Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 486 You Go First, I'll Cover

Chapter 486 You Go First, I'll Cover

There are three groups of enemies ahead. This is the information that has been received. What Su Mo needs to be responsible for is to observe those stragglers and avoid falling into their siege.

"There are a few people in the front left, who seem to want to take advantage of it." Su Mo provided information.

This kind of thing can be done better than ordinary players by randomly pulling out one from the Scarlet Battle Banner. This is the difference between professionals and non-professionals.

"Kill them, if anyone dies, their work points will be deducted." Crazy Ouye said.

"I think I can kill them by myself, Qiuqiu, you go first, I'll cover." Su Mo saw that there were only four people on the other side, and they didn't look like good people sneaking around, so he decided to deal with it by himself.

He first aimed at one with a charged blow, and then killed it with a few bursts of shots. Qiuqiu had already rushed over and started attacking the other.

The sudden attack, as well as the sudden appearance of the giant panda, made these children very confused.

Especially the giant pandas, the first thought in their minds is whether to attack the giant pandas in the game is illegal or not, please forgive them, they have been educated since they were young that giant pandas are national treasures.

Just ask a friend in Sichuan, what would you do if you encountered a giant panda in the wild and tended to attack you.

It is estimated that most of the answers are running.

Few people say, I want to defend justly, defend your sister, if you hurt it, can you afford it?

So the shameless Old Devil Su achieved the feat of [-]v[-], relying on the cute tactics of striking first and adding the ball.

As for whether it will be recognized or not, it really doesn't matter.

Who is Old Demon Su afraid of?

Whether it's looking for trouble in the game, or visiting in real life, you can choose one-on-one or gang fights at will.

Scarlet Battle Banner has a great reputation now, and it has been stable in the top ten. It has won the first place twice, and people who don't know the details dare not provoke them at all.

"Boss, you're taking a risk and something will happen. Is it okay to deduct...deduct five work points from you?" Crazy Ouye felt a little guilty.

"Uh, deduct it." Su Mo felt that he should be more generous.

What he did was really not right. One-on-four players hardly existed at the same level in the New World before. The same level here does not mean that they must be at the same level, but that there is not much difference between the upper and lower levels.

Any game that wants to be popularized by the people must work hard on balance. The kind of game that one person can occupy Sabac belongs to private servers, and the kind that one person can slash a street only exists in fantasy novels.

Of course, the New World does not mean that there are no such masters who can overwhelm a team or two by themselves.

Otherwise, everyone would still be chasing level, equipment, and technology. Su Mo's ability to overthrow four at a time has something to do with his preemptive strikes and his suppression of equipment levels.

Level 41, now ranked 23rd, that is to say, among the tens of millions of players online in New World, only 22 can surpass him, and among these 22, Su Mo can guarantee that none of them has better equipment than him.

Krypton gold or something, you have to have legendary equipment to let you krypton.

"There is a group of people ambushing ahead, and the number should be full. Should we act first?" Su Mo asked.

"How to strike first?"

"A few people pull the goods, and others start from behind. With a single blow, you can get four or five seconds." Su Mo gave his own suggestion. He is not very good at large-scale team battles. This kind of small-scale team battles, Everyone is actually better at it.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to keep the bait, and we can't give up any of our brothers." Crazy Ouye was worried.

"You've watched too many movies." Su Mo complained.

Everything in the movie has been deliberately beautified or blackened in some way, and it always contains the private goods of the screenwriter, director, and producer. This cannot be avoided. The process of creation is a process of filling in private goods to confuse others.

So a few poor children became bait, and they didn't mean to feel wronged by their new identities at all. I haven't seen any scenes before, so how could they be scared by a game.

"Here we come, here we come, why did you stop?" Seeing the truck slowly approaching, the ambushes immediately became excited, especially when they saw that there were only a few people left beside the car. They don't think it's a scam - how can there be so many bombs, and it's not fighting the landlord.

Two groups of people fight each other, and there are only a few people left on the winning side, which is quite normal.

Just when their attention was attracted by the goods, a group of hunters and berserkers approached quietly.

Seeing his teammates' camouflage suits that could change with the environment, Su Mo felt deeply ashamed.

His main fashion is the big whore of the west, which is not only cool but also good-looking. With short guns, especially revolvers, he is simply a living western cowboy.

Practicality has long been forgotten by him. The phantom camouflage set of his teammates is the most practical fashion. It is really rare that Shengshi Anning can get so many sets. It is impossible that no one likes this thing.


Twenty or thirty arrows full of strength were clearly divided into this group of people, and the first ones to be dealt with were basically legal professions.

This kind of cooperation efficiency is not available to other ordinary players.

For example, if two hunters use a charged attack to attack a target, more than 20 hunters will have to work hard just to divide the target.

Two charged attacks, plus two ordinary shots, can basically kill a legal class in seconds. More attacks are wasted, and less attacks can't kill them.

In two rounds of arrows, the team lost more than a dozen legal professions.

Two treatments are also included.

As soon as he realized what was going on, more than a dozen berserkers rushed in front of them, and started fighting without saying a word. The scene was once very bloody.

It is impossible for more than 30 to fight forty without any casualties.

No matter how good the strategy is, there is no way to wipe out the opponent completely. In reality, it is not impossible. One swipe of the neck can solve one, but in the game, it takes several strokes to solve it.

These people mess around all day long, and they are not rookies in fighting.

Instead of entangled with the berserkers, they went straight to Su Mo and the long-range archers. As long as they rushed to the front, the hunter profession would be completely abolished.

If the hunters are ignored, then they are even less likely to have a chance of winning.

Su Mo looked at the assassin rushing forward, and put away the longbow. The longbow has the advantage of a long range, but it also has a fatal disadvantage. Once the enemy gets within eight yards, the longbow becomes useless.

It is said that a blacksmith has developed a longbow that can be used for melee combat.

It is to make a blade on the bow to resist the invading enemies. This research is still in the weak stage, because the attribute damage of the longbow is calculated according to the distance.

Su Mo's left hand was the Western Law Enforcer, and his right hand was on the Elven Sword at his waist.

It is really aggrieved to follow him with this sword. If it were other melee professions, they might have been upgraded to dark gold, but the one in Su Mo's hand is still silver.

(End of this chapter)

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