Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 482 Hold Brother Mo's Thigh Tightly

Chapter 482 Hold Brother Mo's Thigh Tightly

"Buy? Buy what to buy, don't need to buy, I happen to have a machine that has just been eliminated, and I'm giving it to Brother Mo." Ge Erdan didn't take the opportunity to make Su Mo owe a favor.

Things have come to this point, what an obvious thing.

Hold Brother Mo's thigh tightly, all the vice offices are just floating clouds.

As for the slap in the face of Su Mo who was thinking about the return of the king before, it was all young and ignorant. Now I finally understand that after all these years, it is still impossible to escape the shadow of Old Demon Su. To be reasonable, if Old Devil Su doesn't do anything now, they can't get along.

"Then follow the previous price." Su Mo said.

Soon, a luxury game cabin just taken out of the box was "eliminated" and sold to Su Mo. Su Mo also knew what Ge Erdan was up to, but he didn't refuse.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish, and he is not a gentleman of Taoism.

Besides, if he really bought it at the price of the new equipment, he would offend Ge Erdan instead. To put it bluntly, he would be ignorant of flattery. In the future, everyone and friends will not have to do it.

The reality is like this, it's not that Su Moduo wants to take advantage of him.

Su Mo now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a day just from ore and herbal medicines, and he has long looked down on these tens of thousands of dollars.

Ge Erdan is quite a nice person, so Su Mo decided to help him say a few nice words.

"This is my mobile phone number. I have been at home for the past few days until the third day of the Chinese New Year. If he comes over here, tell me, and I will tell you." Su Mo said from Ge Erdan's desk. Tear off a post-it note and write down your mobile phone number.

"Brother Mo is kind." Erdan Ge didn't dare to refute.

In fact, he really wanted to give Brother Mo a piece of equipment for free, but unfortunately he couldn't give it away.

This is actually quite good, the best latest equipment, sold to Su Mo at less than half the price, no one will say that Su Mo is blackmailing or something, and Su Mo does not have any blackmailing behavior, this is what he seems to be from the beginning to the end do not know.

It's nonsense to use a sub-firm's contacts just to buy a gaming device for cheap.

"Xiaomo, what are you doing?" Su's mother heard the sound of the door opening, and when she came over to take a look, she saw a few young men who didn't look like good people carrying a device.

"The game equipment I bought can be placed in the living room," Su Mo said.

The family rented two bedrooms and one living room, a very simple one, Su Xiaojiu had a small room, parents lived in the master bedroom, and Su Mo lived in the living room when he got home.

Originally, Su's father, Su's mother, and Su Xiaojiu wanted to move to a bigger house. They didn't need Su Mo's money, and Xiaojiu sauce could handle it now.

But Su Mo refused, since he has rented it, let's live until the contract expires.

Anyway, he seldom came back, so it was nothing to live in the living room.

Back then, he could spend a day and a night in the swamp with 47 leeches on his body. Those ghosts could always find various crevices and get into his clothes, even the best combat uniform was useless.

The living room is already small, and the game room is even smaller.

Fortunately, the last time the Su family rented a smaller house, with one bedroom and one living room separated, the one they are renting now is at least twice as big as the original one.

"Brother Mo, the network cable interface is a bit poor. I'll ask the communication company to upgrade it for you later." The boys said winkingly.

In fact, he wanted to say, Brother Mo, I think your house is too small and shabby, why don’t we rent a bigger one for you, free of charge, just as a supplement to your equipment, but unfortunately, as a licking dog, he is not thick-skinned enough .

"Xiao Mo, you know them, you won't do anything bad, right?" Mama Su was a little worried.

"Mom, don't worry, I never do bad things, I only do bad things." Su Mo picked up a disposable cup and poured some water, and handed it to the buddies who were carrying things.

"Thank you Brother Mo!"

"Thank you Brother Mo!"

The younger brothers were so flattered that they bowed ninety degrees.

Su's mother felt that it was an eyesore, so she went to work on her own.

Fortunately, her son went to serve in the army, otherwise, she might really mess around. Before her son joined the army, she watched all the young people in society screaming, and always felt that his son was the kind played in movies. scoundrel.

Now, even if he feels like a villain, he is at least an undercover agent in the villain.

After a glass of water sent these younger brothers away, Su Mo started to log in to the game. There are still many things waiting for him in the game.

The first is to send money to the monsters.

Switch to the perspective of Laifu, settle all the items sent by the monsters recently. In order to encourage the monsters to work more, Laifu has paid the monsters [-]% of the market price.

Many monsters have realized that they can earn a pass for a few hours a day.

Fifty gold coins for a pass, that is, more than 300 yuan, this is crazy money for monsters who can only swipe copper coins and silver coins on the ground, but can't earn two gold coins a day.

Even if the player upgrades in the game to fight monsters, mine and collect herbs, he may not be able to make so much money in a day.

At present, most players do not make money in the game [New World]. Being able to be self-sufficient is already very remarkable. At least [-]% of the players have to deposit money into the game once a week, and some even krypton every day. Kim, never tired of it.

Su Mo is not worried that his profits will be diluted, small profits but quick turnover.

And this time the apostles who encircled Howard Zmich, Laifu will also pay them all the money, so that the next time they call for everyone to act together will be convincing.

Command the apostles to fight for themselves, but influence is not enough, everyone is getting smarter and smarter.

The combination of interests is the last word. Following Laifu they can make money and reap benefits. In that case, Laifu asks them to fight for themselves, it is not that it begs the apostles to do things, but the apostles beg it Bring yourself along for the ride.

For those apostles who died in battle, Laifu specially gave some more.

When inspecting the ores, Laifu was pleasantly surprised to find that the little blacksmith Sony had collected all the rare ores needed.

This time nothing is more important than this.

A dark gold bow with good attributes is too important to him. The combat effectiveness of the short spear is only at a short distance. If it exceeds a certain number of yards, the damage of the short spear will be weakened, and the accuracy will also drop significantly.

This is a game, but there is no such thing as a pistol with a 50-meter effective range.

In the game, the range of the short gun is only 28 yards, which is far lower than the [-] yards of the mage. Of course, Su Mo's Western Law Enforcer has a range of [-], which is already a very remarkable attribute.

But a short gun with a range of 25 yards is not inferior to a bow with a range of 32 yards.

With a good bow and arrow, you can completely kite your opponent thirty yards away, and you can't even touch a hunter's hair.

Whale String Longbow (Gold): Damage 42-88, Dexterity +3, Strength +15, Range +2, Special Effect: If the power is charged for 30.00 seconds, the damage will be increased by 25%, the equipment requires level 26, durability 33 /[-].
Su Mo really wanted to throw away this broken bow.

(End of this chapter)

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