Chapter 104 Jun Zhouchen is here

As soon as Grandma Zong Lin's words came out, everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere was extremely suppressed.

At this moment, Wu Xi's voice suddenly came from the door: "My lord, is Su Shangshu Su Pei here?"

Su Pei?It's because of Su Nuanxi.

It was only at this time that Jun Yu remembered that Su Nuanxi was still in the dark cell of his regent's mansion.

If nothing happened to Yin'er, Jun Yu still wanted to settle accounts with Su Pei. After all, Su Nuanxi wanted to kill Yin'er.

But now he only wants to save Huoyin'er, and he has no mind to think about other things.

So he said indifferently: "Wuxi, beat people out to this king, life or death does not matter."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi quickly turned around and left.

But soon, he came back in a hurry: "My lord, Su Pei said that he knows about Ling Ye Kingdom and the emperor."

Wu Xi's words successfully made Jun Yu's indifferent black eyes a little turbulent.

He turned his head and said in a cold tone: "Take him to the hall."

Su Pei limped and moved to the hall. His face was covered with scars and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. The wounds were all caused by Wu Xi's beating, but he didn't dare to make a sound or protest, because he had checked He found out that his daughter was in Jun Yu's hands, and found out what his daughter was going to do to Princess Deyin.

If Jun Yu can let Xi'er go, even if he kills him to discourage him, he doesn't care.

Walking to the front hall, Su Pei immediately saw Lord Regent sitting on the main seat with an indifferent expression and an awe-inspiring aura.

He let out a breath, then knelt down: "Su Pei, the guilty minister, joins the regent."

He originally thought that Jun Yu would say "what's wrong with Mr. Su", so that he could plead for Xi'er a little bit.

But who knew, as soon as he finished speaking, Jun Yu stood up, drew his sword, and pierced his shoulder bone with a sword.

This strength will not let him die, it will only make him suffer from constant pain.

Blood covered half of Su Pei's shoulder.

He is just a civil servant, how could he bear this kind of pain, his body trembled.

"Su Pei, you openly slandered me in the court, and I don't bother to pay attention to you. You are just a clown. But you absolutely shouldn't, that is, you shouldn't raise a daughter and let Su Nuanxi hurt her. Son."

Jun Yu pulled out his sword, threw it aside, looked down at Su Pei condescendingly, and said cold words.

Su Pei covered his wound, and quickly kowtowed: "The minister is guilty, but the minister's adopted daughter does not teach. But Xi'er is pure in nature, but she was instigated by others, and she took a detour for a while. Ninth prince, it is the king of Liang. He wants to borrow Xi'er's hand." Kill Princess Deyin."

Two days ago, when Su Pei returned home and found that Su Nuanxi hadn't come back, he realized something was wrong, so he hurriedly called the maids in Su Nuanxi's yard to interrogate them one by one.

Only then did I know that Jun Zhouliang came to look for his daughter the day before and said something to her.

Moreover, the maid in the yard also said that she heard that their young lady and Caiyun were going to settle accounts with Yuan Deyin.

What else does Su Pei not understand!

It must be that Jun Zhouliang knew Xi'er's feelings for him, so he wanted to use Xi'er to kill Princess Deyin.

This trick is really cruel!

After waiting for a long time for Xi'er to come back, Su Pei knew that something must have been exposed for Xi'er.

He knew that if Jun Zhouliang was exposed, he would not be far from death, but in order to save his daughter, he decided to take a gamble.

"Ninth Prince, Prince Liang knew that my daughter was sincere to him, so he started to use her. He wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone. Ninth Prince, my daughter is just confused for a while, please give her a chance." Su Pei kept kowtow on the ground, forehead It also looks blood-stained.

But he didn't dare to stop, this was his last chance to save Xi'er.

"Su Shangshu, do you regret what you did in the court?" Shen Chuannan sneered from the side, "You know that Jun Zhouliang is a selfish and sinister villain, but you still help Jun Zhouliang for your own daughter. Talking gave Jun Zhouliang the confidence to plot against your Su family, and you are also to blame for your daughter's vicious deeds!"

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, the blood on Su Pei's face faded.

He fell to the ground in embarrassment, yes, he was also at fault, if it wasn't because he blatantly spoke for King Liang, how would the other party know that Xi'er would fly moths to the flame for him?
"Lord Nine, I know that nothing I can do can make up for the mistakes my little girl made, but I have something I want to tell to alleviate my sin." Su Pei continued to kowtow.

"About Ling Ye Kingdom?"

"That's right, after I knew the mistake my little girl made, I was confused for a while and wanted to go to the palace to ask the emperor to intercede, but I didn't see the emperor at that time, and I accidentally saw the emperor conspiring with people from Lingye Kingdom. Ninth Prince , Your Majesty, he used three cities as the price to make the people of Lingye Kingdom cast a curse on Princess Deyin, and they also want to curse you." Su Pei held his breath, and quickly said what he overheard that day Tell them all.

He was so confused.

What kind of emperor was he loyal to? He actually sold his land to deal with his uncle.

His Majesty's actions are worthy of the ancestors of the Jun family, worthy of the blood and sweat shed by the Ninth Prince and the Ji Prince on the battlefield, and worthy of Chi Yan's Liming people?

"Jun Zhouchen, is he crazy!" Shen Chuannan couldn't help cursing when he heard Su Pei's words.

He knew that Jun Zhouchen had no bottom line to deal with A Yu, but he didn't know that he was so bottomless that he was willing to sell the country!

Jun Yu also clenched his fists, exuding a pervasive aura all over his body.

"My lord, the people of Lingye Kingdom still want to curse you." Wu Xi looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

"It should be fine. The people of Lingye Kingdom have not attacked Jun Yu for so long, but chose to attack Xiao Deyin. Maybe it is because they are afraid of Jun Yu?" Yu Shengxiao tentatively retorted.

"I'll give you one more advice, protect that girl's body, otherwise, Jun Yu will be the next one to die."

Grandma Zong Lin suddenly came out from the darkness, and her pair of foggy eyes glanced at Jun Yu faintly.

"Senior, do you mean that the people of Lingye Kingdom may use Princess Deyin's... corpse to cast a curse on A Yu?"

Shen Chuannan reacted quickly, and he immediately understood what Grandma Zong Lin meant, but it was really difficult for him to say the word "corpse".

Princess it really hopeless?
Su Pei knelt there, although he didn't know many things that happened, but he probably understood what the old woman said, that is, Princess Deyin really must die.

"Lord Nine, I know where the people from Lingye Kingdom are hiding in the imperial palace. I will tell you where they are hiding, and beg you to let my little girl survive."

Su Pei kowtowed non-stop, wanting to use this condition in exchange for a glimmer of life.

He even dared to make a condition with Jun Yu, Yu Shengxiao listened beside him, and wanted to kick Su Pei.

Seeing that Jun Yu was indifferent, Su Pei kowtowed even harder: "Lord Nine, although I don't know what the curse of Ling Ye Kingdom is, but maybe if you find someone from Ling Ye Kingdom, they will have a way to save Princess Deyin ?”

"Lord Nine, I will tell you where they are hiding. Please let my little girl go." Su Pei continued to beg Jun Yu.

But Jun Yu suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth indifferently: "You don't need to tell me."

Su Pei raised his head and looked at Jun Yu puzzled.

As a result, Jun Yu said coldly: "They have already arrived."

After his words fell, he walked in without a trace: "My lord, the emperor is here, and he has already arrived at the gate of the palace."

The emperor is here?

For some reason, Su Pei's hands and feet felt cold, and a sense of suffocation filled his heart.

Jun Yu didn't even look at Su Pei, and said indifferently: "Wu Xi, drag me down to this king."

"Your subordinate obeys." Wu Xi didn't listen to Su Pei's protest, directly knocked him out, and then dragged him down, leaving only a pool of blood.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, who offended you again?" Soon, Jun Zhouchen's voice came from the door, and then he stepped in, staring at the blood on the ground, and asked slowly Such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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