Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 484 Deadly 1 Strike

Chapter 484 Fatal Strike


What a pity!
This bow is very powerful, and Su Mo is already very satisfied.

He was startled, thinking that so many good materials turned out to be a golden bow.

Maybe for other players, having a golden bow would be nice.Su Mo is different. His short spear is dark gold, and there is a level 45 legendary waiting for him. How can he still look at gold now.

From here you can see the success of game designers.

People like Su Mo who don't like the pursuit of equipment are now starting to pay attention to how to get good equipment, just like a donkey with a carrot hanging in front of it, it will never be satisfied.

Comparing Su Mo's previous golden bow with this bow would be an insult to the little blacksmith.

It can be compared with the short gun of Blood Glory.

Bloodline Glory (Legendary): Damage 120-214, Dexterity +48, ​​Accuracy +11, Special Effect 1: There is a certain probability of causing a piercing effect when hitting a vital point, Special Effect 2: Knockback, after use, all targets within a 180-degree fan-shaped range will be hit Flying, the effect of knocking into the air depends on the target level and resistance, the cooling time is 173 seconds, the equipment requirement level is 45, and the durability is 6/148.
The damage of a longbow is not as good as that of a short gun. It seems ridiculous, but in fact this kind of comparison is brainless.

The Glory of the Blood Race is a level 45 legendary equipment. Not to mention the higher level five, there is also a leap from dark gold to legendary. Little Sony’s exquisite longbow can have a damage limit of 180 and an output limit of [-]. It is already a very remarkable equipment. .

Here also want to talk about penetration plus five.

Penetration This attribute is similar to piercing, but it is more focused on the maximum limit of attack.

The damage fluctuates within the range, and the penetration plus five can increase the probability that the weapon's damage will reflect the maximum value. One hundred and 180 four, this gap is not usually large.

Su Mo was most satisfied with the two special effects of Sony's exquisite longbow. It can be said that these two special effects are not inferior to the legend.

Especially the second special effect, which fully embodies the brutality of the longbow weapon.

As long as the blood volume is lower than 20.00%, there is a certain probability that it will be lost in seconds, no matter how much blood volume you have, even if you are a blood cow, you are welcome.

Bleeding is also a good attribute, the accumulation of less makes more, and the damage caused by bleeding is also very objective.

What's more, once the assassin profession bleeds, they can no longer be invisible. An assassin who cannot be invisible is a weak chicken in front of the hunter, and he has to pose whatever posture is asked.

"Thank you, Mr. Sony, I wish I could kiss you." Su Mo caressed the new weapon with a satisfied expression on his face.

Even if there is a beautiful woman standing in front of him, he won't take a second look now.

What's the use of beautiful women? It's because the game is not fun, or the equipment is not good enough.

"Let's go, don't forget our agreement. My father's death day is coming soon. I hope more pirates will be punished." Little Sony looked at the casting hammer in his hand, his tone low.

Hearing this, Su Mo couldn't joke anymore.

However, he still had his own doubts, and asked: "I heard that when the Pirate King was around, the pirates were very principled and never killed innocent people indiscriminately. Is it true that you treat all pirates as enemies?" Too much?"

"What do you think they survived? The good pirates have already starved to death. Kill them and use death to pay homage to my father." Little Sony is usually a very interesting person, only at this time does he appear extreme and Stubborn.

"Okay, I'm always on your side. I hope you can help me make a batch of good bows. The attributes don't have to be comparable to this one, but the gold level must be at least reached." Su Mo thought about it. Think, there is really no need to speak for the pirates.

Let's be honest, pirates aren't all bad.

Some people become pirates for money, to get something for nothing, while some people just can't survive, or escape from their enemies.

Not all pirates kill innocent people indiscriminately.

When he tortured the second-in-command last time, Su Mo even heard that there was a group of pirates who not only didn't kill people when they robbed, but even took [-]% of the property, which was lower than the tax collected by the customs.

"As long as there are materials, weapons are definitely not a problem. The Sony family has a history of making bows for hundreds of years..." Little Sony quickly adjusted his mood and turned into a funny comparison.

"A family of bow makers, do you make staffs?" Su Mo chuckled.

"You're mentally retarded, and your whole family is mentally retarded." Unexpectedly, Little Soni knew about this stalk, and fought back against Su Mo without hesitation.

Su Mo was dumbfounded, you are an NPC, why are you so smart.

Feeling that his IQ was crushed, Su Mo had no choice but to take a batch of arrows and leave the blacksmith shop.

If you get a good weapon, you must definitely try it out.

There are no better subjects for testing weapons than sea turtles, and the waters around Coney's fishing port are plentiful.

These big turtles slowly crawled along the coastline. They were generally level [-] or above, and occasionally a level [-] boss would appear. Almost no one came to trouble them.

Because the blood volume of this kind of boss is too thick, and it will run away.

Players often fight for a long time, but the boss turns around and runs away without even getting a single hair. It's like playing a game with the boss.

Su Mo knows this BOSS, or Lai Fu knows this BOSS.

He is an apostle, an intelligent creature, and it is normal for him to lose half of his blood and run into the sea.

Su Mo didn't intend to provoke this turtle, he chose an ordinary turtle, no matter if this poor little turtle is innocent or not, it's just an arrow to go up.

Awesome, if you switch to the Western Law Enforcer, the damage will drop below [-] immediately.

The turtle was attacked and rushed towards Su Mo instinctively.

Su Mo retreated while fighting, and swiped a few times to hit the turtle's blood volume below 20.00%.

The exciting time has come.

Killing blow, Nima calls you to come home for dinner.

Swipe it, -433, although it is very strong, it is a pity that the turtle still has more than 1000 HP.

That is to say, the killing blow was not triggered. What the hell, this is, a level 41 player beats a level 38 ordinary sea turtle, the difference is three levels, and it can't be triggered all at once.

Su Mo is not some sunspot whose luck is so bad that there is no lower limit, as long as there is a certain probability, there is absolutely no probability.

Come again, or normal attack.

The skills of the hunter class are the least among all professions, even less than that of the warrior class, so normal attack is the most commonly used method of the hunter class.

Let me go, Su Mo's breathing stopped, a normal attack killed [-] HP, which is much better than a charged blow, okay?

Moreover, the attack was still a sea turtle with high defense and high blood volume.

Su Mo hugged Little Sony's refined longbow and kissed it hard. This is what he wanted. The fatal blow is really powerful.

 Thanks to Tuantuan Huyouski for his rewards.

  Milk a book, "Dungeon Player" Two-dimensional, but it is also a game, let's see if I milk him to death

(End of this chapter)

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