Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 534 These Sand Sculpture Adventurers

Chapter 534 These Sand Sculpture Adventurers

After Su Mo tossed about things here, leaving behind a group of teenagers happily counting the money, he went to Count Dracula to hand in the task with [-] iron ingots.

Of course his backpack can't hold so many things, but fortunately he has a guild warehouse.

Count Dracula couldn't let Count Dracula know about this. Su Mo first set up a warehouse in a run-down noble territory near the vampire base, and then piled up all the iron ingots in it.

One hundred thousand iron ingots, almost filling the large warehouse, looks very fulfilling.

Then Su Mo went to the base to find Count Dracula and Baron Santos.

"Is Count Dracula not there? Or is he still in the Shadow Castle?" Su Mo was a little disappointed that he didn't see Count Dracula. He admired the helplessness of the old vampire who hated him deeply but couldn't kill him. expression.

"The Earl is out." Baron Santos smiled with difficulty.

Obviously, Count Dracula didn't want to meet this damn adventurer, so Baron Santos, the second in command of the organization, had to come forward.

In fact, there is also a Baron, but he was sent to the south to do things.

Moreover, Baron Santos also heard that Barry had a conflict with the Iron Horse Glacier Lord, and Count Dracula hoped that these two people would never meet.

"It's actually a pity that I can't see Count Dracula. There was only a little misunderstanding between me and him, but we have been getting along very happily." Su Mo said nonsense with his eyes open.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, let us forget everything before. What is the purpose of this visit?" Baron Santos asked.

"Didn't you give me three tasks? I've already completed one." Su Mo said.

"Finished?" Baron Santos couldn't believe it.

The three tasks they gave to Su Mo are not watery. The relationship between everyone has been so cold that it is good if there is no stumbling block.

"Iron mine mission." Su Mo said.

"Oh, so it's this one. Well, I'll be in charge of rewarding you." Santos couldn't suppress his surprise. He didn't expect Su Mo to get [-] iron ingots so quickly.

"What's the reward?" Su Mo asked.

"Ten masks of nothingness, a piece of dark gold equipment, and a skill book. Other experience and reputation are all assigned by the system master." Santos said.

The tone is very sincere, but the attitude is condescending.

These sand sculpture adventurers are so proud and awesome all day long, so they are doing their best for them.

Ten worthless masks of nothingness, a skill book that had accumulated dust in the warehouse, and a piece of dark gold equipment were exchanged for [-] iron ingots that were very important to them.

I don't know how much effort this Iron Horse Glacier has spent, and how many gold coins it has spent, to gather so many iron ingots in such a short period of time.

"Hehe," Su Mo chuckled, shook his head and said, "If that's the case, I'll wait two more months to hand over these iron ingots to you. Anyway, it doesn't make any difference if you give rewards earlier or later."

two months?
Santos was dumbfounded, why did this happen.

If they had gotten these iron ingots two months earlier, the armor could have been made earlier, which was crucial to their major event.

"The task rewards are all fixed, and it's not easy for me to change them. Do you think it's okay? I'll stick ten more nihility masks for you." Santos put on a heartbroken expression.

Ten so-called masks of nothingness can be produced in a few minutes in his alchemy workshop.

"Five pieces of dark gold equipment, one hundred masks of nothingness, two skill books, plus [-] gold coins. If you want to get iron ingots now, you can follow the highest level of rewards in the system." Su Moshi opened his mouth.

Trying to fool him, I don't even know where the door is.

He had already asked Mel about it last time. The NPC gave adventurers task rewards, and the physical rewards made their own decisions. The experience and prestige were in accordance with the system regulations.

The medium level is the normal reward, and the low level is the lower standard reward for poor completion.

There is also the first class, that is, if the completion is particularly good, you can apply for a higher standard reward from the system, which is why different people have different rewards for the same task.

Of course, if someone does well, NPCs have no right to downgrade them.

"You, you..." Santos was choked up and seemed speechless. Just now, he felt complacently that the adventurers were sand sculptures, but he didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly.

"One hundred thousand iron ingots, if Mr. Santos buys them yourself, how long will it take and how much will it cost?" Su Mo asked.

Sand sculpture NPC, if you want to take advantage of our players, your IQ is not enough.

With the same currency system, some things can be found out with a little inquiring. Su Mo took out a piece of parchment, on which was the price of iron ingots in the towns over Langley Canyon.

One hundred thousand iron ingots would cost at least twenty to thirty thousand gold coins to buy.

"The most important thing is that the large iron ore transaction will obviously enter the field of vision of the Federal Law Enforcement Corps." Su Mo's voice was like a devil.

With so much iron, it is naturally impossible to buy it to make farm tools.

If the law enforcement team can't even detect this, then they will be called the three major secret organizations in the Eastern Continent in vain.

Santos's mind was buzzing. He looked at Su Mo and felt that he still underestimated this guy after all. No wonder Count Dracula didn't want to face it.

Now he also wants to quit the job.

It's a pity that what should be done must be done, otherwise there is no value for this group of people.

"I promise to give you the highest standard of rewards, but other conditions are not acceptable. You know, we are going to do big things and we need money everywhere. I can't give you [-] gold coins." Santos' forehead was already sweating.

Gold coins are a good thing, but it's a pity that there aren't many vampires.

Their gold coins are saved little by little, good steel should be used on the blade, not for these sand sculpture adventurers.

"That's 150 gold coins, five pieces of dark gold equipment, [-] void masks, and five skill books." Su Mo turned into a street vendor and began to bargain with NPCs.

"There are really no five pieces of dark gold equipment, at most two! There are not so many skill books, and I can only give you two." Although the low-level dark gold equipment is useless to him, the inventory is limited, and he will buy more in the future. If you want this guy to work hard, you have to save some money.

"Okay, okay, 150 gold coins, three pieces of dark gold, three skill books, that's it, [-] masks of nothingness, I have already met your request very well, if you continue to push back, see you in two months .” Su Mo has figured out the psychological bottom line of the NPC.

[-] gold coins is acceptable to the opponent, but the opponent doesn't care about the mask of nothingness, and the skill book doesn't mention it. Su Mo is quite satisfied with the three pieces of dark gold equipment.

Maybe the NPC thinks he has made a profit, but from Master Su's standpoint, how could he be someone who is willing to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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