Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 488 Laifu wants to become stronger

Chapter 488 Laifu wants to become stronger

With Lawn, the mangy yellow lion, a powerful helper, even if there were only 20 people left in the Scarlet Battle Banner, he became the final winner.

Crazy Ouye hesitated again and again, but still did not let anyone attack the lion spirit.

At first glance, this guy is helping me. Although I don't know why it wants to help everyone, and there is no lioness here, there is no need to push out the helpers who are delivered to the door.

Raun, the mangy yellow lion, kept a certain amount of vigilance against the group of players like Scarlet Battle Banner.

It didn't walk with the Scarlet Battle Banner, but cruised around the periphery, and when it encountered small-scale players who were not open-eyed, of course it would shoot to death without hesitation.

It will unceremoniously pick up the equipment dropped by the player.

It has friendship with Qiuqiu, but it has no friendship with these players, and there is absolutely no need to leave the benefits to the "damn" players.

In fact, it has an attitude for any player.

Dead players are the cutest players, as long as they die a little more, they can be upgraded to level 45, and they can avoid being suppressed by players in terms of levels.

Then there is the person who goes to meet the last wave of interception.

The team members were very excited. This trip not only harvested [-] or [-] pieces of equipment, although there were only a few pieces of gold, they were sold for money like silver.

And there are other materials and coins and so on.

If the goods are successfully escorted to the destination, each of us may have an income of thousands of yuan.

Earning thousands of dollars a day can completely ignore most of the so-called white-collar workers, and it is not impossible to pretend to be cool. As long as the copy is well written, tens of thousands of people will like it.

Judging from intelligence, there is only the last wave of enemies left.

"Captain, it's not good." The front intelligence personnel reported the situation.

Su Mo was not assigned to investigate. No matter how close he is to the people, he is the boss after all, and it is impossible for the lunatic Oye to order him casually.

And everyone knows that the boss's equipment is very good, if he dies outside and loses a certain piece, it will be bad.

"What's wrong?" Crazy Ouye's heart sank.

Surely someone would not abide by Shituoling's rules and bring a large group of people over to rob the darts.

In that case, the goods just grabbed by Scarlet Battle Banner will be lost.

Everyone's activities in Shituoling are supplemented by interests, mainly for training, and there is a bottom line for training, so more than 20 people with goods directly rushing into the crowd of the brigade, they will not do it.

"The group behind them, they all ran away!" said the scout.

Crazy Ouye suddenly realized that those people probably already knew the situation here, and they probably couldn't figure out why the BOSS was on their side.

So simply gave up.

"Go at full speed!" Everyone escorted the escort vehicle and quickly went to the supply point.

Su Mo also ran with the team.

I have dealt with players with Huang Shijing before, and now I am escorting the escort car as a player. This feeling is quite interesting.

However, with a lineup of 40 players and occasional joint operations, it would be very dangerous if it wanted to act with the Yellow Lion as usual.

In the final analysis, the wolf form is too weak.

I hope that the meat brought by the action of the vampire green hat king can add some skills and attributes to Laifu after it is made.

At least for a while, it would be impossible for the monster apostles to organize such a large operation.

All the way to the supply point without any danger, Raun the mangy yellow lion saw that there was nothing wrong with it, so he left leisurely. Run, no one can keep it.

The people from the military post came out to accept the supplies.

In fact, there is no war here, and I don't know why so many supplies are needed.

Every once in a while, material missions are released, and if they are escorted over there, they can be picked up here, and the mission needs to be rushed, and not all teams can deliver things safely.

Regardless of whether it is the task you took or not, anyway, as long as you deliver it, you can get rewards.

Even if those who accept the task lose the task item, they will not get nothing. After others hand in the task, they can also go to the place where the task was received to receive the reward for the successful escort.

Of course, the rewards they received were far inferior to the teams who handed over supplies to the post.

Scarlet Battle Banner and the others got two pieces of gold equipment and three pieces of silver equipment directly from the NPC during their trip, and it took less than an hour to get back and forth.

This business is much more worthwhile than fighting the boss, the only pity is that more than a dozen brothers received box lunches.

This is not difficult to solve. There are plenty of experience balls in the Scarlet Battle Flag warehouse. Everyone can get one. If it's a big deal, just eat one.

Can accumulate so much experience meatball, mainly the people of Scarlet Battle Banner have been carrying out harassment missions in the north of the Free Federation.

As long as the vampires don't stop, they will always have a steady source of experience pills.

However, Su Mo estimated that this business would not last long, after all, the first expansion pack had already been completed, and the second expansion pack was ready to go.

By the way, there will be an ending CG for the first expansion.

Luo Xia was successfully selected as a CG figure of the sacrificial profession, and he was selected as a few clips. One is on the way to help Huolingxi Dance in a hidden mission, facing the powerful ancient magician Morris, and facing the reward promised by the magician. He chose the purification technique without hesitation, and another scene was recorded by Yunfei when he was fighting the boss.

In short, one word is a horse of justice.

Yunfei signed up for Luo Xia, but was chosen by accident.

Rorschach didn't want to be in the limelight at first, but the reward of 100 million real coins made him willing to sell his appearance. With this money, he can do many things.

And the official has agreed that there will be a 0.8-second shot of the badge of the Scarlet Battle Banner Guild in the CG.

That's the official CG, and it's an expansion pack, so no matter how much you pay, you may not be able to get such an advertising space.

Another reason for the accumulation of more and more experience balls is that very few people in the Scarlet Battle Banner will use this thing, even if this thing can directly upgrade a person to a level.

Everyone would rather hack one by one, rather than take this shortcut.

As for Su Mo himself, he is not so principled, but unfortunately he has no way to use this thing after eating one.

According to Shengshi Anning's plan, if the experience balls in the warehouse have not been used up years ago, she will give them all to Gaara to sell, and the money from the sale will be used as the new year's goods distributed by the guild to everyone this year.

It's a bit difficult to sell one hundred thousand for a one-level upgrade. After all, this thing can only be used once by a person, and there are only a few people who take advantage of it.

But selling one for 1 yuan is no problem at all. If Gaara works better, the price can be even higher. This is equivalent to everyone getting a year-end bonus of [-] to [-] yuan.

Su Mo bid farewell to Crazy Ouye and the others. He originally wanted to go to a BOSS to test the fatal blow.

After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He couldn't wait to get Laifu to eat those barbecues, so as to gain a lot of skills and attributes.

Uncle Laifu, you can't be so weak forever.

(End of this chapter)

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