Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 494 very serious

Chapter 494 very serious

"I'll check the statistics later and give you a list." Of course, Yu Lang had no reason to disagree. He felt flattered that the instructor asked him to do something.

"At that time, you can guarantee me by the way, so that they don't think I'm a liar." Su Mo felt that he had found the right person.

"This is no problem, but..." Yu Lang hesitated for a moment, and said, "Brother Mo, are you in urgent need of people?"

"Probably." Su Mo actually didn't pay much attention to this. Sheng Shi An Ning was in charge of these things. He just thought that this girl was trying to recruit people all day long, and her hair was going gray at such a young age, so he mentioned it Take a bite.

Unexpectedly, this friend who works in the public security system really has connections.

"Brother Mo, it's like this. One of my comrades-in-arms has been assigned to the prison, and he has a lot of people there," Yu Lang said: "The people there, no matter how big or small the crime, as long as they go in and stay there, they go out. It is very difficult to find a job, even if these people want to reform themselves, it is difficult, so many people go out for two years and then come back, Brother Mo, can you arrange it."

"I'll go, this is not a good business, poor people must have something to hate." Su Mo felt a little toothache.

After all, those who have no choice but to break the law and commit crimes are in the minority. Most of the offenders are unable to control themselves, breaking through the double bottom line of morality and law, which is not worthy of sympathy.

"I know that these people are basically hateful, but it doesn't matter if you don't care about it. You keep making small mistakes, and you make big mistakes sooner or later. After going in a few times, you start to be cynical and courageous. In the end, you basically have to commit big things. , I have only been in the institute for two years, and I have shot and killed six people. I have studied it, and five of these people are repeat offenders. At the beginning, it was just a sneaky problem." Yu Lang was stating his theory.

These things are held in his heart, and when he talks to others, most people feel that he thinks too much.

Now I ran into the former instructor and drank two glasses before I could talk about it.

"Do you think I can bleach them here? Don't let a mouse ruin a pot of soup." Su Mo shook his head, but decided to refuse.

Didn't it mean that this buddy admires him very much, how can he dig a hole.

Dig a hole and bury some soil, count one, two, three, four, five, and it will be cold immediately.

"Instructor, don't worry, we will definitely pick the most decent ones, and we don't need too many. At present, I only pay attention to three people. I plan to find a job for them, so as not to be led astray again." Yu Lang said.

This young man is a bit straightforward.

Ge Erdan listened to the conversation between the two, which deepened his understanding of this sub-firm.

Capable, warm-hearted, but a little straight.

Perhaps he felt in his heart that these people were worthy of being saved, and the instructors he admired would definitely not watch these people walk into the abyss of crime.

In fact, the instructor he admired looked indifferent at the moment, probably not wanting these pests to harm his veteran team.

Veterans, criminals released from prison, where is this going.

"Or, go to my place, it's okay to arrange a few people." Ge Erdan felt that he needed to play by himself now.

"You can't do it there, too many temptations." Yu Lang shook his head immediately.

"I..." I am your uncle in obstetrics and gynecology.

Ge Erdan felt that he was flattered and slapped on the horse's leg, and now he was kicked.

When he turned his head to look at Su Mo, he found that Su Mo was looking at him with his head tilted, with a smile that was not a smile, but there was some regret in his eyes.

Ge Erdan knew that this regret was not aimed at him.

It is aimed at Lang.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Su Mo thinks that Yu Lang is really serious. He is doing what he wants to do seriously, doing what he thinks he should do. He may think that he is not just a thief catcher. It should also be someone who makes the world a better place.

But his seriousness may not be wiped out by this society in a short time.

Yu Lang is still seriously expressing his thoughts on these criminals.

"Okay, just the three you mentioned, let him come to this address, and you tell them, I am not a comfortable place here, and my temper is not very good, offending me is worse than offending those wardens Suffer." Su Mo interrupted him.

Yu Lang was taken aback for a moment, he was not a fool, he was just too serious and didn't miss any chance.

He felt that if these offenders could be sent to a group of veterans, they would be more likely to reform and be assimilated, so he kept saying.

Su Mo obviously disagreed at the beginning.

There is a difference between disagreement and disinterest, the former is firm and the latter can be persuaded.

He didn't know that his words had an effect, and he actually convinced the Demon King instructor.

"Thank you, thank you instructor, thank you Brother Mo." Yu Lang took three disposable cups, filled them all, and poured them down without hesitation.

"Hey, Yu Suo, Yu Suo, let's slow down, it hurts your body like this." Ge Erdan repeatedly stopped.

Yu Lang ignored him, wiped his mouth, and his eyes began to get a little confused.

"Send him back later, bastard, don't do bad things. If a person like you goes in and squats for a few years before coming out, he won't have a chance to join my guild." Su Mo continued to eat his own, and he was not very arrogant. Pour yourself three glasses.

"Brother Mo, don't worry, we're doing legitimate business, and only doing legitimate business. If anyone dares to commit crimes in my place, I'll catch him immediately." Ge Erdan nodded repeatedly.

He knew that his goal today was completely achieved.

However, at this stage, he no longer has the right to turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye. Something really happened, and it was worse than before.

After the meal, Su Mo went home directly, and the Deputy Director Yu, who didn't know about his personnel, was sent home by Ge Erdan and his boys, and they all knew the home address.

As for the few people Yu Lang mentioned, it was also very simple.

Just throw it to the second brother Lao Mao. The Lao Mao who has been in knows these people better than anyone else, and with his own sensitivity, whether the person introduced is reliable or not, and whether it can be reformed must not be hidden from his eyes.

The seven aunts and eight aunts who came to visit have all left.

All that was left was a tired family. Su Mo wondered why he liked to visit relatives when he was young, and cried when he didn't take them with him.

In the next few days, all kinds of relatives came to visit. Sometimes Su's father and Su's mother would also visit other people's homes. Su Mo and Su Xiaojiu would hide if they could, and betrayed each other if they couldn't.

The people introduced by Yu Lang also arrived at the base, and Su Mo even took a taxi to take a look.

All three are very young, the youngest is only 19 years old.

It's not a big deal, one stabs someone with a knife, one steals, and one reads extensively.

The one who wounded someone with a knife stayed there for three years. He was the most wronged. If the lawyer was hired well, he might be considered a righteous act. Unfortunately, the existing evidence is against him, and the person injured by him was disabled in the second degree. .

The person who stole was only sentenced to six months. He stole things from the warehouse of the unit. He said that others were also stealing, but who let him be caught.

The last one is extensive reading, which should have been a serious crime, but he didn't know it.

I didn't know about it, so I entered and stayed for two years. When I came out, I was exactly nineteen, and my birthday would be celebrated in a little more than a month.

(End of this chapter)

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