Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 493 A Serious Businessman Ge 2 Eggs

Chapter 493
"Isn't it? You said that I need them to introduce girlfriends with my looks?" Su Mo casually sketched out a few dishes he usually likes to eat, and threw the menu to Deputy Director Yu.

"Yes!" Yu Lang straightened his back.

"What?" Why does it feel that this answer is not right.

"Uh, no need, teach...Brother Mo!" Yu Lang clenched his fists, his palms were covered with sweat.

"Relax, I'm not a devil, you bastard, don't you think so?" Su Mo turned his head and asked the other present, whether a person is handsome or not, it doesn't matter what he says, he is really handsome when others say he is handsome.

"Of course, Brother Mo, I know a lot of beautiful girls, hehe, may I introduce you, don't take it too seriously, it would be a good thing to have a few more romances before getting married." Ge Erdan said happily.

"..." Although Yu Lang didn't quite agree with this hooligan theory, he didn't say anything.

He is not very pedantic, otherwise he would not have become a deputy firm in a short time. In addition to his high academic qualifications, business ability and leadership ability are also bonus items.

"Forget about those you know." Su Mo took a sip of tea, smacked his lips, feeling that something was wrong.

"Brother Mo, doesn't this tea taste right? How about I ask someone to make another pot?" Ge Erdan asked cautiously. Today he is the grandson, and everything is for the satisfaction of the two uncles who are serving him.

Money was never easy, least of all in his line of work.

"It's not that the taste of the tea is wrong, it's that your words are wrong, bastard, what I asked just now was, my brother is so handsome, do I need them to introduce me to a girlfriend? How did you answer?" Su Mo is not a real sand sculpture.

"I said of course, Brother Mo, you don't need it." Ge Erdan was puzzled.

"Shit, you're going to introduce me to the little girl in the next sentence." Su Mo pretended to be angry, but laughed out loud in an instant.

"Haha~" Ge Erdan also laughed, but cold sweat broke out on his back.

Su Mo is really not easy to fool. He looks very friendly on the surface, but he is very tough. He belongs to the type who will overturn the table at any time and make everyone unable to get off the stage.

Never offend!

Yu Lang couldn't help but smile.

Su Mo's dismantling behavior seemed to be disrespectful to Ge Erdan, but it actually showed a kind of intimacy.

Unfamiliar people, who is joking with you.

"Two more points from Yu Lang, don't be polite to him, Ge Erdan, he's doing well now, I think when I knew him back then..." Su Mo immediately began to recall the past.

"Brother Mo, please forgive me, you are reporting this." Erdan Ge smiled wryly.

But it couldn't stop Su Mo from talking about the process of getting to know Ge Erdan in the first place. Of course, some of the details were beautified.

For example, his motivation to solve his own virginity was described by him as researching social crime topics.

For example, he was naked and swayed back and forth to give lessons to three big men, but he beautified him as sitting on a chair with clothes on, and earnestly counseled three lost youths in society.

However, Yu Lang understands everything.

Isn't it just the Immortal Dance? This kind of case will appear in front of him once or twice a month. He can almost imagine everything the instructor went through.

This made him relax a lot.

It turned out that even with a plaster cast on one arm, the instructor who could deal with the strongest soldiers among them had been so unreliable at times.

Instructor, you are committing a crime.

"It's much better now, and it's on the right track." Finally, after ticking off two bottles of wine on the menu, today's dinner began, and he continued: "I can't promise anything for him, you still have to check , so that if the chain around his neck is loose, he will not do good deeds and end up hurting himself.”

Su Mo doesn't like to talk about things after dinner.

In that case, Ge Erdan's meal will not taste good, Su Mo is not so perverted, and will not be complacent because of the anxiety he caused.

"Brother Mo, I understand." Yu Lang nodded.

"Thank you, Brother Mo. Please rest assured, Director Yu. We will do business honestly and will never go side-by-side." Ge Erdan was overjoyed.

This meal is not in vain.

The food was served quickly. For a character like Boss Ge, the restaurant owner would not be able to flatter him even if he wanted to. The chef definitely did it himself, and he didn't spit inside during the whole process.

After letting go of his knots, Ge Erdan's ability to be both right and wrong was reflected, and the whole dinner scene was very harmonious.

"I heard from Boss Ge, Brother Mo, have you encountered a loan shark?" Yu Lang tentatively asked, "Would you like me to come forward? After all, loan sharks are illegal."

"Oh, you mean the one my dad borrowed, that was settled a long time ago, I reasoned with them, and they realized that they broke the law, and then they thought it would be fine as long as our family repays the principal," Su Mo sighed. Sighed: "Speaking of which, I really miss the manager Li who borrowed us a loan shark. I don't know why they moved, so I can't contact them now. I have never seen such poor after-sales service. business manager."

I sympathize with that manager Li, Ge Erdan murmured deep in his heart.

"It's me who is busy. How could there be something that Brother Mo can't solve." Yu Lang smiled and recalled that Su Mo, the injured instructor, not only trained them physically, but also taught them how to deal with tasks.

Once the situation of the war really develops in a bad direction, they, the top students of the military academy, will also be sent to the battlefield.

Su Mo taught them not to be dogmatic in doing things, not to follow the steps, to be flexible, and to be good at breaking their own principles. It is a pity that Yu Lang and his group still have no chance to go to the battlefield after all, and they will all be assigned to the localities later.

The law and order after the war was relatively chaotic, so well-trained and talented students like them were needed.

"Do you need help? I have some spare money here, and there is not much interest in the bank. Why don't you use it first, Brother Mo, and you can pay me back anytime." Ge Erdan asked in a timely manner.

"Sorry, if it wasn't for the guild in the game, I guess I would have paid it off by now." In fact, Su Mo never thought that he would come to this point, and more and more money was poured into the game, [New World] If this game goes down tomorrow, he will definitely suffer a heavy loss.

"The game is really popular now, and it's very promising. Brother Mo, you have a good vision." Whether we really understand it or pretend to understand it, anyway, we bastards will not let go of any chance to flatter us.

"Many people in our unit play games after work, and a brother who was injured turned into an Internet policeman to enforce the law and fight crime in the game." Yu Lang didn't know anything.

"By the way, Yu Suo, if you know veterans who are living in difficulties, you can ask them to contact me. The guilds we created in the game use such people, and they can be regarded as contributing to the recovery and construction." Su Mo said .

The old school knows a lot of people, maybe they can help some.

"Brother Mo is kind!" Er Dan could only flatter at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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