Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 497 Bai Xiaofei's Trouble

Chapter 497 Bai Xiaofei's Trouble
"It's not that no one is taking it, it's because there are too many people who want to take it. My communicator is a bit noisy. You can play the game first, and someone will arrange it for you." Shenmao has already adjusted the game equipment, and the game cabin slowly opened the lid , he motioned Bai Xiaofei to lie down directly.

There are almost no traces of previous use in the cabin, and it is much newer and more advanced than ordinary Internet cafes.

In the Internet cafe that Bai Xiaofei went to before, all the equipment was shiny, and there was an indescribable smell. Who knows what happened in the virtual warehouse.

"I think I should take a shower first, I'm a bit dirty." Bai Xiaofei licked his lips.

Will this device be his exclusive use in the future?

If it were in an Internet cafe, who would care how dirty his body is, now it has become a game device for his own use, Bai Xiaofei has to take a shower and change clothes.

"Go out and turn left. There is hot water in that hut, and there are unused toiletry sets outside. Just take a set and put it in a cabinet when you're done using it. Remember your cabin number and cabinet number." The cat is very accommodating. nodded and left.

Bai Xiaofei picked up the small bag and trotted over.

Go out and turn left, there is a bathroom, a toilet, and a storage room.

On the outside of the storage room, there are net bags containing personal toiletries, ranging from toothbrush and toothpaste to slippers and soap.

No one is guarding it, and it seems to be taken casually.

The quality of being a soldier is high, Bai Xiaofei admired, took a copy and hurried to take a bath.

He brought his own washed clothes, just in time for a change.

The other clothes are still in the place where I lived, and I will go to get them when I have time.

Bai Xiaofei took a shower and washed very seriously, as if he wanted to wash off all the dirt, wash himself clean, then put on clean clothes, and found a cabinet in the storage room.

The cabinets are divided into several layers, one for each person, and it looks like it was nailed out with new planks recently.

The color of the original wood, not painted or polished, but big enough and practical enough.

There is a number on it, and if the key is pulled out, it means that it is already occupied. Bai Xiaofei randomly picked a free one, put the things away quickly, then rushed back to lie down in his game cabin, and started playing games.

Everyone around him is playing this game, and he has played similar games before, so he got started very quickly.

The character was created quickly, and he quickly rose to level ten with some tasks in the Novice Village. According to Shenmao, he began to contact the ID of Shenmao.

Adding friends quickly passed, and then was pulled into the guild by the god cat.

Bai Xiaofei quickly found the guild panel, opened it and saw the guild called Scarlet Battle Banner, and there were indeed berserkers and hunters in the guild.

The highest level is called Iron Horse Binghe, whose identity is the president and whose occupation is a hunter.

Level 42?

Level 42!

Bai Xiaofei was familiar with various operations in the game while running missions in Novice Village. He also pulled out the level list. In my impression, level 42 should be a relatively high level.

Opened it again, and sure enough, I saw that Iron Horse Glacier was in the fourth place on the ranking list.

Let me go, the guild I entered seems to be very powerful, and the leader is actually the fourth in the ranking list. Bai Xiaofei, who has played several games before, of course knows what this means.

By the way, this game seems to have a guild influence leaderboard.


Damn, No.1!
Bai Xiaofei read it several times and confirmed again and again that No.1 is the Scarlet Battle Banner.

The blood of blood, the lust of lust, the war of war, the flag of the red flag, are not homonyms to catch heat, nor are they imitated in other forms, what is real is the bloody battle flag.

Guild influence number one!

Scarlet Battle Banner, 613 people, average online rate of 79% a week, president Iron Horse Binghe...

Comparing them one by one, Bai Xiaofei finally accepted the fact that he is a member of the No. [-] guild in the new world.

Of course, this number one is not worthy of the name, and influence has little to do with strength.

"You follow the seventh team, they have already made room for you, first go to the mailbox to get something, use the gold coins in it to take the bus, choose Urbi Castle Station, and someone will pick you up after getting off the bus." After the god cat explained, his The task is considered to be over.

Generally, newcomers are guided intensively, but today is an exception.

Scarlet Battle Banner has recently joined several groups of people, and the role of the novice guide of the magic cat has become perfect.

Bai Xiaofei was still immersed in the great shock of becoming a member of the first guild, he couldn't imagine that the pretender who knocked on the door with the door open had such a powerful influence.

Can't see it at all!
The Seventh Team is Luofengfengfeihua's team. This super anti-war and several mages led him to level up. He brushed hundreds of monsters at a time. When he went offline at night, Bai Xiaofei was almost at level [-].

He called home and said he had found a job.

As a result, the phone call was out of order, causing some trouble abruptly.

The family complained all kinds of things to Bai Xiaofei, but in fact they still cared very much in their hearts. Now that they heard that Bai Xiaofei found a job, it was a very serious one, so they couldn't help revealing the news during the phone calls during the Spring Festival.

Since Bai Xiaofei entered, he has become a talking point among relatives and friends.

Now that he has found a job, he has to be a good person from now on. The gossip index of this gossip is at least five stars, and it has been spread to hundreds of times, and somehow it has reached the ears of evil forces.

My own brother is inside, and I don't know if there is a chance to come out in this life. My elder brother and his elder brother were killed, the whole organization fell apart, and your culprit still wants to work hard.

Throw him!

In the early morning of the next day, this group of people inquired about the location, dispatched in full force, drove the Wuling Hongguang, and drove to the gate of the Scarlet Battle Banner's base.

Then Wuling Hongguangli began to spit people out.

Not only people, but also weapons, all baseball bats, iron, this thing is not a controlled item, and if it is seen, it can be said that it is planning to play baseball.

Dozens of people marched in with great vigor.

"It's not a good person!" said one of the two door guards—not the one who burned half his face, the Scarlet Battle Banner didn't have a dedicated door guard and was on duty.

"Block, or not?" another asked.

The tone was as flat as if they were talking about the weather, and there was no sense of urgency of the enemy's pressure.

"Why stop them? If they want to come in, let them in." The two gatekeepers turned and left. Of course, it is still necessary to inform the others.

There is no need to worry that everyone is in the game. It is still early in the morning, and everyone is running and exercising.

Run exercises, eat breakfast together, and then enter the game together.

"Bizai, they run really fast. Slowly, I will break their legs." The leading brother swung his baseball bat vigorously.

"Brother, are you sure it's here? Isn't this an abandoned warehouse? Why would someone set up a game company here? It's not that I don't believe you, brother, I'm just worried that our trip will be in vain."

(End of this chapter)

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