Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 490 Nine Skills

Chapter 490 Nine Skills

Last but not least: For every 20% decrease in health, defense increases by 10%, attack power increases by 10%, attack speed increases by 10%, passive skills, cannot be upgraded.

Even the full-level Thick Skin skill couldn't be compared with this one, so why did Laifu need to be beaten to upgrade the Thick Skin, so it decisively replaced the Thick Skin with this skill.

When Laifu's skill is lower than 20.00%, then it will get a continuous BUFF that increases defense by 40%, attack power by 40%, and attack speed by 40%.

During the battle, Laifu can try to maintain this state as much as possible.

Needless to say, sweeping and splitting, as an apostle, Laifu almost never had the opportunity to use these two skills.

In its place are two more practical skills.

Pierce Armor: Instant, reduces an enemy's armor by 50% for 8 seconds, cooldown 30 seconds.

Needless to say, this skill is essential.

Laifu decided to keep it when he first saw it.

The other skill is Arc Smash, which replaces Sweep in function. This skill allows Laifu to have a common group attack. The cooldown may not be as good as Sweep, but its power is much higher.

The last ability to be replaced is Charge.

This skill is a mobility skill, and should not have been discarded, for the same reason—Laifu met a better one.

Heroic Leap: Leap towards the target area, and at the same time slam the ground with devastating force, causing a certain amount of physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards, and causing a single designated target to be stunned for [-] seconds.

What is Charge?
To charge is to select an enemy target and charge towards it.

It doesn't consider whether you can fight or not at all. Whether you rush to turn the tide or die, you must have a so-called hostile target to activate it.

In other words, this skill is only used to get closer to the enemy.

As for the heroic leap, it is also a mobility skill, it does not need a target, whether you chase and jump forward, or escape and jump backward, it works anyway.

And after landing, it can hit a piece of children.

The only thing that makes people feel regretful is the single-body control, which can only stun one child. If it can stun all the children it hits, then this skill can be called a magic skill.

Unfortunately, even the owner of this piece of meat, the big cat Bigworth, can only jump up and stun a child.

In the adjusted skill book, the nine skills of Laifu are summarized as follows.

Piercing Armor, Heroic Leap, Arc Shatter, Shockwave, Rampage, Last Stand, Sagra's Lightning Field Weakened Castration, Salted Fish Spike, Phantom Clone.

Although the attribute is worse than the general BOSS, but in terms of skills, Laifu dare to say that he is stronger than most BOSS.

After re-matching skills, Laifu found trouble with these monsters again.

Compared with before, it is really not the same.

It first threw a small lightning, and several monsters were shrouded in it, and then a heroic jump, several monsters were directly hit by it, one of them was directly stunned, and when it raised its hand, it was a piercing armor, and the stunned monster It reduces the defense by half.

Berserk, and then a salted fish stabbed this fifty-level monster.

The arc shattered, and the gathered monsters were directly wrapped in the skill.

A 41-level enhanced elite apostle challenged six or seven [-]-level monsters. Even ordinary monsters would be very difficult, after all, there was a gap of at least nine levels.

However, Laifu was not afraid at all.

The less blood it had, the stronger it was, and it quickly killed a group of monsters.

Of course, if it were a monster apostle like Nicole Jamie, these six or seven ordinary monsters would probably be wiped out in two or three hits.

This also seems to prove that as long as there are vegetables, even if you give it a king fry, it will still lose to you.

But for the current strength, Laifu is already very satisfied.

As long as its attributes continue to increase, and the panel is upgraded to a boss, it will definitely be stronger than most apostles in the future.

On the contrary, the state of the human form is relatively bad.

Ever since he became the boss, whenever he switched to Su Mo's perspective, there were always many people looking for him. Su Mo checked the messages and replied one by one.

Gaara's side obviously cannot be resolved with a simple reply, so we still have to meet.

"I want to talk to you about the recent cooperation." Gaara knew that Su Mo was busy, and he was not someone who had time to chat, so he omitted all the pleasantries.

"My little brother is all ears." Su Mo said.

"The first one is the advanced equipment you got. It's not very easy to deal with. My suggestion is to release a batch every few days. If you lack money, I can pay in advance." Gaara said.

Su Mo nodded: "I understand what you mean, I don't think I'm short of money recently, so I don't need to pay in advance."

"I have another idea about this, but I'll talk about it later," Gaara continued, "The second is experience balls, and it's best not to release them all at once. You know, an experience ball, I can It sells for 10 yuan, but it is absolutely impossible to sell 1000 experience pills for 500 million, even [-] million."

"Okay, I can't believe you bro, but I'm curious about what else you have to do." Su Mo said.

Of course he understands the reason that rare things are more expensive. Whether it is high-level equipment or experience meatballs, they are all very explosive things, but once there are too many things, the explosive effect will be gone.

"The third thing is also the main purpose of my meeting you, Brother Binghe, have you ever thought about doing a competition?" Gaara asked.

"Competition, do you mean to form a fixed team to participate in the competition?" Su Mo didn't quite understand, it seemed that it was not Gaara's turn to come to him for this kind of thing.

Just like fans would dream of having their own team, many wealthy bigwigs in the game will support teams.

As far as he knows, Gaara has raised two teams, plus dozens of people, all of whom are masters, all relying on his financial support to operate.

But Gaara's team and the Scarlet Banner's team are not of the same nature.

The former is of the nature of gambling, while the latter is the root of a guild's long-term development. There are not many opportunities for cooperation between the two.

"I want to make a competition. If I do it myself, the result will be half the effort, so I want to ask you to cooperate." Gaara did not beat around the bush, and directly explained his purpose of coming.

"A game?" Su Mo was really surprised.

It may be that the point of view of the station is different, and the points of consideration are different. No matter what, Su Mo has no consciousness that he can formulate the rules of the game.

All he could think of was to participate in the competition, win prize money, and raise the guild's popularity.

However, Gaara intends to directly take out the high-end game in the minds of gamers and play it by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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