498 Forbidden Land
"The place is quite big, but there are no people."

After entering, the group of people found that there was a lot of space inside, and it was cleaned cleanly, but there was no one in sight.

"Could they all run away?"

"Seeing so many people coming and bringing guys with them, even a fool knows how to run."

"Listen to me. Let's park farther away. A few people come over and control the guards first, then go in and catch them all. Take Bai Xiaofei away and pour cement into the Pujiang River."

"Hey, there is a figure over there, it seems to have entered the warehouse."

"Could they all hide in the house, be like an ostrich? This is, come on, let's go in."

The light in the warehouse is not good, and there are glass windows on the ceiling, but they are not open, so it is dark inside, but there are twenty or thirty of them, there is really nothing to be afraid of, they are fearless.

Bang, the door behind him suddenly closed.

"No, it's an ambush!"

"Use the lighter quickly."

Before they could take out their lighters, the headlights in the warehouse lit up one by one.

Who is pretending to be more dazzling.

When their eyes adjusted to the light, the first thing they saw was not the folding beds and game equipment in the warehouse, but two rows of camouflage men standing upright in the middle aisle.

Is thirty a lot?
I used to think that there were quite a lot. It is already remarkable to have so many younger brothers in a harmonious society.

Now they know they were wrong.

There are at least two to three hundred people here.

What made them even more desperate was that almost all of these people were wounded or disabled.

Those who have been on the battlefield are not afraid of the muscle mass that came out of the gym, but they are even more afraid of this kind of wounded and disabled, because such people are not afraid of fighting, fighting to the death.

Moreover, they had an even more terrifying guess.

It is estimated that many people here have lives in their hands. Such people are very different from ordinary people, especially after the scale effect is formed, if the murderous intent has substance in the warehouse.

Thirty people's brains fell into a blank.

Although they say that brothers are of one mind all day long, they have never had the same state of mind as they do today.It wasn't until there was a bang that a kid dropped his baseball bat to the ground in fright, and finally broke the dead silence of the scene.

"I...we, went to the wrong place. We went to the gymnasium to play." After all, the leading brother had experienced a lot, and finally regained his language ability.

"Put down the baseball bats." Yun Fei had been pretending to turn his back to the group, and now he finally turned around.

"I...we really went to play baseball." Putting down the weapon wouldn't it be slaughtered by others.

"You...you...you..." Yunfei walked through the two queues, nodding his head as he walked, and stopped after 29 nods. He said seriously: "In order not to say that we bully the few with more, Now 29 have been selected, as many as you, and you have weapons, they don't, if you can beat them, you will be let go."

"Brother, we are really here to play." The face of the leading brother turned green.

"Don't be cowardly, don't you want to kill me?" Bai Xiaofei was at the end of the line, and now he poked his head out to sneer.

Today is really cool, this group of villains finally have today, I hope they will not leave a psychological shadow in the future, when they see any door, they suspect that there is a group of big men waiting for them behind.

"Stop joking..." The leader brother wanted to say something else.

But the 29 named big men in camouflage had already trotted towards them. They were all wearing short sleeves in winter, showing their sturdy muscles, and they were not easy to mess with.

Yunfei cheated.

Of the two or three hundred people here, quite a few of them don't have normal combat effectiveness, and he pointed out that all 29 of them are the most capable of fighting.

"Brother, it's all like this anyway, let's fight." The younger brothers began to clamor.

After all, the leader said that as long as they can beat these twenty or so people, everyone can leave safely.

"If anyone is injured, you don't have to eat breakfast today, and run [-] laps on the playground!" Yun Fei said loudly while stepping back.

The elder brother who took the lead watched Yunfei go away, feeling a little regretful.

If we had known earlier, we should have been more decisive. To capture the thief, we should first capture the king. If we catch the leader, we might be able to take him out as a hostage.

There are 29 people on both sides, almost one-on-one. The first to get started is a man with only six fingers, and he meets the bravest outsider.

Arm block!

The outsider thought to himself, I am an iron baseball bat, and you actually block it with your arm to see if I don't break your arm.

Just when the baseball bat was about to hit his arm, Six Fingers Broken King flipped his wrist, grabbed the stick in his hand, and pulled the man closer to his arms.

This poor child was hugged by the trash picker and hit him for a while, then passed out.

With a baseball bat in his hand, the Six-Finger Tattered King met another one, knocked with the stick, then hit his knee, and another one fell down.

"Report, the battle is over!"

"One minute and 16 seconds, whoever hasn't knocked people down, stand up." Yunfei asked.

Eleven big guys in camouflage stood out.

"5 minutes, [-] push-ups, start now."

Without saying anything or explaining, when I heard the order, I started to lie down on the ground and do push-ups.

Some of the outsiders who fell on the ground had fainted happily, while some were still sober and miserable, and the pain was unbearable.

They only realized now that they had hit the iron plate today.

It's a pity that it's too late to regret.

Now that their fate is no longer under their control, they started to call the police secretly.

It is necessary to ask the police uncle for help, otherwise it is uncertain whether the 29 of them can get out alive. They are already thinking about how to deal with the bodies after they were killed.

Dig deep?

Anyway, this place is very desolate, almost no one comes.

Still, the meat was boiled and fed to the dogs, and the bones were ground and fertilized. When I came in just now, I saw a vegetable field sorted out on the other side of the wall.

"What are you doing?" Eleven of them went to do push-ups, and the remaining eighteen didn't return to the team immediately, and took on the duty of monitoring. The mobile phones were found and snatched away as soon as they were taken out.

"Confiscate all their communication tools, and then go outside to work." Yun Fei waved his hand, announcing the fate of these people.

As a result, 29 free laborers were added to the construction of the base.

The kind that doesn't fit people's orders.

They seem to be deeply trapped in the region, in addition to labor reform, there is also mental torture.

Everyone has to face "chat", which is not called interrogation, because interrogation is illegal, and the content of the chat is nothing more than what bad things you have done before, what evidence is there to prove it, and whether you have concealed it.

Everyone has a notebook, repeatedly explaining that they wish they could make up their own stories—it's a pity that the temporary ones can't stand up to scrutiny.

These poor children spent the New Year's Eve and the New Year's Day here. It was not until the second day of the second day that the hard and tiring construction work was done and the toilet was cleaned by the way, before they were pulled away by a few late police cars.

For a total of three days, what greeted them after they came out was not relief.

29 perpetrators were caught all at once, involved in various crimes, and all the evidence was prepared. If they cannot be brought to justice, then there is a real problem.

As for Yunfei and the others, they basically didn't even have to go to the camp once they showed their discharge certificates.

Su Mo is not a temporary illegal organization. They have military-related approvals and belong to non-governmental non-profit organizations for re-employment of veterans.

Su Mo didn't know about it, and only heard about it later.

The impact of this incident, in addition to 29 people and related personnel, was wiped out, that is, this area, including the surrounding provinces and cities, everyone knows about this place.

This is a forbidden place for criminals, please, please don't come here just to die.

(End of this chapter)

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