Chapter 103 Yuan Deyin Will Die

After two days in a row, Yuan Deyin still hadn't woken up, and Wuxi and the others couldn't find Zuo Wei either.

Although Cang Ling tried his best to feed her with millet porridge, her little face was still haggard at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hua Sumo was beside her, and after feeling her pulse, his face was also very solemn.

"Ninth...Ninth Lord, the pulse of the county... the princess is getting weaker and weaker." He turned his head and whispered to Jun Yu.

The surrounding atmosphere began to become depressed again.

"The more serious problem now is that Su Mo can help Princess Deyin hang her body, but her 'spiritual body' probably can't hold it anymore." Shen Chuannan said in a complicated tone.

Jun Yu clenched his fists tightly, and the hostility on his body became more and more serious.

Shen Chuannan glanced back, knowing that he must be feeling uncomfortable, so he quickly comforted him: "Yu Shengxiao should be back soon, maybe he can find a way. Today in the court, Jun Zhouchen started to test you again, look The matter of coming to Princess Deyin really has nothing to do with him, he is waiting for you to compromise."

"Hmph, that imperial nephew of yours is really calculating." Yun Mo was beside him, gritted his teeth and muttered to Jun Yu.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly came from the door.

"The miracle doctor is back."

As soon as the words fell, Yusheng Xiao Fengchen who was holding the jade bone fan hurried back.

Behind him was an old woman in her 60s. She was leaning on a dark cane, her face was covered with wrinkles, and her eyes were covered by mist, giving off a chilly feeling.

"Jun Yu, this is Granny Zonglin, my master's uncle. She learned witchcraft from her master back then. Although she is not of the same school as Ling Yeguo's, her witchcraft is basically the same. I guess she will have There is a way to save Xiao Deyin." It was rare for Yu Shengxiao to stop joking, and he finished the sentence in one breath.

"You are Zong Lin's senior?" Jun Yu glanced at Zong Lin's mother-in-law more, and his tone was a little more shocked.

There have always been legends about Zong Lin's predecessor in the martial arts world, but she has disappeared for almost ten years, and she did not expect that she is actually Yu Shengxiao's master-in-law.

"Yeah." Zong Lin nodded expressionlessly, but when her eyes swept towards Jun Yu, the corners of her mouth still twitched: "You are the apprentice of Old Man Tianji, Jun Yu?"

"It's junior. Senior also knows this king's master?" Jun Yu nodded, his voice neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yes." Granny Zong Lin nodded coldly, she just didn't want to talk about Old Man Tianji.

"Then I beg Grandma Zong Lin to save Yin'er." Jun Yu begged solemnly.

Grandma Zong Lin then turned her eyes away, and she walked slowly to the bedside, and there was nothing under the large black robe.

Sitting down by the bed, she stretched out her dead branch-like hand, and then pulled Yuan Deyin's sleeve away.

The totem of the mandala on it is more colorful than before, as if it can be taken off the wrist at any time.

Grandma Zong Lin took out a black scimitar from her bosom, and the knife was covered with strange totems.

Without blinking her eyes, she directly plunged into Yuan Deyin's wrist.

Cang Ling almost screamed out when she saw this scene, but luckily she covered her mouth in time.

Shen Chuannan and the others watched from the side and also frowned.

But the strange thing is, the scimitar clearly pierced into the flesh of the wrist, but the little girl couldn't bleed a single drop of blood, and the mandala flower was actually moving.

Rao Ran, Yu Shengxiao who had seen many weird scenes, couldn't help but touch the goose bumps on his arms at this moment.

Grandma Zonglin opened her purple-black lips, and then bit her left finger. Blood dripped from her finger and flowed into Yuan Deyin's wound, and then the mandala totem gradually faded. Here comes the color.

With a "crush", Grandma Zong Lin pulled out the scimitar, and then stood up slowly, her misty eyes were gloomy.

"It's really vicious." She spoke slowly, her voice hoarse as if mixed with sand.

"Master, how is Xiao Deyin?" Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

Zong Lin turned his eyes, glanced at him faintly, and then said expressionlessly: "The old man of Lingye Kingdom has made a big deal this time, and the witch spirit connected to this girl's lifeline is not an ordinary witch spirit. Then Wu Ling can't be more than eight years old, he was born with evil spirits, and from the day he was born, the wizard will cast the most vicious curse on him, his parents hate his mother, he has no love around him, he can't live or die."

Yu Shengxiao clutched her heart, for a child less than eight years old, this level of cruelty is simply outrageous.

"So, Senior Zong Lin, the other party used such a powerful Wu Ling, they wanted to..." Shen Chuannan realized that something was wrong, and he couldn't help but ask.

"You saw this girl lying here quietly, but she is not. She is now in a nightmare with her witch spirit, suffering endless torture until she dies..." Granny Zong Lin slowly Open your mouth.

In a nightmare, suffering endless torment?

Jun Yu choked for breath, he slowly raised his eyes, and then asked, "What kind of nightmare is it?"

"Everyone has something they are afraid of, and this nightmare will make the sleeper experience the scenes of her fear constantly, and it is more cruel every time. If I remember correctly, this girl's parents died last month, right? She may be experiencing those scenes at this time."

Seeing that it was Jun Yu, Zong Lin's mother-in-law explained to him patiently.

But this explanation was clearly poking at Jun Yu's heart, making him tremble a little.

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan looked at each other with distressed eyes.

Xiao Deyin is just a child, why torture her like this.

They thought she was just lying here quietly, but they never thought that she was actually suffering so much torture.

"Senior, please save Yin'er." Jun Yu straightened his back, then knelt down on one knee, he slowly lowered his head, his voice trembling.

This scene scared Shen Chuannan and the others.

A Yu, he actually... did this to save Princess Deyin.

Grandma Zong Lin glanced down at Jun Yu, complex eyes flashed in her foggy eyes, but he was different from his ruthless master.

But in the end, all the emotions in her eyes faded away, leaving only indifference.

"If there are other witch spirits, the old body can still save her, but that is the most vicious witch spirit. His curse has already attached to this girl. Even if the old body takes this life, it cannot save her."

"Master, what if we can find that witch spirit?" Yu Shengxiao asked unwillingly.

"It's all in vain. As long as it is tied to the life of that kind of witch spirit, no one can do anything about it. Once the witch spirit dies, the cursed person's life should also die. This girl is suffering from nightmares now. Maybe, death is not good for her. It's not a bad thing." Sister Zong Lin said indifferently, as if the other party was not a human life in her eyes.

"Senior, is there really nothing you can do?" Yun Mo said in a depressed voice.

This was the first time he had met Xiao Douding, who tortured an interesting person. If he died, he might never meet such an interesting person again.

Grandma Zong Lin didn't even look at Yun Mo, but turned her head to look at the little girl lying on the bed, and spoke quietly.

"Yes, there is a kind of person in this world who is extremely powerful in spirit and open-minded in heart. He can overcome nightmares, and he can influence the resentment of witch spirits in nightmares... Forget it, I have lived for more than sixty years. I have never met such a person. This girl is sure to die."

(End of this chapter)

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