Chapter 489

First switch accounts, Laifu goes online.

Then there are pieces of roast from the warehouse, just a small piece of each.

It wasn't that Laifu was so reluctant to eat Nicole's rations, but that there were too many high-level monster apostles who died this time, and it would cost one or two hundred yuan to eat a small piece of it.

It's not like Nicole's big eater, and 200 yuan can support it alive.

Looking at the huge pile of food in front of him, Laifu took a breath, picked up a piece and started eating.

The system prompts that its attributes have improved, and no new skills appear.

It doesn't matter, we have more than 100 chances today.

The second piece still adds attributes.

Not much was added, but more meat was added than those low-level apostles in the past. This time, almost all the big bosses who died this time were level [-], and as long as it can be added in this way, Laifu will be awesome sooner or later. .

In the third block, skills finally appeared.

It is a sacrificial skill of the legal system, which is mainly described as sacrificing one's own life value and burning the target's life, which belongs to the killing of both sides.

Laifu was a little disappointed. Although it knew little lightning, it didn't intend to become a mage monster.

Along with the skill gain hints, there are other hints.

It is said that the second-level enhanced elite can only have nine skills. Currently, Laifu's skills are full. If you want to get a new skill, you must choose an existing skill to overwrite it.

Laifu's nine skills are Claw, Thick Skin, Sweep, Rip, Berserk, Charge, Sagra's Lightning Field Weakened Castration, Salted Fish Spike, and Phantom Clone.

Among them, the latter three skills belong to Laifu's apostle skills.

It can only be used when Su Mo is not around, and when Su Mo is together, it can only use the first few skills.

Now that the skill slot is full, if you want to learn new skills, you must overwrite the existing skills.

It studied it again, and found that the Laifu in the pet form and the Laifu in the apostle form had almost completely split into two states.

The benefits that a wild wolf in pet form can enjoy may only be the attribute leap brought by every promotion and attribute panel upgrade of Laifu, and the rest has nothing to do with it.

Even if Laifu overwrites the skills of the pet state with new skills, the pet state still only has those five skills.

In other words, no matter how much it tosses now, it is a combination of skills to toss the apostle form.

Laifu thought about it for a while, but he still felt that offering sacrifices was not suitable for him, so he just gave up and forgot about it. He didn't believe that there was nothing good about the 100-odd fast food.

Another piece of food, plus attributes, another piece of food, plus attributes...

No. 13 pieces of food, and finally saw the figure of the skill again.

Lianzhu fireball!

It's a magic skill, and Laifu gave it up without thinking about it. It's really not suitable for being a mage. Without the support of strong intelligence attributes, it's just a piece of cake.

It's not that it doesn't envy some legal bosses who can move the audience in seconds.

The key is that people are not only powerful in skills, but also related to the attributes of the boss itself.

Even if a weak chicken like Laifu has learned the skills of the legal system, he doesn't have the strength to kill anyone in an instant.

No.19 piece of barbecue.

Laifu took a deep breath. It really overestimated its food intake. After eating less than 20 yuan, it was already very full. At this time, I must envy Nicole's stomach shaped like a rubber fruit.

Shockwave: Sends a shockwave forward.All targets hit by the shockwave are thrown into the air.The target will take physical damage, the value of the damage is determined by the height of the fall.

I went, and finally saw a particularly awesome skill.

Laifu was shocked immediately.

This is a big skill of group attack and group control. I don't know which buddy's skill it is. Anyway, it has become a roast meat that is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. There is no way to see the inner soul from the appearance of the barbecue.

However, if you want to keep this skill, you have to give up one.

Without hesitation, Laifu gave up the claw strike skill. This skill attack is too weak, it is already level [-], and there is not much distance from the normal attack. It is better to replace it with a particularly powerful skill.

The shock wave skill shocked Laifu.

It put the food back in the guild warehouse page, left the hotel, and went to a gathering place of level [-] monsters in the wild.

The reason why these monsters are facing annihilation is just to digest the food that has accumulated in Laifu's body. This kind of fighting behavior that consumes physical strength is the best way.

After killing hundreds of monsters, it didn't get anything except for a little junk equipment materials and less than ten gold coins.

There will be no experience, and the pet cannot be higher than the owner's level. This restriction will kill Laifu's upgrade.

Fortunately, the contents of the stomach are almost digested.

If other hunters knew that the purpose of hunting monsters was to consume food, their jealous eyes would shine.

Players of the hunter class have to pay a lot more than other professions, such as arrows, and pet food. If they are given a little less, they will be picky or even betrayed.

Continue to eat when it is almost digested.

For the next 20 yuan of meat, Laifu got two more skills that were either not suitable for it or were very weak.

It had no choice but to continue fighting monsters to increase digestion.

Envious of Nicole N+1, these 100 pieces of meat are probably enough for an appetizer at Nicole's side.

After being busy for a long time, after eating all the more than 100 pieces of meat, Laifu finally adjusted his skill tree initially, some of the nine skills were retained and some were replaced.

The rage is preserved, and this skill is very powerful.

Once the berserk is activated, the combat power can be said to increase dramatically, which is stronger than the berserk used by ordinary monsters. After all, Laifu can strategically choose the time to be berserk.

Open a berserk before zooming in, that power, tsk tsk.

Needless to say, Sagra's Lightning Domain weakened castrated version, salted fish stab, and phantom clone, these three are also retained.

The role of the weakened castrated version of Sagra's Lightning Field is not to bring high lightning damage, but to create a "field", or to put it more forcefully, to create a field.

In the lightning field created by Rifle, any enemy will be paralyzed and their attack speed and movement speed will be reduced.

Salted Fish Spike is the strongest single-target attack ult, the weaker one can be instantly killed, and the stronger one can take away a lot of blood in one go.

There is no need to explain the phantom clone, whoever uses it will know.

The few skills that were given up were claw strike, thick skin, sweep, split, and charge.

The alternative to Claw is Shockwave.

Thick skin is actually very necessary. It is a passive skill that increases defense. It can increase the chance of survival. Only those who survive are eligible to talk about output.

Laifu hadn't planned to replace this skill, but who made it meet a better one.

In the previous battle, Laifu summoned many apostles with super high defenses, and their meat finally brought a surprise to Laifu.

(End of this chapter)

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