Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 483 Little Sony's Bow

Chapter 483 Little Sony's Bow

The materials Su Mo prepared this time plus one piece are worth at least 10,000+ real coins, which is not much better than those krypton gold bosses.

After spending so much money, if he still can't make decent preparations, he will definitely tie up little Sony and throw him in the pirate's lair, and tell the pirates that this guy is offering a bounty on your heads.

The 10,000+ real currency does not count the money for bowstring materials.

The bowstring materials in the game are not made of polyester fiber, almost all of them are made of silk and tendon. The worst is silk and tendon, and the better one is naturally the material taken from the high-end BOSS.

It just so happened that a batch of high-level monster corpses were obtained recently, and Su Mo got a lot of bowstring materials.

If these things are sold in the market, they can also sell for a lot of money.

Throwing all the things in front of Sony, Su Mo stared at the little blacksmith without saying anything, the threat in his eyes was self-evident.

The little blacksmith clicked his tongue while checking the materials.

He really didn't expect that Su Mo could get rare ores that exceeded expectations so quickly, as well as the animal tendons of these high-level bosses.

"Don't worry, I promise I won't disappoint you. In fact, if you can wait a few months, add more materials, and let me practice a few times, I might even make you a good bow at the legendary level." Little Sony proudly Said.

"Don't fool around, the agreed-upon dark gold, the attributes can't be bad, or I will tear down your shop." Su Mo waited for a few months.

Besides, these materials ore are not easy for others to get, so why is it difficult for him.

Come back and get another batch of ore.

Too much money is useless. Manager Li has run away, and he probably doesn't think much of the money he owes, so he is not in a hurry to pay off the debt. He can keep the useful ore for small blacksmiths to make weapons.

The hunter-type occupations in the Scarlet Battle Banner accounted for nearly half of them, and they could digest all the good bows.

With good weapons, you can kill stronger bosses, or gain an advantage in fighting with others.

There are also those competitions, there are many competitions in the game, both official and unofficial, many of them have popped up recently, as long as you win the ranking, you can get rich rewards.

For those merchants who want to advertise in the game, investing in a guild will cost a lot of money, and they may be cheated after hard work.

They can make a competition and put the name of their products on it.

For example, the VV Soybean Milk Cup Strongest Team Competition, Overlord Anti-Hair Loss 5V5 Competition, no matter how weird the name is, as long as you give money, a large number of players will participate in the competition.

Many people from Scarlet Battle Banner have recently participated in the Overlord Anti-Hair Loss 5V5 Contest.

The number of people with hair loss is increasing, and the business of this brand is getting bigger and bigger. In reality, celebrities with a lot of hair volume are invited to endorse, and a lot of money is spent in the game.

The first prize is 200 million, and the Scarlet Battle Banner has nothing to hope for, they have already been eliminated outside the top [-] competition.

However, as long as you hold a Bawang family product in every game and say a few words of advertising, you can get a bonus, and the more you play, the more you get. A lot of money.

For now, there are no masters in the Scarlet Battle Banner.

Its extremely strict recruitment rules also restricted the entry of masters.

Fortunately, these veterans are willing to spend time studying and practicing, and over time, they can also cultivate a group of good masters.

What Su Mo, the boss, needs to do is to provide them with opportunities, provide them with excellent weapons and equipment, and let them make a name for the Scarlet Battle Banner. In the process, he can earn a little money, which is the best return.

Some of the money everyone earned from playing games was kept for themselves, and the rest was handed over to the guild, among which tens of thousands were distributed to Su Mo.

The money is not much, after all, it is just the beginning, but from this we can see the huge potential of the guild in the future.

"Our Sony family has been making bows for so many years, and we have never smashed our own signboard. If you fail, it can only mean that you are unlucky." The little blacksmith muttered, not paying attention to Su Mo's threat at all.

As long as the materials are available, it doesn't take too long to make.

It was impossible for Su Mo to wait here, so he chose to go out to brush pirates to level up, and exchange some brands for arrows by the way.

In fact, pirates are a very good monster. They give more experience, drop more gold coins, and give a little reputation when they spawn, which is more powerful than most monsters.

It's just that there are not many people who are willing to come here to brush monsters.

There are relatively few monsters, and after finishing this island, you have to swim to another island. Once there are more monster spawners, a few islands may not be enough.

Swimming in the sea is not the clear and bottomless environment of a swimming pool.

The deep sea is like a bloody mouth, causing huge psychological pressure on the players. If you have a deep sea phobia, you will not be able to level up here.

And there are monsters in the sea, the small monsters are okay, if you encounter a sea monster, the player will be swallowed into the sea monster's stomach at once, and the timid people will be scared to pee directly.

Su Mo was also afraid, so he bought a potion and put it on his body, so that the creatures in the water would avoid it.

In fact, the monsters in the sea are more experienced, and the things they drop are not bad. Unfortunately, the official design is to dance for the blind. No one wants to consume underwater breathing potions, and then struggle against the resistance of the water to spawn monsters in the water. .

After brushing the monsters for two hours, it was the time agreed with the little blacksmith.

Su Mo couldn't wait to run back to see what kind of equipment the little blacksmith had made for him with materials worth 10,000+ yuan.

"Hey, it's a pity, it's a pity, it's a pity. If you take it, you won't have to pay the handling fee." The little blacksmith's expression of regret made Su Mo's heart sink, he must have failed.

This money-greedy guy actually saved even the handling fee, he must have done something bad.

"Let me tell you, these materials cost a lot of money." Fortunately, Su Mo has a good mental quality, otherwise he must have cried right now.

"Hmph, with your few materials, at least this equipment is worthy of you." The little blacksmith said disdainfully.

Obviously, in his opinion, what Su Mo collected was not high-end at all, and the quantity was too small. The Sony family had never done such a loss-making business before.

They make equipment for the mercenaries, and the materials for the three weapons will be delivered to one weapon, and the materials for the remaining two weapons will go to Sony's family, and an additional commission will be charged.

Su Mo picked up the equipment and looked at it, and he was relieved when he picked it up.

Little Sony's Refined Longbow (Dark Gold): Damage 100-184, Dexterity +20, Strength +20, Penetration +5, Special Effect 1: There is a certain probability that the hit target will bleed, and the lost HP per second is the current value 10% of the damage, and the duration depends on the target's level and toughness. Special effect 2: Fatal blow, when the target's blood volume is less than 20%, there is a certain probability of causing a one-hit kill effect. The equipment requires level 40 and durability 120/120.
(End of this chapter)

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