The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 101 The King Will Protect Her Home

Chapter 101 The King Will Protect Her Home

Late at night, in the Prince Regent's Mansion, the candlelight was flickering, and the atmosphere was depressing.

"My lord, our people have searched inside and outside the capital, and no one has found any traces of people from Lingye Kingdom." Wuzong lowered his head and reported the situation to Jun Yu.

Shen Chuannan was beside him, with a complicated expression on his face. The intelligence network of the Prince Regent's Mansion was the most powerful. In the past, there were basically no people they could not find.

Where did the people from Lingye Kingdom hide, and why did they seem to disappear out of thin air?

"The witchcraft in Lingye Kingdom is weird because they can not only use witchcraft to harm others, but also use witchcraft to protect themselves. After they arrived in the capital, they disappeared out of thin air and began to wonder whether they used witchcraft Hiding your own?" Yun Mo said in a solemn tone, standing aside.

"But why did the people from Lingye Kingdom come to the capital in person? If they really wanted to harm Princess Deyin, wouldn't it be enough to just recite the curse in their palace?" Shen Chuannan looked like he couldn't figure it out.

What on earth do the people who lead Ye Guo want to do?Why do you want to do something to an innocent child!

"The witchcraft in Lingye Kingdom has a limitation, that is, the closer you are to the person being cursed, the more effective the witchcraft will be." Jun Yu turned his back to them, and said slowly in an indifferent voice, "So this Wang suspects that they brought their 'Wu Ling' with them, as long as they find the Wu Ling, Yin'er may be saved."

"Wu Ling? Is it the 'victim' who is closely related to the fate of the cursed person?" Shen Chuannan asked in fear.

When Yun Mo heard this, he also thought of something, and he nodded quickly: "Yes, it is the 'Witch Spirit', as long as the distance between the witch spirit and the person being cursed is closer, the power of the witchcraft will be stronger. The lives of the two people who are involved with each other are tied together. The king was still curious about why they were carrying a thing, but now it seems that it is not a thing at all, but a 'witch spirit'! "

"Damn it, how could there be such an evil thing? That 'Wu Ling' is also a human being. If he doesn't eat or drink for a few days, he will definitely die. That Princess Deyin......" Shen Chuannan's voice was a little suffocated when he said this.

Princess Deyin is still a child, her 11th birthday has not yet passed, her father and queen mother just passed away not long ago, she herself has to bear all these pains now.

"Finally, I know why people in other countries are afraid of Lingye Kingdom. This is clearly a country of lunatics, but they didn't promise to stay away from war. Unless the emperor of another country promises, otherwise no one from Lingye Kingdom will step into the territory of other countries. Half a step? Why did they come to Chiyan Capital this time?" Shen Chuannan's elegant face showed a bit of mania and anger.

"Why? Probably Chi Yan's emperor has already promised them something." Jun Yu said expressionlessly, but the blood in his black eyes was terrifying.

"Ah Yu, do you mean that Jun Zhouchen is going to take the initiative against Deyin County?" Shen Chuannan gasped.

He talked about why the people from Ling Ye Kingdom were eyeing a little girl, and why Jun Zhouchen started attacking A Yu recklessly. It turned out that he had conspired with the people from Ling Ye Country, so he had nothing to fear!

What a cruel heart!

"Taking action against Yin'er is the second priority. Their goal must be this king, and Yin'er must have been implicated by this king." Jun Yu looked down at the little girl lying there quietly, his thin lips slightly pursed, his body breathless. The field is very depressing.

"So it's your emperor, so what are you waiting for, let's go into the palace and force him to hand over the people of Lingye Kingdom." Upon hearing this, Yunmo took the dagger and was about to rush into the palace.

"Wait a minute," Shen Chuannan quickly pulled him back, "Prince Yunmo, I know that you are kind, but it's not suitable to be impulsive now."

"Why? Little Douding can't delay now." Yun Mo hurriedly shouted at Shen Chuannan, his ice blue eyes were full of puzzlement.

"You may not understand that Jun Zhouchen is ruthless and will use any means to achieve his goals. If he knows that Princess Deyin was really succeeded in witchcraft by the people of Lingye Kingdom, I'm afraid he will try his best to threaten you. Yu, and won't hand over people from Lingye Kingdom." Shen Chuannan said solemnly.

"However, there is no way for us to wait like this." Yun Mo said discouragedly.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and he looked back at Jun Yu in shock: "I heard from my father that your emperor has always wanted to take back your military power. Could it be that he wants to use this to force you Hand over the military power?"

Seeing Jun Yu's cold face without any disturbance, Yun Mo also knew the answer.

He continued to ask: "Then would you like Xiaodouding to hand over your military power?"

"I don't want to." Jun Yu's black eyes finally had some waves, he turned his head, and looked at Yun Mo coldly.

"Hmph, this king knew it would be like this. The loss king thought you were a kind and righteous person, but when you encounter power, you must be ruthless and ungrateful. It is a lie to say that you want to save Xiaodouding. "

Yun Mo roared loudly, staring at Jun Yu extremely resentfully.

"Prince Yunmo, don't talk nonsense if you don't know anything!" Shen Chuannan's face darkened when he heard Yunmo's words.

"What does this king not know, that Jun Yu is greedy for power?"

"Greed for power? Do you know that it is easy for Ah Yu to obtain Chi Yan's country? But he never thought of becoming emperor. Now all countries, even your Western Regions, are eyeing Chi Yan. If the king Yu handed over the military power at this time, the morale of the army is unstable, the hearts of the people are broken, and Chi Yan's army is vulnerable. Are you forcing A Yu like this to make you fisherman in the Western Regions profit?" Shen Chuannan asked Yunmo bluntly.

"You, how can you think of this king so much, this king and father are not that kind of villains!"

Yun Mo was also anxious, but after thinking about it, he also felt that Shen Chuannan's words were reasonable, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

"Unexpectedly, your prince still has family and country feelings for Chi Yan, and cares about the life and death of Chi Yan's people..." Yun Mo whispered.

No wonder the father always looked emotional when he mentioned Chiyan Regent.

Anyone with such an opponent would be filled with emotion.

"This king can't delegate power yet. One reason is that Chi Yan's army must be stable, and another reason is that this king wants to protect Yin'er. Jun Zhouchen hates this king, hates the halberd king, if this king loses his military power, Jun Zhouchen will definitely destroy the Ji Palace, this king can't let Yin'er wake up, and even lose her home."

Jun Yu walked to the bed and gently helped the little girl cover the quilt.

Jiwang Mansion is the last place where the little girl misses her father and queen mother, and he must protect it.

(End of this chapter)

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