not getting fat, and her appetite was extremely limited, so she already had a round stomach.

"Why don't you eat, Nicole, and eat more, Jamie." Su Xiaojiu rubbed her stomach and decided not to eat.

"Jamie, what should I do? I really want to eat it, but the golden pine nut is my gift to Xiao Jiu." Nicole was once again caught in a tangle.

Life is really difficult, and these problems are always made to embarrass her.

"I...I can't finish it, why don't I give it to you." Jamie is a parrot, and he is usually full with a dozen grains of rice. How can he eat such a large slice of pizza.

So the part that the parrot ate a horn was also eaten by Nicole.

"Isn't it delicious?" Su Xiaojiu still didn't understand why her friend suddenly didn't like to eat it.

Nicole and Jamie made gestures for a long time, and finally let her understand that this fruit is for her, and the food made from this fruit is also for her.

Su Xiaojiu originally wanted to say that she didn't want it, and that Nicole would eat the rest.

At this time, the system came to join in the fun. Its old man reminded Su Xiaojiu that after eating golden pine nuts, the level will increase by one, and all skill levels will increase by one.

Level plus one?

Skill level plus one?

This is too powerful, Su Xiaojiu realized how precious the fruit they gave him was at this time.

She took out a piece of pizza to check the attributes, and sure enough, she saw that the attribute introduction said that a piece of pizza can increase the level and skill level, but it is a pity that eating more will have no effect.

"How about this, I'll give my brother another piece, and I'll give you the rest, Nicole, you're welcome, this is what I gave you." Su Xiaojiu put away a piece of pizza, and pushed the rest to Nicole in front of.

If this kind of thing is sold in the player world, it will definitely sell for a super high price, but Su Xiaojiu is a girl with principles.

Since she made it for Nicole, she will never regret it.

"Wow, Xiaojiu-chan, you are so kind to me." Nicole was moved to tears, and threw herself on the pizza, and quickly ate all the remaining large pieces of pizza.

After playing for a long time, the new friends reluctantly bid farewell.

Nicole sent Su Xiaojiu away from the forest to the edge of the forest, and they agreed on a time to meet next time.

After Su Xiaojiu entered the game cabin, Su Mo went out to the Internet cafe.

There's no way, there's nothing wrong with staying at home, so he can't be allowed to accompany his mother to watch the family's short drama, and he agreed to come back for the New Year, so it's not good to go back to the base.

However, it is not realistic to let him not play games during the whole Chinese New Year.

If he hadn't logged in to the game, then his level advantage might not be maintained for a few days, not to mention that when the Chaoyun Cup kicked off on the first day of the new year, he had to find a place to surf the Internet.

Fortunately, there is an Internet club opposite their community.

When Su Mo came to the door, Ge Erdan was taking his two younger brothers to put up signs everywhere, no smoking, no sex trade, etc., as if he wanted to turn the club into a temple.

It's not that he has become so noble, but that after Su Mo came last time, the deputy director came here to inspect the field every now and then. After all, his respected instructor Su Mowang lived here.

If the area he was in charge of was not clean, how disappointed the instructor would be with him.

As a result, all the places in this area that are suspected of side-balling are unlucky, and Ge Erdan's club, which is the scene of the crime, has also become a place of suspicion.

"Brother Mo, you're here, brother Mo, you're finally here!" Ge Erdan saw Su Mo at the first glance, as if he had seen a relative.

All that the deputy did was for Demon King Su, and the person who tied the bell had to be untied. To solve the problem, all that was needed was for Demon King Su to come forward and say something.

The last time Su Mo left, Ge Erdan hoped that he would never see him again, and it hurts his heart to think about it within a few days.

"Hey, Erdan, what are you doing here, posting Spring Festival couplets?" Su Mo also saw Ge Erdan and the things in his hand.

"Brother Mo, don't make fun of me. Take a look, what are these things?" Ge Erdan was on the verge of crying with grievance. The nightmare from many years ago has not only not been relieved, but has even worsened.

"Strictly prohibit Huang Dudu, this is well written, it should be done like this, bastard, don't you want to strictly prohibit it?"

"How dare I, you old man, do your best, say hello to the officials, don't check me every day, I haven't done anything bad, the business is affected, and no one dares to come." Ge Erdan now hopes that he didn't charge for the hundreds of devices and gave them away for free, so Demon King Su would owe him favors.

Regardless of whether it is expensive or cheap, it is a transaction that pays for both money and goods.

"Uh, I'm confused. Second brother, don't worry, tell me from the beginning." Su Mo didn't know from the beginning to the end that the deputy office in this area was his former student.

So Ge Erdan invited Su Mo to the office.

At this time, he really didn't hide anything, including the little trick played by Zhu Zhiyong and that old-school Deng Kuan, and he told it in detail.

"Brother Mo, I didn't do anything to be sorry for you. You are a lot of adults, please save me." Ge Erdan almost begged.

It's not that he has nothing to do with it, but the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. A deputy from the military background is a businessman, and he really has nothing to do with him.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, it's a trivial matter." But Su Mo changed the subject and said seriously: "It's okay if I help you mediate, but if you use my banner as a tiger's skin, you will do something bad secretly , that’s not something that someone will come to investigate every now and then.”

"Brother Mo, I don't even dare to kill me." Ge Erdan slapped his chest.

"That's fine, let me help you. But, you can't let me be busy. Sell me one from the game cabin, and someone will send it to my house later."

(End of this chapter)

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