Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 485 Stealing the Rich and Helping the Poor Committee

Chapter 485 Stealing the Rich and Helping the Poor Committee

Then Su Mo swiped a few more turtles, and found that the probability of a fatal blow is not high, it only triggers once in about three hits. If you are lucky, it will be once. If you are not lucky...the monsters will all be killed, so there is no way to calculate up.

Then he wanted to do some human experiments.

"Brothers, who is fighting now?"

The guild asked, and many people responded immediately. Su Mo is the boss of the guild no matter what, so he must give him some face.

So Su Mo quickly entered a medium-sized team of 40 people.

This is an armed robbery group, or a member of the Robbery and Relief Committee. Anyway, they want to rob a batch of supplies escorted by others.

In addition to other player teams, there was also an old friend of Su Mo or Laifu who robbed with them—Lao En, a mangy yellow lion. I just don't know if this lion spirit will appear.

The current mangy yellow lion, Lawn, is already at the fortieth level, and his strength is outstanding. Generally, a team of ten people is not enough for him to fit his teeth.

Therefore, the team for Shituoling activities is basically about 40 people.

Correspondingly, the rewards are also more generous. Whether it is an escort or a robbery, basically as long as they succeed, they can at least get two or three pieces of gold equipment, which is even better than fighting a boss.

Especially during the Spring Festival event, as long as the goods are delivered, the rewards will be more generous.

Su Mo has been in contact with legendary equipment and dark gold equipment recently. If you don't look at the level, hundreds of pieces of gold are stored in the warehouse.

But he is just an example. The actual situation is that everyone may not be able to grab a piece of gold equipment even if they break their heads. If they have a piece of gold equipment of the current level, they already belong to the master class.

What's more, there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that someone from Shituoling once obtained dark gold equipment.

The lucrative profits lure the players to follow suit. Shituoling has now become a paradise for PVP players, and there are countless players who want to fish in troubled waters.

The 40-man team of Scarlet Battle Banner is quite famous here.

Although they are robbers and occasionally escort supplies, they are relatively decent in their behavior. As long as they hand over the goods or pay them for hire, they will not kill people, but will help the escorted players.

"Boss, you take command!" Crazy Oye said.

"No, what are you supposed to do? I just want to try this new weapon." Su Mo shook his head and refused, and he summoned Qiuqiu.

Laifu can't be used. Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, is very familiar with Laifu. Even if Laifu is no different from ordinary wild wolves, it is easy to think of going together. However, Qiuqiu can be expected to appear on such occasions. The unexpected result was like meeting Scorpion King Johnson at the beginning.

This time, the person with the Scarlet Battle Banner played the role of robbery.

They are much more professional than ordinary players. Ordinary players just find a place to wait, and when the escorts appear, they rush forward. The two sides fight, the winner gets the goods, and the loser leaves the stage sadly.

The people of Scarlet Banner arranged for scouts.

The location will be reported every once in a while, and the composition of the team and the amount of goods have long been known. They even figure out how many waves of people will participate in the robbery along the way.

"We intercepted at this position, just to let the two groups of people in front consume each other. After we succeed, we will continue to escort, and we need to face these three enemies. Of course, if the escort pays enough money, we can also protect them." Dart." Crazy Oye said.


Su Mo was not assigned to work, he was the main exporter, waiting at the ambush place, waiting for someone to enter their ambush circle.

The bodyguards arrived soon, and there was a large black mass, it seemed that there were more than forty people.

"It seems that the two sides have cooperated, and we need to deal with two groups of people." Crazy Ouye said excitedly: "Come on, brothers, let's strike first, three two one!"

After counting three, two, one, Su Mo loosened his fingers, and a stream of light was directly inserted into the neck of the man in front of him.

When shooting people, shoot horses first, and when catching thieves, first capture the king. The main reason is that no one is riding a mount to escort the darts, so we can only shoot the leader first. Seeing his mouth opening and closing, Su Mo probably is pretending.

Right now, the legal players only have three or four thousand health, and this will kill at least a quarter of the opponent's life.

Su Mo continued to draw bows and arrows in the following time, harvesting lives one after another under his name.

He has 30 prestige, such a high prestige that even if he takes the initiative to kill, he will not leave his ID. Those who are killed by him don't even know who died in their hands.

The only pity is that the fatal blow of Sony's refined longbow is not easy to trigger.

Even if the average player has 20.00 lives, [-]% is only [-], and his damage is in the early [-]s, it is impossible to tell whether there is a fatal blow effect or not.

However, the damage of this weapon is really powerful.

The other brothers of the Bloody Battle Banner were all stunned, thinking that the boss is indeed the boss, and this injury really doesn't look like it was done by a human.

In fact, it is imperative for the two teams to unite.

As soon as they fought each other, ten or twenty people died each, and their strength was greatly damaged. Even if they grabbed the goods, they would not be able to pass the rest of the way, so they could only join forces. Fighting to the death and working together in the last second is commonplace in Shituoling.

Those who talk about principles can really cooperate to the end, and a considerable number of people who are in trouble will immediately draw their swords.

When they were attacked more violently, these people were in a mess, and the boss took a while to organize a counterattack, while most of the people in the Scarlet Battle Banner were fighters and hunters, and they were all high-output professions. They were called ferocious in PK.

The battle ended soon. After counting the losses, eight brothers went to face the wall of the Resurrection Hall.

It takes a certain amount of time to face the wall, so it is too late to return to the battle, that is to say, the remaining battle will need 32 people to face, everyone is so late in Shituoling, and it is rare for anyone to shamelessly pull hundreds of people to pull hatred .

That is likely to be spurned and besieged by PVP enthusiasts on the entire map.

"I told you not to rush forward with your eyes closed, but you still don't listen. For the brothers who died this time, five work points will be deducted each. If you don't accept it, hold back. Uh, boss, can you deduct it?" Crazy Ouye was During the lecture, I suddenly remembered that the boss was in the team.

"Stop what you say, Commander." Su Mo said.

Most of the people who died just now were full of enthusiasm, otherwise they could have waited until the long-range strikes were in place before going up to clean up the mess.

"Then deduct five centimeters, boss, let's go." Crazy Oye said.

"What you say, Commander, just ignore me, just treat me as an ordinary guild member." Su Mo looked at him encouragingly.

"Okay, Iron Horse Binghe, you are responsible for the investigation on the front and back of the left side, and report immediately if there is any situation." The commanding boss feels very refreshed.

"Got it!" Su Mo summoned the Snow Mountain Wolf and rode away.

In other words, it's time to exchange for a mount with 30 prestige. Of course, it is more convenient and more attractive to fly in the sky to investigate such things.

(End of this chapter)

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