Chapter 495

After chatting casually for a few words, I feel that these three people really want to change their ways.

The first person who stabbed someone with a knife was full of grievances and distrust. He probably didn't expect that he would end up in this situation. He was expelled from school and couldn't find a job after searching for a long time.

The second one is actually very honest. He only did such a bad thing once in his life, and it turned out to be a bad thing.

He wants a stable job, as long as it is stable, he can be a cow or a horse, because his wife has not divorced him, and he has a daughter who is in kindergarten. He wants to make money to support his family.

The third is a little more troublesome.

Bai Xiaofei is not a good boy, otherwise he would not be used by those who want to read extensively.

He later served as a police witness and performed crimes and meritorious deeds, which is why he was sentenced to such a small amount. Otherwise, he would be sentenced to at least three years for more than [-] grams.

The side effects of the crime and meritorious service began to appear after it came out.

There were always people making trouble for him, even his life was in danger. Fortunately, Yu Lang had been paying attention and nothing happened. If he was taken in, there might be conflicts with some social forces. The last incident was obviously not cleaned up.

There is no place that would take in such a person, even serving the dishes and washing the dishes.

It's not that what he said was too absolute, but that this 19-year-old Bai Xiaofei has already tried it. He serves dishes, sweeps the streets, and puts cell phone film on people.

Director Yu, who had saved him, said this time that he found a backer for him.

Bai Xiaofei didn't really believe it, he was a little discouraged, and thought about whether he should just find a place to fool around, let others see the situation, be a villain, and always find a place to stay.

The place is quite remote, there are no buses, and you need to walk for several kilometers. To put it bluntly, birds don't shit.

There were two tough-looking people standing at the gate, one of them had half of his face rotten, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to take a second look after one glance.

After walking in, I found that there were many similar burly men here, and many of them were disabled.

Bai Xiaofei also saw a large playground, where some people were exercising, and there were a group of people on the track running and chanting, making it seem like this was a military camp.

Of course, it may also be Tangkou.

"Brother Cat, it's these three people, the boss will come over later." The person who led them in reported to one of the bald men in old camouflage, turned his head and left after getting a response.

Bai Xiaofei felt that the bald guy standing there with his hands behind his back was very imposing, a bit like the prison head inside.

At this moment, the bald head's eyes became vicious, and the other two who came with Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to look at him.

This is often the case in prisons, the eyes can express many things.

It's the kind that you look at, look at you, and then beat you. Bow your head is an effective way to avoid being beaten inside. The other two people, one is a student and the other is an office worker, have long worn out all their vigor .

They even started shaking.

Bai Xiaofei didn't, he raised his head and looked at Brother Bald Cat unceremoniously.

Isn't it just being beaten, Brother Xiao Fei is fearless.


Hearing the knock on the door, Bai Xiaofei took a look out of the corner of his eye, and saw a fairly good-looking man leaning against the door, knocking on the door with his fingers.

Knocking while the door is open is also a pretense.

Su Mo didn't know that he had become a pretender in the eyes of the children.

"Second Brother, have you bought any New Year's goods?"

"The squad leader can just buy it, we live together." Lao Mao said.

"The squad leader is really a good helper, haha." Su Mo laughed and complained about Tian Dazhuang, Lao Tian is a man who takes care of all kinds of things, he will do whatever he is asked to do, he is a good guy.

To deal with these three potential offenders, Lao Mao can, but Tian Dazhuang can't.

"You have the ability to say it to his face." The old cat sneered.

"How dare I, by the way, how about these three?" Su Mo laughed, and quickly changed the subject.It's not that he can't beat Tian Dazhuang, but that he respects veterans.

"It's okay, let's do the logistics, I'll take this with me." The last point was Bai Xiaofei.

"Can't these two work?" Su Mo asked.

"That's right, it's not good for them. What they need is work." The old cat explained in front of the three people, without any shyness.

"What about this one?" Su Mo carefully looked at this young man.

"This kid is still a bit aggressive." The old cat said.

"My name is Bai Xiaofei." Bai Xiaofei is different from Fu Jiafeng, at least he can hear others praise him.

"Do you know what we do?" Su Mo asked the three of them.

The two shook their heads, and the last one named Bai Xiaofei hesitated and asked: "Could it be delivery food, but your people look too fierce, I guess business is not easy."

"We can also deliver takeaways." The slightly older thief said immediately.

"I can do whatever I want, let's take a step and see." It doesn't matter if he hurt someone with a knife, and he looks a little disheartened.

"We are a game company. Everyone here plays games. I wonder if you have heard of it?" Su Mo gestured for them to sit down. Since the old cat said that there is no problem, he will decide on the few people he introduced by Yu Lang. stayed.

"New world?" asked the student with the knife.

"Yes, it seems easier to understand it by selling game currency inside," Su Mo said.

In fact, the main income of the Scarlet Battle Banner is not playing game currency to sell money. They really don't make much money. Even if normal people farm low-level monsters, if consumption is removed, their income is only about [-] yuan a day.

"I'll join. It's best not to deal with people." The student who injured someone with a knife seemed really disheartened by this society.

"What about you?" Su Mo asked the thief.

"How do you calculate the income? After all, I have to support my family." This person is probably in his 30s, and his thinking is relatively mature, and his consideration is to make money.

"Basic salary plus commission, but the basic salary is not much." Su Mo did not despise him, life is a very heavy thing, this person is not very fond of money, he may just want to make his wife and children live more comfortably.

"Okay, I'll do it too." No matter how much you pay, it's better than finding work outside and making your wife and daughter look down.

"Then what about me?" Bai Xiaofei tried his best to brush up his presence.

"You are under his control. Whatever he asks you to do, you do." Su Mo motioned to the old cat who had been standing beside him without speaking.

The old cat said just now that if he took Bai Xiaofei with him, Su Mo would not have any further arrangements.

"Don't let me do bad things, I was deceived too badly, and I offended many people outside, you can't cover it." Bai Xiaofei glanced at the old cat, thinking that he should follow Su Mo Be more on the safe side.

(End of this chapter)

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