Chapter 102
The palace, the imperial study.

"Wei Wang, are you sure that Yuan Deyin has been under witchcraft?" Jun Zhouchen sat there, looking at the man wearing a black robe who was tightly wrapped up not far away with a pair of probing eyes.

The whole body of the other party was completely black, and the pair of eyes that were exposed were also dark and obscure, exuding a gloomy aura from time to time.

He is the king of Wei of Lingye Kingdom, Zuo Wei, and the fifth prince of the former emperor of Lingye Kingdom, with good witchcraft.

Zuo Wei has always been proud and arrogant. Hearing that Jun Zhouchen dared to speak to him in such a suspicious tone, his aura became even more sinister, and he snorted coldly: "Chen Huang, if you don't believe me, There is no need to cooperate with Ling Yeguo, after all, we are not asking you to cooperate. No one has ever dared to question my king's strength."

Hearing Zuo Wei's sarcasm, Jun Zhouchen's expression twisted for a moment.

Heh, I used three cities to invite you over to kill Yuan Deyin and Junyu, and I paid the price. Now you are talking to me in such a tone, as if I rushed to beg you Ling Ye The country helps.

Jun Zhouchen could not wait to let his hidden guards come out to teach Zuo Wei a lesson.

However, thinking that Zuo Wei is one of the best witchcraft in Ling Ye Kingdom, and he had to rely on him to kill Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin, he forcefully suppressed his anger.

Forget it, let's wait until he curses Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin to death...

In a few blinks, Jun Zhouchen suppressed his anger, and he spoke with a half-smile.

"King Wei, how can I distrust you? Since I chose to cooperate with you Lingye Kingdom, I naturally trust your witchcraft. However, this curse has been going on for a day and a night. I am just a curious Uncle Nine Emperors. Why there is no response, no large-scale search, no entering the palace to look for me, even today's court is calm, this is really too strange, after all, in the past, Yuan Deyin would be furious if there was a problem."

"That can only show that the Yuan Deyin you mentioned has no place in Jun Yu's heart." Zuo Wei said sinisterly, his sneer sounded like a crow crowing.

"Impossible, Uncle Nine Emperors broke up with me for a mere Yuan Deyin. Now that Yuan Deyin is unconscious, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent." Jun Zhouchen said very resolutely.

He had already ordered spies to guard around the Palace of the Regent, but he only saw a few secret guards coming in and out, and did not see any major movement in the Palace of the Regent.

Damn it, the guards at the Prince Regent's Mansion are really strict, otherwise, he would still let his dead soldiers go in to investigate.

"Since you said that he cares so much about Yuan Deyin, there is only one reason left, and that is that he is pretending. Heh, Jun Yu, it is really unusual, he can still hold his breath."

Zuo Wei laughed sinisterly again, but the tone was indescribably contemptuous, because in his opinion, no matter how Jun Yu disguised himself, he couldn't escape from his palm.

"King Wei, what do you mean?"

"Your Nine Emperor Uncle's city mansion is much deeper than yours. You must have expected that you have already conspired with Ling Yeguo. In order not to put yourself in a passive position, he can't sit still while waiting for you." Zuo Wei quietly Said.

Does he mean that he doesn't have the schemes of Nine Emperor Uncles?

Jun Zhouchen's face turned dark again in an instant, and he was enduring it.

Over there, Zuo Wei has signaled his men to carry something up.

The people of Lingye Kingdom threw a hard thing on the ground, and then untied the layers of white cloth.

"This..." Although Jun Zhouchen was prepared in his heart, when the white cloth was completely opened, his expression changed again.

Because what was wrapped in the white cloth was nothing but a young boy about seven or eight years old lying there lifelessly. What was strange was that his hair was white, his eyebrows were also pure white, and the skin on his body Penetratingly white.

There were shocking scars of various sizes on his body, his flesh was already rotting away, and there was a mandala blooming coquettishly on his arm.

"This is the most outstanding 'Wu Ling' cultivated by this king, and he is also my nephew. If he sacrificed his life for his life, it was Yuan Deyin who made the money." Zuo Wei said disdainfully.

Jun Zhouchen has also heard about the witchcraft in Lingye Kingdom, and knows what a "witch spirit" is.

It is said that the higher the level of the "witch spirit", the more painful the cursed person will be, and the uglier death will be in the end.

Now, no matter how calm Uncle Nine Emperors was, Yuan Deyin would surely die.

Jun Zhouchen's manic heart also calmed down a little.

"Wei Wang, Yuan Deyin, you have already started to cast a spell, that Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Jun Zhouchen opened his mouth tentatively. He wanted to ask when they would attack Uncle Jiuhuang. He couldn't wait to see Uncle Jiuhuang's embarrassing appearance after being slaughtered after he fell asleep.

"Well, Emperor Chen, you don't have to worry. The stronger the mental power, the less the influence of witchcraft on him. Jun Yu is so powerful, I naturally have to think about it." When Zuo Wei was talking, his eyes were like poisonous snakes. His eyes narrowed slightly, and a sinister aura exuded from his whole body.

Jun Yu is the person they fear the most, as long as Jun Yu falls, this stupid Jun you think he can live long?


They, Lingye Kingdom, have always only cooperated with subjugated countries.

Jun Zhouchen didn't notice Zuo Wei's calculating eyes. When he heard this, he thought that the other party had no way to deal with Jun Yu, so he began to fidget: "What do you mean, King Wei, you can't do anything about Jun Yu?" ?"

"What can't be done? How can there be people in this world who can't be helped by witchcraft?" Zuo Wei sneered contemptuously.

He raised his chin and looked down at Jun Yu quietly: "Of course I can deal with Jun Yu, but it will take some time and effort. Since Yuan Deyin is someone he cares about, then he has a weakness. After Yuan Deyin is cursed to death by witchcraft, this king will personally snatch her body and refine it into a 'Witch Spirit' that only targets Jun Yu. Can't stand it."

It turned out that Jun Zhouchen was relieved.

He laughed loudly: "King Wei, you have a solution. Everything has a dead spot. As long as Yuan Deyin dies, Uncle Nine Emperors will not be far away. Don't worry, King Wei, as long as you get rid of these two people If you are dead, I will definitely do what I promised you.”

"The Emperor Chen is waiting for good news from this king. That Yuan Deyin can't last for two days." Zuo Weiyin smiled, stood up, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Jun Zhouchen originally smiled and watched Zuo Wei leave, but when Zuo Wei's back was no longer visible, his smile disappeared instantly and his face became gloomy.

"Guiyi, let me keep an eye on them." He said coldly.

The dead man hiding in the dark immediately turned around and followed.

(End of this chapter)

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