Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 533 Old Fu Is A Good Man

Chapter 533 Old Fu Is A Good Man
A group of people were waiting for him eagerly, which made it even more difficult for Fu Jiafeng to say what he wanted to say.

Their Fashen Temple is really too poor.

If it wasn't for the Scarlet Battle Banner helping them every now and then, they would have been so poor that they couldn't get rid of it.

For example, for the missions on Anxiang Shuying, Su Mo would give them the missions and strategies, and let them take the clients to do the missions, and basically all the remuneration given by the clients fell into their hands.

Now, a huge sum of [-] gold coins was placed in front of them.

However, Fu Jiafeng felt a little hot.

"What's the matter, old Fu, why did he humiliate you with this expression?" Su Mo was so perceptive, of course he would not miss the expression on Fu Jiafeng's face, the child couldn't hide anything in his heart.

"Let's talk over there." Fu Jiafeng found a corner, leaving a group of friends looking at each other.

Su Mo took two big glasses of beer and followed him to the corner. This is the rhythm of whispering.

"Go ahead."

Su Mo, who had just died once, took a sip of wine without any psychological burden.

He doesn't mind dying in the game, playing [New World], anyone who doesn't die several times a week will be laughed at and dare not take risks.

"Su Laomo, I think it's wrong for us to deceive people." Fu Jiafeng said in a very tangled manner.

"Hey, old Fu, why didn't you think that it was wrong when you collected protection fees for elementary school students and snatched lollipops from kindergarten children." Su Mo almost spit out the wine.

Old Fu is so cute.

"Then...wasn't I too young and ignorant at that time? I'm an adult now." Fu Jiafeng was very embarrassed, wishing he could beat Su Mo to death with his stick.

It's true that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, he has already decided to forget those embarrassing things.

"You have really grown up." Su Mo sighed, his nature is not bad, but he was led astray by the young people in society, and after being corrected by him, he turned out to be a little gentleman with a full sense of morality.

"If it doesn't work, let's return the money and let's settle the matter." Fu Jiafeng said.

"Old Fu, you are so naive. That Pushui Bancheng killed me because I tricked him before, but now that we know that we have tricked him again, he probably won't want to kill me in the game. I guess it's real. Do you know what I hung up just now?" Su Mo himself felt lingering fear.

"Congchong said it's something called a vampire badge." Fu Jiafeng said.

The so-called gold equipment dropped by death that was handed over to Pushui Bancheng was prepared in advance, and the things that actually fell out had already been picked up and returned to Su Mo.

"My vampire badge, even if someone gives me 200 million real coins, I can't sell it." Su Mo sighed: "Who would have thought that I would drop such a good thing with such a high reputation? If it weren't for our acting , but was killed by other people from Pushui Bancheng, do you think they will return the things to me?" Su Mo asked.

Fu Jiafeng thought for a while, then shook his head.

200 million things, lost by the enemy, how can it be returned? The most likely thing is that the person who killed Su Mo directly corrupted him.

"What Pushui Bancheng wants is to find someone to kill me to vent my anger. Am I dead?" Su Mo continued to ask.


"It was you who killed it, right? According to the requirements of Pushui Bancheng, except for some manipulations of the lost equipment, what point did we not satisfy him?"

Although Fu Jiafeng vaguely felt that this was unreasonable, he could only nod his head.

"The half city of Pushui was angry, and we got the reward. Isn't this a happy ending?" Su Mo said with a sneer, "Does it have to let him keep troubling me, annoy me, and go straight to reality?" Are you satisfied with finishing him?"

Fu Jiafeng couldn't help but shivered, the scene was too miserable.

"So, you saved his life." This time it was really irrational.

"By the way, he asked me about your real identity and address, and he said he would give me [-] gold coins, but I refused." Fu Jiafeng hesitated for a while, but decided to tell Su Mo about it, so that he could have a mental idea Prepare.

"Mist grass, why didn't you agree." Su Mo was speechless.

"Am I the kind of person who betrays my younger brother?" Fu Jiafeng was furious.

"Little brother doesn't mind being betrayed. Uh... who the hell is your little brother? Are you itchy? If you have the ability, come to my place for dinner today." Su Mo was very helpless, and he didn't feel it when he played the game and taught the boy a lesson.

"That's not okay. The Internet Law stipulates that revealing the real identity of others without the permission of others shall be criminally liable." Fu Jiafeng's three views are very positive.

"I agree now." Su Mo looked forward to Pushui Bancheng's expression after leading a group of people into the abandoned warehouse.

In fact, he didn't know that someone had already done this before.

"That doesn't work either, it's a matter of principle." Fu Jiafeng wasn't worried about Su Mo, he was even more worried about Pushui Bancheng.

"Oh, what about fifty thousand gold coins." Su Mo was very regretful, he squinted at Fu Jiafeng: "Let's not earn this money for now, you won't want to pay back the reward you got for killing me before, right?"

"No, you're right. I killed his enemy as required, so I should take the money." Fu Jiafeng said confidently.

This poor child doesn't know that he has been brainwashed again, although what Su Mo said is very reasonable.

Back among the friends, Fu Jiafeng took out the harvest this time, and he threw a bag of gold coins on the table - the gold coins in the game are packed in the bag, which does not reflect the size at all, no matter how many gold coins are in it, they are all the same. pouch.

The little friend next to him looked at it and immediately exclaimed.

Sure enough, it was fifty thousand gold coins.

"According to the agreement, we will share equally with Old Demon Su, and Old Demon Su sacrificed a bit." Fu Jiafeng said.

His little friends nodded repeatedly, they were all principled kids.

"Forget it, keep all the money, I don't lack this money." Su Mo waved his hand, it was only [-] real coins.

It’s not that he really despises 10 yuan, the main reason is that he feels that this group of brats need money more than he does. In order to save some money for Internet fees, they either save from their rations or do odd jobs.

Playing games already delays study, but even going to do odd jobs, wouldn't it delay study even more?

As for saving from rations, these children are growing their bodies, so be careful if they are hungry and they will not grow taller in the future.

"No, we agreed to split equally, and you lost experience, we didn't lose anything." Fu Jiafeng insisted. He didn't want a dime at first, but was persuaded by Su Mo before he felt that it was worth the money. hot.

But if he gave them all, he would feel hot again.

"This is your life-saving money. What do we say about it?" Another big boss in the Fashen Temple, Song Zhibo, who is called the God Emperor of the Heavens, also firmly opposed it.

Su Mo was speechless when he paid for his life, and immediately slapped the table with a more determined tone: "Just treat it as a loan from me, as long as you don't play games and delay your studies, you will be worthy of me."

Then he said, "Are you looking down on me?"

These words were indeed very effective, and the teenagers finally stopped refusing, but secretly made up their minds that they must repay this favor twice in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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