Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 496 What profession is the most popular

Chapter 496 What profession is the most popular
Can it be covered?
Su Mo and Lao Mao smiled at each other, and the former asked, "Didn't Yu Lang tell you what we do before he asked you to come?"

"No," Bai Xiaofei shook his head: "But I see that there are quite a few of you, so you shouldn't be afraid of them."

"Actually, I'm quite scared." Su Mo smiled.

However, Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up, and if he could say in such a disdainful tone that I'm really scared, it must be due to the huge gap in strength.

Su Mo went home after the interview.

He didn't know what happened to the base on the eve of the Spring Festival.

Bai Xiaofei took his thin small backpack, followed the man with half of his face burned into the warehouse, and left the base office, he was separated from the other two.

Anyway, we are not all the way. We took the bus for more than an hour and walked [-] kilometers on the way, but we didn't chat about any friendship.

"Brother, what's the matter with your face?" Bai Xiaofei asked the person who brought him while looking around.

People simply ignored him.

"Brother, are your vocal cords burned?" He asked on purpose, and when he brought them to the bald man, he even called Brother Mao.

Still ignore him.

"How many people do we have here?"

Still ignored, Bai Xiaofei simply didn't ask.

After entering the warehouse, which is where he works, Bai Xiaofei was shocked to find that this game studio is too big.

There are hundreds of machines alone, and many of them have red lights flashing, indicating that someone inside is already on the machine.

There are also some people who haven't had time to get on the plane, or who have just got off the plane. They are basically the same type as the people on the playground outside, tough and disabled.

Bai Xiaofei is not a fool, he quickly guessed the identity of this kind of person.

There are no more than two types of people like this, one is messy, and the other is messy.

It is impossible for the former to appear so many at once, and the latter is actually unlikely, but it is infinitely more likely than the former.

A bunch of soldiers, I'm a criminal...

Bai Xiaofei immediately felt cold, like a rabbit in a wolf's den.Fortunately, there are other people in the warehouse who are in charge of reception, and the half-faced man who can make people feel suffocating finally left.

"My name is Shenmao, which captain do you follow?" A younger-looking Bai Xiaofei who came to receive him said,
"A person called Brother Cat, what do I call you, Brother Cat too?" Bai Xiaofei felt amazing.

This place is full of murderous spirits, but there are two cats. The one in front of me is not bad, but the one before is absolutely fierce. The two cats are not cute at all. I, Bai Xiaofei, are cuter than you.

"You don't need to call me Brother Cat. There is only one Brother Cat here. I'm in charge of debugging the machine for you. Brother Cat's people are arranged in No. [-] warehouse." Shenmao smiled gently.

He is considered a technical nerd, and all the machines in the base are maintained and debugged by him.

"You are all veterans, have you ever fought?" Bai Xiaofei asked curiously.

"You... I guess you are not, how did you get in?" Shenmao didn't mind chatting with this newcomer.

"I was introduced by the boss's friend. I made mistakes, and now I plan to reform and start over. You won't discriminate against me, right?" Bai Xiaofei asked tentatively.

"If the boss says you can do it, no one will discriminate against you. That's not popular here." Shenmao looked normal, and would not discriminate against Bai Xiaofei because of his mistakes. As for what mistakes Bai Xiaofei made, he didn't have that Curiosity, anyway, is not a heinous crime, such as bowing or something.

Killing people here is not a big deal, many people have been killed, the key depends on why.

"It's good not to discriminate." Bai Xiaofei felt his tense nerves start to relax, and he really didn't find anything unusual on the face of the god cat.

It's really different here.

No matter how nice the outsiders say, but as long as they hear that you have been in, no matter what the reason, an invisible wall will be erected immediately, and the separation will be chilling.

However, self-inflicted crimes can't be blamed on others' precautions.

"This machine will be yours from now on. If you have an account card, use this one. You can choose the profession you want after you enter... By the way, have you played games before?" Shenmao asked while debugging .

"I've played it, I've played it all day long, I've also played virtual games, I haven't had time to play the new world, but I often hear people say, I know what professions there are." Bai Xiaofei walked around the machine a few times, and he, who often hangs out in Internet cafes, was amazed I found that this machine is a little too good.

This studio is not easy!
"The guild has the most hunter and berserker professions. Try not to choose this one, but you can choose it if you like it." The Scarlet Battle Banner professions are very uneven, but Su Mo doesn't mean to force everyone to play any professions. Just say a few words before entering the game.

"I usually play the department or the treatment, which one is better for employment?" Bai Xiaofei asked.

In fact, he also plays the warrior department. He was a well-known dual-sword fighter in a game before he entered it, and he was very good at fighting and leveling.

Bai Xiaofei looked fearless on the surface, but in fact he was very apprehensive.

"Healing is the most scarce. If you choose Priest or Priest, there will probably be endless teams as long as you are online." God Cat's eyes lit up, and he said eagerly.

Now Judgment Sword has 600 people, and there are only a dozen healing professions, and there are several bishops in the dozen or so, which are small milks with little effect.

The priest is the mistress, the priest is the big tit, the most popular.

"Then I'll choose a priest. By the way, is there someone in the guild who will guide me to level up? I don't want to start all over by myself." Bai Xiaofei took a breath, the game hasn't started yet, he already has a feeling of being strongly needed .

From a very young age, he started messing around and didn't care about anything.

It wasn't until he was sentenced to prison and saw his family collapse on the spot on the day of the sentencing that he suddenly realized that it was a pity that everything could not be repeated.

After serving his sentence and being released from prison, the unforgiveness of his family, the estrangement of his friends, and the revenge of evil forces, he is like a shadow in a dark corner, disappearing anytime and anywhere.

For a week, no one contacted him, and no one took the initiative to say a word to him.

The loneliest thing he has ever done is grabbing a seat on the bus, and then giving it up to others halfway, just to hear a vague thank you from others.

"I have a newcomer here, and I plan to choose the priest profession. Brother Mao, is there a leveling team willing to take it with me?" Shenmao turned on the communicator on his ear and asked people in the guild. For docking, you need the guild channel permission, not everyone has it.

As soon as the words were finished, the god cat frowned immediately.

"What's the matter, no one wants to take it?" Bai Xiaofei was a little disappointed, seeing Brother Kitty's expression, it was obvious that things were not going so smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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